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Governance Providing Challenge. Another New Framework. Major Changes: No more satisfactory 2 strikes and you are out All criteria changed Very short notice No pre-inspection brief. Another New Framework. What stays the same? 4 Key areas Team sizes Expectation for self evaluation
Another New Framework • Major Changes: • No more satisfactory • 2 strikes and you are out • All criteria changed • Very short notice • No pre-inspection brief
Another New Framework What stays the same? • 4 Key areas • Team sizes • Expectation for self evaluation • All judgements heavily influenced by achievement.
Context • Last Inspections • SDP • RAISEonline • Internal Data • External Validation
Areas for Quality of Leadership and Management? Key leaders and managers, including those responsible for governance, consistently communicate high expectations and ambition. Self-evaluation is robust and the school’s actions have been carefully planned, are concerted and effective. Governors, or those in a similar position, systematically challenge senior leaders. As a result, the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement have improved, or previous good performance in these areas have been consolidated. The well thought out policies ensure that pupils make at least good progress in literacy. Teaching is good and/or improving strongly as a result of accurate monitoring, effective performance management and professional development, which are closely matched to the needs of the school and staff. www.kis-education-solutions.com
An approach for challenge and monitoring • 1] Identify a question • 2] Identify what evidence would be needed to answer the question • 3] Design a monitoring activity or request information • 4] Collect evidence • 5] Evaluate evidence • 6] Answer the question • 7] Indentify next step: • Update Self Evaluation • Confirm Judgements • Evaluate Impact of the school’s work • Identify further questions
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the school and how do you know? • Achievement • Teaching • Leadership • Behaviour and Safety
Key Data – Attainment/Progress • APS • 1c = 7 • 1b = 9 • 1a = 11 • 2c = 13 • 2b = 15 • 2a = 17 • 3c = 19 • 3b = 21 • 3a = 23 • 4c = 25 • 4b = 27 • 4a = 29 • 5c = 31 • 5b = 33 • 5a = 35 • 6c = 37 • In KS2 progress is 1 point per term, 3 points per year and 12 points across the key stage. • This does not work in the same way in KS1
Progress • What represents good progress in: • The EYFS • KS1 • KS2
Achievement of pupils at the school • The learning and progress of groups of pupils, particularly those who are disabled, those who have special educational needs, and those for whom the pupil premium provides support are good. www.kis-education-solutions.com
Achievement • How does the school compare to national for: • Attainment • Progress • Key Groups: • FSM • MEC • EAL • Boys • Girls • SEND
Achievement of pupils at the school • Taking account of their different starting points, the proportion of pupils making or exceeding expected progress compares favourably with national figures. www.kis-education-solutions.com
Achievement of pupils at the school Pupils read widely and often. They develop and apply a wide range of skills, in reading, writing, communication and mathematics www.kis-education-solutions.com
What are the main barriers to learning and what action has been taken to overcome them? How successful have the actions been? How has pupil premium been used and what has the impact been on improving outcomes for pupils? Can governors give examples of how they have impacted on outcomes for children?
What contribution does the governing body think it has made to improving provision, especially teaching, and outcomes for pupils? How do governors ensure that performance management is used to improve the quality of teaching in the school What are the procedures for safeguarding pupils and how have training needs been met?
To what extent is the governing body involved in the school’s processes for self-evaluation and improvement planning? Can governors give examples of how they have supported and challenged the school? How do governors monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school improvement plan?
Areas for Quality of Leadership and Management? The school’s curriculum provides well-organised and effective opportunities for learning for all groups of pupils, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs. It promotes positive behaviour and a good understanding of safety matters and provides a broad range of experiences that contribute well to the pupils’ achievement and to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The school works well with parents, including those who might find working with the school difficult, to achieve positive benefits for pupils. The school’s arrangements for safeguarding pupils meet statutory requirements. Governors ensure the efficient management of financial resources. This leads to the effective deployment of staff and resources. www.kis-education-solutions.com
Governor Roles Do governors have specific areas of responsibility and/or links with school classes/groups/subjects/departments? What is the impact of these links? How are governors involved in the life of the school?
How do governors consult parents/the local community? • Can governors give examples of when parental/community views have been sought and acted on? • How do governors ensure that financial resources are used efficiently to deploy staff and resources?
How are the training needs of governors identified and addressed? • What training have governors undertaken recently and what has been the impact of this training? • What are the strengths and areas for development of the governing body?
Quality of Teaching • Teaching in most subjects, including English and mathematics, is usually good, with examples of some outstanding teaching. As a result, most pupils......... make good progress and achieve well over time. • Teachers have high expectations. They plan and teach lessons that deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding and enable them to develop a range of skills across the curriculum. • Teachers listen to, carefully observe and skilfully question pupils during lessons in order to reshape tasks and explanations to improve learning. www.kis-education-solutions.com
Quality of Teaching • Teachers assess pupils’ learning and progress regularly and accurately. • They ensure that pupils know how well they have done and what they need to do to improve. • Reading, writing, communication and mathematics are taught effectively. • Teachers and other adults create a positive climate for learning in their lessons and pupils are interested and engaged. • Effective teaching strategies, including setting appropriate homework and appropriately targeted support and intervention are matched well to most pupils’ individual needs, including those most and least able, so that pupils learn well in lessons. www.kis-education-solutions.com
The Quality of Teaching as a school • Consistency • Books • Marking • Assessment • Environment • Planning • Use of adults • Task: What is expected at your school? • What are the areas for development? www.kis-education-solutions.com
What do you need to know about the other areas? • The behaviour and safety of pupils at the school • What do the children think about behaviour? • What do the parents/carers think? • What are the views of staff? • What will an inspection team see: • In the classroom • In the playground • Around the school • In assembly www.kis-education-solutions.com
What do you need to know about the other areas? • Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development • Where can this be evidenced? • Make a list of every opportunity to demonstrate SMSC www.kis-education-solutions.com