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INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HONORS SECTION Texas Tech University - Area of ISQS Fall, 2008. Professor: Francisco Delgadillo, Ph.D. Course Code: ISQS 3344 H01 Meeting place: BA 157 Meeting time: 3:30 to 4:50 pm Office: BA 504 Telephone: 742-2460
INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HONORS SECTION Texas Tech University - Area of ISQS Fall, 2008 Professor: Francisco Delgadillo, Ph.D. Course Code: ISQS 3344 H01 Meeting place: BA 157 Meeting time: 3:30 to 4:50 pm Office: BA 504 Telephone: 742-2460 Office Hours: MW 5:00 to 6:00 pm or by appointment E-mail: f.delgadillo@ttu.edu URL: http://fdelgadillo.ba.ttu.edu TEXT: Operations Management by Jay Heizer and Barry Render (8th Edition) COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to give students an opportunity to experience Production/Operations Management (POM) in situations that will mirror real life operational challenges. Students will also learn to utilize quantitative operations management tools in order to help build tactical POM skills. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will: 1. Understand the role of Production/Operations Management in business 2. Understand techniques in POM and know how the successful operations manager uses these techniques. 3. Know how to apply the quantitative techniques learned using information technology in order to make superior tactical decisions in POM. 4. Know how to present POM information interactively, show results to different inputs and different models, defend their results, and propose a tactical plan. GRADING POLICIES: Final grades will be determined as follows: Exam 1 = 20% Exam 2 = 20% Exam 3 = 20% Homework Assignments = 10% Presentations = 5% Final Exam = 25% Letter Grades will be based upon a percentage scale: 90 - 100% = A 80 - 89.9% = B 70 - 79.9% = C 60 - 69.9% = D Below - 59.9% = F
INTRODUCTION TO PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HONORS SECTION Texas Tech University - Area of ISQS Fall, 2008 ATTENDANCE: Required. ILLNESS AND DEATH NOTIFICATION: The Center of Campus Life is responsible for notifying the campus community of student illness, immediate family death and/or student death. It is the student’s responsibility for missed class assignments and/or course work during their absence. EXAMINATION POLICIES: All exams will beclosed book, closed notes, and the students are required to do their own work on the exams. Students absent on an exam day who have alegitimate excuse in accordance to school policy need to make arrangements with me before that exam. Failure to comply will result in a zero for that exam. Those students that comply will be given the opportunity to take a comprehensive make-up exam at the end of the semester. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT POLICIES: Homework assignments must be submitted on time to be eligible for 100% credit. Assignments will not be accepted if submitted after the deadline. ACADEMIC HONESTY: CHEATING (IN ANY FORM) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Students who cheat will be disciplined according to the University policy. You are expected to do your own work on the exams, and homework assignments. CIVILITY IN THE CLASSROOM: Students are expected to maintain a classroom environment that is conductive to learning. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Classroom accommodations will be made for students with disabilities, at the request of the student.
Topics for Intro. to Production/Operations Management(Tentative Schedule) Topics Dates Reference