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EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION [UWB 10202]. Oral Presentation. Mdm Siti Aisyah binti Akiah Language Teacher Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Introduction. Can be anything from brief discussion to formal speeches or lectures Steps to conquer before making presentation:

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  1. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION[UWB 10202] Oral Presentation Mdm Siti Aisyah binti Akiah Language Teacher Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

  2. Introduction • Can be anything from brief discussion to formal speeches or lectures • Steps to conquer before making presentation: • know your aim/objectives • know your audience • prepare the content • deliver effectively

  3. What is your aim/objectives? • List and prioritize the top three goals that you want to accomplish • Don’t waste your audience’s time! • Plan carefully the flow of presentation according to the objectives

  4. Who is your audience? • Different audience different level of thinking different approach of presentation • Make them understand why is it important for them to listen to you • Make yourself comfortable with them • Be creative!

  5. What to present? (i) Collecting Information • Libraries, magazines, newspapers, journals • CD/DVD, the internet • Interview • Life experience

  6. What to present? (Con’t) (ii) MaterialAdjustment • Suit the charateristics of the audience • Within the content limitation • Within the time allocated • Vary the material • Able to keep the audience listening

  7. What to present? (Con’t) • Visual aids: • know yourtopic • use key phrases (include the most important imformation) • Avoidusingtoomuchslides • If possible, limit the number of slides • Consider the layout of the slide • Makeiteasy to follow • Put the titleat the top • Phrases shouldreadleft right and top  bottom

  8. What to present? (Con’t) • Avoidfancy fonts • Choose a font thatis simple and easy to read • Do not use more thantwodifferent fonts • Keep all fonts large enough (at least 18pt) • Use contrastingcolours for text and background • Be consistentwith the slide design template • Use animation and transitions sparingly * Slide show is only a visual aid, not the objective!

  9. What to present? (Con’t) (iii) Structuring the Presentation • Inform about yourpurpose • Inform the flow of presentation • Present the content • Summarise the main points • Highlightmain ideas

  10. What to present? (Con’t) • Arrange the presentation to the sequence: • Easier more difficult • Known  unknown • Logicalorder • Time sequence (chronologicalorder) • Language use: simple and comprehensible • Practice: • Rehearsing out loud • Listening to friends • Smiling

  11. How to deliver? (i) PhysicalAppearance • Do not overdress / over make-up / toocolourful • Upright position – do not slouch! • Body posture (ii) Use of Voice • Shouldbeloudenough, but do not shout! • Vary intonation – avoidmonotonous • Good pacing

  12. How to deliver? (Con’t ) (iii) Gestures • Hands/fingers movement • Head nodding • Move around (iv) Eye Contact • Can improve rapport with audience • Do not focus on certain group of people only!

  13. How to deliver? (Con’t ) • Symptoms of Nervousness • Dry mouth • Tight throat • Sweaty / cold / shaky hands • Nausea • Fast pulse • Shaky knees

  14. How to deliver? (Con’t ) • Delivery style is important as it conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and interestingly • Try to combine a certain degree of formality with good attributes of good conversation: • Directness • Spontaneity • Vocal & facial expression • Sense of communication

  15. How to deliver? (Con’t) • Ask yourself these questions before oral presentation: • Where should I stand? • How should I handle my notes? • Should I be strong and aggressive or low key? • When should I pause? • Where should I look? • What will I do if make mistake?

  16. How to deliver? (Con’t) • Method of Delivery • Reading verbally from the script • deliver word by word according to a meticulously prepared script • Reciting memorised text • Memorisethroughly the script • Speaking impromptu • Deliver with little or immediate preparation • Speaking extemporaneously • Carefully prepared and practice in advance • Use only a set of brief notes as a guideline

  17. How to deliver? (Con’t) • Basic principles: • Credible • Clear: language use and word choice • Accurate: content (precise and exact), pronunciation • Appropriate: content, material, appearance, volume, pitch, rate, pauses • Enthuasiastic: show your passion/interest in the topic

  18. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail..” (Harvey MacKey)

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