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Why get massage therapy if you have posture and body alignment

Are you tired of fighting sore muscles and bad posture every day? If yes, you donu2019t have to worry because alignment massage therapy is here for you. You can restore your bodyu2019s natural alignment and balance with the help of alignment massage therapy. Alignment massage therapy has been trending because people have started noticing its amazing benefits.

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Why get massage therapy if you have posture and body alignment

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  1. Why get massage therapy if you have posture and body alignment

  2. Are you tired of fighting sore muscles and bad posture every day? If yes, you don’t have to worry because alignment massage therapy is here for you. You can restore your body’s natural alignment and balance with the help of alignment massage therapy. Alignment massage therapy has been trending because people have started noticing its amazing benefits. So many people have benefited from alignment massages when traditional treatments have failed them. When you choose this option, choose Attune well to getalignment massage therapy Brooklyn, where tension dissipates, and your body finds its harmonious alignment again.

  3. Proper body alignment People always tell each other to correct their posture for an important reason. All of your body parts remain aligned when you maintain good posture. You should be able to draw a straight line from your ear to your shoulder and from your shoulder to your hip if your body is properly positioned. You should also have a slight curvature in your lower back instead of an arch.

  4. Poor posture and its impact of your body A slumped figure, rounded shoulders, a head that pushes or tilts forward, a protruding belly, an arched back, and bent or locked-up knees are physical signs of poor posture. You might not even know you have it until you look in a full-length mirror and notice your bad posture.

  5. Symptoms and side effects of poor posture  Bad posture can often lead to arm, shoulder, lower back, and neck pain. Headaches, restricted range of motion, trouble breathing, joint compression, and muscle exhaustion can also happen. Furthermore, having constant fatigue and a stooped posture might have a negative psychological impact on your self-esteem.

  6. How massage therapy helps A massage therapist will start by evaluating how your body is positioned to identify any areas requiring attention (e.g., twisted knees or hips, a hunched back, or a protruding neck). Experts at Attune well use deep tissue, sports, and Swedish massage techniques to treat posture misalignment. Therapists at Attune well also teach you posture-correcting stretches and strategies you can use over time.

  7. Here are some benefits of massage therapy Muscles are relaxed Your muscles can relax and become more pliable with massage therapy. Therapists remove adhesions or knots using long strokes and hard, deep pressure. After that, lining up your body will become more easy for you.

  8. Joints are more flexible. Your joints can stiffen up over time and lock into incorrect postures. However, it can benefit from alignment massage therapy by becoming more flexible. For example, it could hurt to tuck your chin because your neck joints are so stiff from a stooped posture. However, alignment massage helps to release tension and allows you to realign everything.

  9. Pressure points are relieved. Excessive pressure can be placed on different portions of your body if you have poor posture. If you get massage therapy, everything becomes more flexible, and pressure is relieved at the pain sites. This includes areas like the knee or hip that are too locked up or too tight.

  10. Final thoughts Though some assume that massage therapy is obsolete, Attune well therapy proves otherwise. So, get in touch with Attune well to schedule an appointment with their massage therapists to learn more about the advantages of trigger point deep tissue massage. Source Credit: https://attunewell.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/why-get-massage-therapy-if-you-have-posture-and-body-alignment/


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