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Progress Report East Suffolk

Progress Report East Suffolk. July 31 st 2014. Linda Page Breastfeeding Co-ord i nator Ipswich Hospital. What has happened ?. Post of breastfeeding co-ordinator continued Hospital staff training for stage 2 assessment CQUIN audit of feeding choices

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Progress Report East Suffolk

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  1. Progress Report East Suffolk July 31st 2014 Linda Page Breastfeeding Co-ordinator Ipswich Hospital

  2. What has happened ? • Post of breastfeeding co-ordinator continued • Hospital staff training for stage 2 assessment • CQUIN audit of feeding choices • Breastfeeding liaison post since February • Users concerns taken to max - fax. • 4/5 BFI standards audited. • Breastfeeding Friendly Venues in Ipswich Borough.

  3. Breastfeeding Co-ordinator Role • Organising training / staff updates • Supporting mothers and staff with difficult breastfeeding challenges • Looking at re admissions for weight loss • Updating hospital displays • Policies / guidance to comply with BFI standards • Actions from audit results • Looking at developing practice. • Supporting BfN hospital peers

  4. Training for BFI stage 2 • All except 8 maternity & 18 NICU staff trained • Paediatricians / Obstetricians now get in induction • From October staff introduced to the new BFI standards • Previously trained staff in updates from September. • BFI will assess in January 2015

  5. CQUIN Audit • CQUIN to explore feeding choices. • Women mostly chose to breastfeed 73% of 178 women • Decided before pregnancy • 76% felt they had enough information to choose • Influenced by health, previous experience, going back to work • 42% met a BfN supporter 94% reported that made aware of where to access support after discharge. • Stopping because of common concerns not lack of support by staff.

  6. Breastfeeding Liaison Post • ECCGfunded post from Feb to reduce drop off • 30 hours to proactively contact after discharge • Audit showed those advised /signposted continued. • Future ? Under discussion hope to continue • Rates at 14 days have risen/ drop off fallen to 10% from 15%

  7. Tongue Tie & breastfeeding • Users unhappy about attitudes of department • Users told to formula feed • NHS access limited at WSH • Regional training for recognition proposed by Public Health England. • LP met with providers • Helped them to gain an understanding of why. • Audit of outcomes by the department • To meet with Mr Minocha • Not commissioned to explore other avenues to provide good services in Region.

  8. BFI Audit • Audit of 4/5 new BFI standards. • Staff met knowledge & skills for stage 2 • Care for NICU babies highlights some shortcomings. • Care for formula feeding mothers needs development but 84% had skin to skin & 72% for an hour or for as long as wished. • Breastfeeding mothers few shown how to hand express before discharge.

  9. Breastfeeding Friendly Venues • Teamed up with public health / environmental health • Links on the Health & Well Being website / hospital site • Disseminated to MW’s & HV’s & CC’s. • Help to overcome women’s concerns about BF in public • Premises promise to support women / provide a welcome.

  10. Future • Building on progress improve support through audit. • Achieve an equitable service for TT division in Suffolk • Ensure all staff have training /skills to support/manage feeding. • See breastfeeding becoming the norm in Suffolk

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