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Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS. V.M. Smirnov, Alexander G. Pavelyev , V.N. Marchuk, S.S. Matyugov, O.V. Yushkova, O.I. Yakovlev. Special Design Bureau IRE RAS. V.V. Abramov, Yu.F. Kvulinskiy. RADAR COMPLEX IN THE PROJECT “LUNA-GLOB“ :
Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS V.M. Smirnov, Alexander G. Pavelyev, V.N. Marchuk, S.S. Matyugov, O.V. Yushkova, O.I. Yakovlev Special Design Bureau IRE RAS V.V. Abramov, Yu.F. Kvulinskiy RADAR COMPLEX IN THE PROJECT “LUNA-GLOB“ : MONO- AND BISTATIC- RADIO LOCATION OF MOON
RADAR COMPLEXRLC-L RLC-L complex is developed in cooperation by Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Science and Special Design Bureau IRE RAS. PI:Vladimir M. Smirnov <vsmirnov@ire.rssi.ru> • Scientific goals of the experiment: • research of deep structure of the Moon ground; • detection and identifications of the large lunar subsurface structures; • estimation of dielectric permeability of a lunar ground; • localization of places with the increased conductivity; • research of large-scale roughnesses of lunar surface; • registration of the electromagnetic emission in circumlunar space. The work modes of RLC-L BISTATIC LOCATION ACTIVE MONOSTATIC LOCATION MEASURING THE INTENSITY OF COSMIC RADIATION
MAIN PUBLICATIONS APOLLO 17 Leonard J. Porcello, Rolando L. Jordan, Jerry S. Zelenka and other The Appolo Lunar Sounder Radar System. //Proceedings of the IEEE. 1974. V.62. N6. Armand N.A., V.A. Andrianov, Breus T.K., et al., Investigation of Fobos and Mars by radio location methods. Moscow: Fobos, Scientific and methodological aspects of investigation.. 1986. p.327. FOBOS-84 Armand N.A., Nielsen E., Axford W.I. et al. The long wavelength radar on the Mars 94 orbiter. Adv. Space Res. 1995. V.15(4). P.163. N.A. Armand, V.A. Andrianov, D.Ya. Stern Method for determining dielectric constant of the soil of the planet. Bulletin of the invention. - Patent number 002 272,1993. - № 40. - p.152V.A . Andrianov, O.V. Yushkova inverse problem in subsurface soil probing planets .Vestn. Mosk. Univ. - 1995. – S.15 - N 1. - P4 - 7. МARS-96 Giovanni Picardi, Jeffrey J.Plaut, et al. Radar sounding of the surface of Mars. // Science. 2005. V.310. P.1925. Seu R., Biccari D., Orosei, R. et al. SHARAD: The MRO 2005 shallow radar. //Planet Space Sci. 2004. №52. P.157 МARS-EXPRESS Armand N.A., Marchuk, V.N., Smirnov V.M. The radar and other sensing Phobos soil in the project "Phobos-Grunt." Radio engineering and electronics. 2003. V.48. № 10. S.1186. Yakovlev O.I., A.I. Efimov Bistatic reflection of radiowaves at 173.2 MHz from the Moon surface. Reports of RAS, 1967, 174(3), 583-585. Tyler G.L., V.R. Eslhleman, Fjeldbo G. et al., Bistatic radar detection of lunar scattering centers with Lunar-Orbiter 1. Science, 1967, 157, p. 193. Kaevitzer V.I., S.S.Matugov, A.G.Pavelyev, et al.: Power spectrum of decimetre radio waves reflected from the lunar surface obtained using radio signals of “Luna-19” satellites. Radio Engineering and Electronic Physic. 1974. V.19. No 5. P. 9-16. Armand N.A., A.G.Pavelyev, A.I.Kucherjavenkov, D.Ya. Stern: Analysis of possibilities of investigations of the Moon and planets using space radio sources. Journal of Communication Technology and Electronics. 1986. V.31. No 8. P. 1620-1626. MARS RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER FOBOS-SOIL LUNA-GLOB
ACTIVE MONOSTATIC LOCATION RADAR -20It is intended to characterize subsurface lunar ground to a depth of several kilometers Center frequency - 20 MHz, deviation - 5 MHz RADAR -200designed to investigate surface roughness and granularity distribution of electrical characteristics of the upper ground layersat depths ranging from a few to hundreds of meters Center frequency - 200 MHz, deviation - 50 MHz GEOMETRY OF THE PROBLEM SC MOON
BISTATIC LOCATION Performed with the assistance of terrestrial sourcesof radiation in the frequency range RADAR - 20 Benediktov Е.А., GetmancevG.G., Mit’akovN.А., Rapoport V.А., SazonovYu.А., Tarasov A.F. Investigation of the near Earth space. Moscow. Science Ed. Наука, 1965, p. 581. GEOMETRY OF THE PROBLEM Decametric wave transmitter SC EARTH Kilometric radiation source of the Earth MOON
MEASURING THE INTENSITY OF COSMIC RADIATION SUN SC Lunar VLF science: 0.1 to 10 MHz MOON Advantages *Between Earth’s ionospheric cutoff and heliosphere / Galactic free-free cutoff *Easy maintenance: ‘cheap’, high tolerance electronics, no moving parts *RFI Protected “volume” (ITU 22.22 22.25) *Blocked from earth auroral emission
Time delay between signals- - ground permittivity Formation scheme of of the reflected signal Reflected signal amplitude Spectrum of the signal reflected from the subsurface layer from a homogeneous ground from a layer of regolith MHz
Method of radar-gramm construction Propagation of radiosignal in inhomogeneous ground
RLC-L BLOCK-SCHEME BLOCK OF ELECTRONICS ANTENNA ANTENNA BLOCK OF ELECTRONICS RLC-L RADAR - 20 RADAR - 200 А T SLO CU PSU COUPLER DUPLEXER GC BTC R ADCBM MP CI А – Antenna; SLO –Signal source and Local Oscillator; T – transmitter; R – receiver; MP– Micro-Processor; PSU – Power Supply Unit; ACD, BM-Analog-Digital Converter and Buffer Memory; CU – Control Unit; CI – Communication Interface BTC - Board Time Code; GC - Guidance Control RADARBLOCK-SCHEME
Conclusions RADAR COMPLEXRLC-L shall fulfill the next tasks: 1. Monostatic radiolocation of the Moon ground (especially back side) up to depth about of seven hundred meters. 2. Bistatic radiolocation of the Moon by use of the Earth-based transmitter Sura up to depth about of one kilometer. 3. Investigation of the auroral radio emissions of the Earth, Jupiter and other planets by use of occultation technique. 4. Investigation of radio emission of Sun and space.