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Task Force Digital Education

Explore the benefits of digital education for T.I.M.E. Association members, common tools, interests, ongoing funding opportunities, and next steps for advancing engineering education.

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Task Force Digital Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Task Force Digital Education Torsten FRANSSON Gwenaëlle GUILLERME

  2. Agenda • Chair person: Torsten FRANSSON • Presentation: Gwenaëlle Guillerme • What are the benefits for T.I.M.E. Members to consider Digital education? • Presentation of the common digital tools used within the T.I.M.E. Task Force (TF) Digital Education Members • Main interests and challenges for the T.I.M.E Members • Ongoing calls for funding • Next steps

  3. I – Key reasons/benefits for T.I.M.E. Association to consider digital education Innovate engineering education by making new educational formats possible; Remove barriers and provide more students with access to engineering education; Develop an expertise that can be promoted at the EU Level Impulse a pool of digital experts within the T.I.M.E. Association

  4. II- Common digital tools within T.I.M.E. Members

  5. III – Common interestsamong the Task Force Digital Education (1/2) The Learning Repository platform in which teachers can share “Learning resources internally (at one specific university) Exchanging E-learning courses between T.I.M.E. partners with ECTS validation. Develop micro masters and micro credentials (SEE Example Slide 10-12)

  6. III – Challenges & Opportunities (2/2)

  7. IV– Ongoing Calls

  8. V - Next steps ? Collect a list of places where each of the Task Force partners have their respective MOOCs and other more or less open digital learning material Collect a list of "preparatory online/digital courses” that the Task Force universities (also from other T.I.M.E Members) have. What kind of "sharing repository" do the partners have experience with (apart from the own LMS which not really is a "sharing place between teachers" but rather a place where individual teachers store their material) Call from the EU commission. Deadline April 10th Giovanni Azzone –Rector

  9. V - Next steps ? • 5. REAMOOC Capacity Building Project • - Would ULB (REAMOOC Coordinator) intend to launch a 2nd phase in this project, which call they might aim for and if the T.I.M.E. Task Force could be invited to participate • Has REAMOOC developed any online/digital courses? If so, can these be added to the T.I.M.E. "colleaction of material" mentioned earlier? • 6. Ask about a "Rapid Intervention Writing Team”. Who would be prepared to be "lined up" for something like this? Giovanni Azzone –Rector

  10. Two initial examples Does anyone have something more/else to share/discuss presently?

  11. An example from EIT InnoEnergy: In its infancy but still

  12. Example of Micro-credentials: Stackable Master in Energy Storage has been mentioned earlier. The purpose is to create a complete program as an example, not only to work out the theory behind such credentials. Partners whoi would be interested in (1) the ”Stackable” concept and (2) energy storage are still very welcome. It can of course be done in may other ways but this is a concrete example

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