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Discover the importance of truth in life and how lies are used to undermine God's character. Uncover Satan's attacks against the Bible and learn how to wear the Belt of Truth. Join Grace Bible Church in making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Lies Against God’s Veracity Truth is that which is according to reality as determined by actual facts, not perceptions. There is a God who is true and He has communicated that truth to us in the Bible
The Importance of Truth Truth is paramount to life having meaning beyond the moment and beyond yourself Materialist squander relationships & the eternal for things what will burn. (Eccl. 2:18-19; Mt. 16:26) The Belt of Truth holds everything together and provides a place for the sword of the Spirit
The Devil’s Lies The devil is a liar and the father of lies. His lies are ultimately against the character & nature of God God is infinite with respect to time, space, knowledge, power and rule Atheistic philosophies purposely deny God’s existence despite the obvious evidence (Romans 1:18-32)
The Devil’s Lies Evolution is not scientific because it is not observable, testable or repeatable. Change ≠ evolution.
Change ≠ evolution
The Devil’s Lies All false religions are based on Satan’s lies against God’s nature and character The cults pay attention to the doctrine of demons (1 Tim. 4:11) and tickle the ears of people (2 Tim. 4:3-4) The cults usually deny either Jesus’ deity or humanity and always His sufficiency
Lies Against God’s Veracity We fall prey to Satan's lies against God because we project our own characteristics on Him Satan could not attack God’s existence, power or sovereignty to Eve, so he slandered God’s character Satan’s question in Genesis 3:1 was a suggestion that God was not wise.
Lies Against God’s Veracity Satan directly contradicted God in telling Eve she would not surely die (Genesis 3:4). Satan slanders God’s wisdom and goodness in saying that eating the fruit would make Eve like God
Satan's Attacks Against the Bible Satan attacks the Scriptures to keep people from coming to the truth & to hinder the Christian’s faith Lie # 1: The Scripture is the work of men and not of God Colossians 2:8 warns the believer about human pride & foolishness in philosophy & traditions.
Satan's Attacks Against the Bible Lie # 2: There are other revelations superior to the Bible (False religions & cults) Lie #3: Only a particular book / institution can properly interpret the Bible (Cults)
Satan's Attacks Against the Bible Lie #4: The “leading of the Spirit” is apart from / superior to the Bible The Spirit of God is always in harmony with the Word of God & never contradictory
Satan's Attacks Against the Bible “Higher criticism” (Source, form & redaction criticism) depreciate its divine origin and clarity claiming: Not written by the claimed Biblical authors Mark given priority over Matthew The authors were liars & we cannot know what is true
The Bible’s Claim The Bible either is or is not true & is to be rejected or accepted as truth The Bible claims to be God’s word - “God said” or an equivalent occurs 1,130 times in the Old Testament Jesus said “Thy Word is truth”(John 17:17). He quotes many books directly and cites all of it as Scripture.
The Bible’s Claim The Apostles reference most Old Testament books in their writings. The New Testament is presented as the word of the Lord - Hebrews 1:1-2; 2 Peter 3:1-2 Jesus claims to give direct revelation from God - John 14:10f; John 12:48-50
The Bible’s Claim The Apostles claim to be speaking God’s revelation (Galatians 1:11-12; Revelation 1:1; 2 Peter 3:1-2, 15-16 Paul claims “all scripture is inspired by God”(2 Timothy 3:16-17) Peter says “men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God”(2 Peter 1:19-21).
Bible Translations Satan attacks the Bible by skewing it or perverting it through poor translations and study editions Very good English translations include the KJV, NKJV, NAS and the ESV Some translations are bad because of poor language scholarship while others are purposely mistranslated
Bible Translations Paraphrases and loose translations interject much interpretation making them poor translations Dynamic Equivalence (NIV) produces Bibles easy to read but poor for serious study Poor translations mislead people about what God has actually revealed about Himself & His will
Bible Translations Claims that the KJV is the only true Word of God detracts from the Bible as being true The current KJV is a 1769 update of the 1611 “authorized version”. It used all Greek manuscripts available. The “Textus Receptus” was not compiled until 1633
Conclusions The translation you use should be: Accurate to the original languages Relatively easy for you to understand Footnotes to any textual questions are helpful so you can study the issues for yourself.
Conclusions Satan seeks to turn people away from God by lying about God's veracity and in particular about the Bible Are you wearing the Belt of Truth?
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ