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The State of East Suffolk 2012. 242,000 population Population grown by 6.4% in last 10 years Population forecast to increase by 17% by 2035. 41,000 population increase expected to come in total from increase in 65+ age group.
The State of East Suffolk 2012
242,000 population Population grown by 6.4% in last 10 years Population forecast to increase by 17% by 2035
41,000 population increase expected to come in total from increase in 65+ age group
Main employment sectors : retail (11,300), health (10,100), manufacturing (9,600)
Employment increase by 6,500 jobs by 2031 Key growth sectors: finance and business services, transport, hotels and restaurants
75% of business are micro businesses Over 95% of businesses are SMEs
Felixstowe: largest UK container port 40% of the country’s cargo - £60bn imports and exports Current expansion to add £20bn and create 1,500 jobs
9 million tourists visit annually £500m to the local economy 11,000 people employed in the sector
Parts of Lowestoft with JSA claimants over 7% Rest of Lowestoft, Felixstowe & Beccles rates between 4-7% Suffolk Coastal overall low rates of unemployment – 1.5%
UK average GCSE results 58.2% Suffolk Coastal 58.5% Waveney 48.4%
Average house prices Suffolk Coastal £206k Waveney £138k Affordability an issue Housing condition an issue in some locations
80% of residents in the middle part of the area have 60 mins + travel times by public transport to NHS hospitals New transport infrastructure will enable growth and greater accessibility
Sizewell C New build – opportunity for provision of 4 villages' by-pass
Excellent natural environment: Suffolk Coasts and Heaths AONB, numerous SSSIs, Minsmere, gateway to the Broads National Park
79km coast and major river estuaries Supports economy, tourism, agriculture, ports & harbours Net loss of land to the sea - erosion affecting 54% of coastline
Suffolk Coastal relatively healthy – e.g. low levels of obesity, lower prevalence of smoking Waveney: life expectancy difference for men 9.6 years
Generally a safe place to live and work Reduction in many types of crime and reduction in ASB Some upward trends such as burglaries in Lowestoft
Troubled Families Focus on youth crime, school absenteeism and worklessness
East Suffolk Opportunities • Building on economic prosperity, growth sectors and infrastructure developments. • Ensuring people have the skills to meet employment opportunities. • Encouraging a growing, ageing population to live well. • Reducing disparities in health, housing, employment, education, crime between communities. • Reducing the impact of coastal erosion and flooding. • Sustainable activities, linked to the environment – food, tourism, green economy, community-focused activities