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Task Force. Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond Brian R. Gullins. Richmond City Pregnancy Outcomes for 2007. Total Pregnancies ------- 6197 Live Births ----------------- 3312 (72.2%) Induced Terminations -- 2476 (54%)
Task Force Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond Brian R. Gullins
Richmond City Pregnancy Outcomes for 2007 • Total Pregnancies ------- 6197 • Live Births ----------------- 3312 (72.2%) • Induced Terminations -- 2476 (54%) • Fetal Deaths -------------- 409 (8.9%) • Non-Marital Births ------- 2104 (63.5%) Source: VDH Center for Vital Records and Health Statistics Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond
A Child Born in Richmond City Is very likely to be born to: • An unmarried mother • 20-24 years of age or older Where Are the Fathers? Source: VDH Center for Vital Records and Health Statistics Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond
Profile:Absent Fathers Richmond City • Lives within 3 to 5 miles from the mother and child 64% of Richmond residents own 1 car or less (2000 Census) GTRC does not provide transit services beyond Richmond City Poverty concentrated in 4 sections of city • Dropped out of school between 9th-10th grade 51% drop out rate 2005-2006 RPS 54% graduation rate 2006-2007 RPS • Reading comprehension level of 5th-6th grade45% of 100 RPS students tested are 2 to 4 grade levels behind Peter Paul Developmental Center administered the WISC IV & CTP 4 standardized achievement test Source: VDH Center for Vital Records and Health Statistics Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond
Profile:Absent Fathers Richmond City con’t. • Sexually active not practicing monogamy 95% sexually active before marriage (Community Foundation) Survey-Family planning is primary responsibility of female Survey-Better for couples to live together before marring (Rubicon Focus Group/Henrico County Jail) • Contact with criminal justice system resulting in a felony record Richmond City Jail 882 capacity with 1560 inmates 2006 Felony population increases spring-summer months each year Link between jobs & crime (National Bureau Economic Research) Source: VDH Center for Vital Records and Health Statistics Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond
ProfileAbsent Fathers Richmond City con’t. • At-Risk Childhood Raised in household at or beneath national poverty level of 25K 74% of the students in RPS are eligible for free and reduced lunch Poverty concentration: North Side, East End, 23222, and 23223 • Lacked fathers Emotional and Financial connection 2104 out of wedlock births Richmond City Absence of father’s affirmation impacts school “readiness” Lack of: athletics, camps, trips, vacations, tutorial, lessons (Morehouse Research Institute/ Fatherless in America) Source: VDH Center for Vital Records and Health Statistics Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond
Tipping Point Strategy • Moment when something reaches critical mass • Moment when something unique becomes common • “…ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do”-Malcom Gladwell • 3 Laws of Tipping Points • Law of the Few (social connectors) • The Stickiness Factor (memorable message) • The Power of Context (human behavior is sensitive and influenced by the environment)
Spider and Starfish Strategy • Concept of decentralization • Creating a “network of networks” • Task Force will be a collection of networks connected by city sector • Core Team serves as the catalyst helping to link and support each sector’s network through grants, resources, information and training.
Goals • Reduce non-marital birth by 25% in 2012 • Reduce male drop-out rate by 25% in 2012 • Increase the percent of children raised in 2 parent homes by 25% in 2012
Richmond City Health District Working Together for a Healthier Richmond Thank You