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WECC ISAS Meeting AGENDA. San Diego October 26 & 27, 2005. WECC ISAS Meeting. San Diego October 26, 2005. Major Topics. Approval items: Document Review Progress Business Practices. Arrangements – 0800. Telephones/Restrooms Lunch Other. Agenda. Additions to Agenda
WECCISAS MeetingAGENDA San Diego October 26 & 27, 2005
WECCISAS Meeting San Diego October 26, 2005
Major Topics • Approval items: • Document Review Progress • Business Practices
Arrangements – 0800 • Telephones/Restrooms • Lunch • Other
Agenda • Additions to Agenda • Approval of Agenda
Introductions - 0810 • New Voting Members:
Peter Jones for Bob Harshbarger / PSPL Thomas Watson for John Pespisa/ SCE Raymond Vojdani for Sue Holden/Baker/WAPA Anita Lee for Al Gulutzan/AESO Leonard Sunga for C. Moon/Sempra Introductions - 0810 Proxies
July 2005 Minutes - 0815 • Changes/Corrections • Motion to Approve
Review Action Items 0820 Schwermann
Past Action Items • Action item - CMOPS and ISAS to coordinate new WECC Document Format. WECC will post the new format for Due Process. After meeting with CMOPS the document will be posted. • Status - Conference call held and new format is posted for comment. Includes a new numbering format for WECC Documents • Action item - Each Subcommittee will develop a 5 year Strategic Plan and submit to WECC Staff by May 1, 2005. Answer “Where do we want to be in 2011?” • Status – ISAS Chair gave draft strategic Plan to OC Chair. OC Chair is reviewing.
Past Action Items • Action item - The OC directed ISAS to develop a business case for a process to determine compliance with existing business practices. Status – Complete – I gave the proposed recommendation – Rewrite BP’s in Standard Language – to the OC • Action item - ATF to take a snap shot in July of data between May and June if there are more errors. Passive approval of curtailments can also be checked and tallied. Status – ATF WG to report at this meeting
Past Action Items • Action item - Recommend the Joint Guidance form a Task Force of all NAESB-WECC participants to coordinate with WECC participation in NAESB and develop positions from WECC perspective. Bob Schwermann to present to Joint Guidance. ISAS Chair to develop some comments on NAESB representation. • Status – This issue is discussed in Western Assessment Group forum. No further action needed by ISAS • Action item - Real Time Work Group and E-Tag Issues chairs to meet on mid-hour curtailments and mid-hour curtailment requests by PSE’s • Status –
Past Action Items • Action item – Create an ISAS/MIC taskforce to establish 2007and beyond methodology to establish preschedule Calendar. Preschedule TF to develop testing plan and methodology • Status – OC and MIC want studies to be performed. TF has been formed and report to be given at this meeting • Action item – ISAS chair to write Spec changes letter to NERC IS and NAESB ESS • Status – Letter written and report by Bill Blevins/NERC to be presented at this meeting
Past Action Items • Action item – Common Practices Task Force will gather and report on WECC common practices to look for commonality and possible improvements to tagging. TF to report at October ISAS meeting • Status – Report to be given at this meeting • Action item – ATFWG to discuss authoring ATF class for WECC • Status – OC recommends to wait on this class until WIT is implemented
Past Action Items • Action item – Concern that mid-hour curtailments of all tags to zero during a facility outage is not necessarily the best procedure for the Interconnection. Synopsis of problem needs to be written and forwarded to CMOPS. • Status – CMOPS met on August 10, 2005 and had a significant discussion of this issue paper. It was a CMOPS decision that whenever a transmission path is lost the schedules and associated E-tags must be curtailed. It is a violation of MORC policy to schedule across an open transmission path. Even, within hour system events need be mitigated by curtailing schedules. No Further Action Required by ISAS.
Review ISAS Scope and 2005 Goals0825 Schwermann
ISAS RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE • 1. Improve coordination of Interchange Scheduling practices among parties within the Western Interconnection and with other Interconnections as required. • 2. Develop and/or enhance methods of efficiently exchanging accurate Interchange Scheduling information. • 3. Identify and recommend how to resolve noncompliance with existing Interchange Scheduling standards, policies, business practices, and guidelines. • 4. Identify and recommend how to resolve differences in interpretation of existing Interchange Scheduling standards, policies, business practices, and guidelines.
ISAS RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCOPE • 5. Maintain liaisons with all pertinent NERC, WECC, and NAESB Committees and Subcommittees. • 6. Monitor regulatory and industry changes. Assess, develop, and modify WECC Interchange Scheduling practices as required by those changes.
2005 ISAS GOALS Approved by the OC on March 4, 2005
2005 WECC OC – ISAS Goals • GOAL: Develop a WECC-wide electronic scheduling process. Continue development of WECC Interchange Tool and work towards implementation of Module 1 in 2005 within WECC budget guidelines • Status: Received OC and BOD approval, working to develop and Issue RFP • GOAL: Ensure completion of Inadvertant Interchange Accounting per NERC Policy 1 requirements • Status: Complete through August
2005 WECC OC – ISAS Goals • GOAL: Provide WECC Staff assistance to keep WECC Training Material for Interchange Scheduling and ATF classes current • Status: Ongoing • GOAL: Monitor and participate in standards development, develop business practices to improve reliability in Western interconnection. • Status: Ongoing • GOAL: Complete Dynamic Scheduling Tagging business practices and/or procedures • Status: TF has completed recommendations. BP WG to create BP to be included in WIT implementation
2005 WECC OC – ISAS Goals • GOAL:Sponsor annual spring WECC Scheduler’s Meeting. • Status: Complete • GOAL:Complete Document review and create and complete “WECC ISAS Interchange Scheduling Documents” an inclusive document for all documents developed by WECC ISAS • Status: On going – TF has identified ISAS Documents. Effort has been elevated to WECC • GOAL:Complete Tag Templates for ALL WECC valid paths. Creating a WECC registry for POR/POD connectivity. • Status: Complete
Operating Committee, Joint Guidance & Board of Directors Meeting Report0830Schwermann
OC Report • OC/MIC Joint meeting on Reserve Issues • Reserve Issues Task Force (RITF) • Possible solution- establish Frequency Reserve level based on Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSC) • Operating Reserve Standard Task Force • Contingency Reserve = MSSC or 5% CA Load • Contingency Reserve Identification Task Force • Establishes Methodology for tracking reserves
OC Report • MajorItems Approved • West Wide System Model • WECC Interchange Tool • 2006 Preschedule Calendar (By both MIC and OC) • Delete BP #5 • CRITF Methodology • SMUD Footprint Expansion (COTP into SMUD CA)
Board of Directors Report • MajorItems Approved • West Wide System Model • WECC Interchange Tool • Delete BP #5 • SMUD Footprint Expansion (COTP into SMUD CA)
JGC Report • Joint Guidance Discussion • BP’s developed in standard language will need CMOPS approval and may have to be adopted into RMS agreement. • To process BP’s into standards will take a long time, maybe there is some other form of specific measurement and enforcement, such as a CEO letter, or other items that do not have monetary implications and would not need to be covered under the RMS criteria.
JGC Report • Joint Guidance Discussion • Standards/BP’s that are requested will go to Jlint Guidance (3 standing committee chairs) for approval and triage to appropriate entities • To Satisfy ANSI requirements • ISAS/CMOPS Document Review TF • The Numbering System and Document templates are being adopted for ALL of WECC Docs • Will be an effort to rewrite all WECC DOCS
NERC Interchange Subcommittee Report 0845 Don Lacen Public Service Company of New Mexico Bill Blevins North American Electric Reliability Council
Dynamic Transfer Catalog 0945 Don Lacen Public Service Company of New Mexico
MIC Liaison Report1000 Hamid Esfahani
MIC Liaison Report ISAS Meeting October 26-27, 2005
Expanding the Scopeof WECC to IncludeCommercial Issues / Practices
WECC Board of Directors MeetingJuly 28-29, 2005 The Board supported MIC to address both commercial issues and business practices The Board supported MIC to develop a proposed charter, scope, deliverables, budget, focus and Bylaws changes that would be needed. The Board requested that the MIC examine the effects of the Seams Steering Group-Western
MIC Task Force MeetingSeptember 7, 2005 ISSUE EXAMPLES: Contingency reserves Ancillary services markets Prescheduling calendar Congestion management methodologies Tagging issues including timing Flow based ATC methodologies Seam Issues such as CISO coordination of hour-ahead schedules with other WECC control areas. Economic issues around redispatch by RCs
MIC Task Force Meeting – cont’d ISSUES EXAMPLES – cont’d Energy ramping – feasible ramp Differences in non-firm curtailment NW and SW NAESB monitoring, interface, and presence OASIS business standards Resource adequacy – liaison on LRST Inadvertent interchange payback Standardized capacity product in the West On-peak period – include Sunday 7-22? Business issues with control areas such as settlements
MIC Task Force Meeting – cont’d Some examples of purely commercial issues MIC would avoid: Contract issues Definition of uncontrollable force Credit issues
MIC Meeting September 29-30, 2005 Standards – mandatory with compliance Business protocols and procedures, etc. Recommendations as industry subject matter expert
MIC MeetingSeptember 29-30, 2005 - cont’d GOVERNANCE: New definition of Commercial Practice and role of MIC in an expanded WECC scope All Standards to be considered for approval by the full WECC Board Other conforming changes to the Bylaws
Commercial Practices . Definition: The business standards, practices and guidelines applicable to electricity products and services that merit uniformity, the interface between commercial and reliability standards and practices, and the interface between electricity and natural gas standards and practices
SSG-WI Issues MIC Charter includes all seams issues MIC addresses Congestion Management in conjunction with the planning congestion studies Market Monitoring remains at SSG-WI
STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT Envision using a single standards development process for all WECC standards, including commercial standards. Standards development process should be ANSI approved. A triage function must be utilized to identify the primary group or creating a joint group to address issues.
Next MIC Meeting March 1-3, 2006
E-tagging Issues Work Group1040 Raymond Vojdani
E-Tagging Issues Work Group • Send Questions/Issues to: • Raymond Vojdani (avojdani@wapa.gov) (970) 461-7379 • Bob Schwermann (BSchwer@smud.org) • Paul Rice (paul@wecc.biz)
Joint MIC/ISAS Prescheduling Calendar Task Force1115 Crane/Ackerman
OC Motion for Preschedule TF • Motion and second to approve the 2006 Preschedule Calendar as shown in attachment #1 of the ISAS written report. ISAS in conjunction with MIC will make best efforts to provide meaningful testing during 2006 regarding Friday scheduling for weekends and Monday. • MOTION APPROVED
MIC Motion for Preschedule TF • MIC approves of the 2006 Preschedule Calendar as shown in Attachment #1 of the ISAS written report and the ISAS/MIC joint TF will provide testing in 2006 for Friday, weekend, and Monday scheduling prior to proposal of 2007 prescheduling calendar. • MOTION APPROVED