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Internship Workshop: How to Find and Apply for Internships in Germany

This workshop by Prof. Kit Belgum covers contacting providers, creating your own internship, defining interests, CV/resumé drafting, application letters, Germanic Studies scholarship application and resources like ICE, CDS, GACC, AIESEC, Bosch Foundation, Congress-Bundestag Internship, Steuben-Schurz Society. Learn to define interests, research, develop Lebenslauf, write application letters, and search for internships online. Includes sample letters and recommendations. Ideal for students seeking internships in Germany.

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Internship Workshop: How to Find and Apply for Internships in Germany

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  2. Internships in Germany - Topics: • Contacting internship providers (Type 1) • Creating your own internship (Type 2) 1. Defining your interests & researching 2. Drafting your cv, resumé, Lebenslauf 3. Composing cover/application letter • Applying for Germanic Studies scholarship

  3. Type 1: Internship providers • International Cooperative Education (ICE) • Carl-Duisberg-Society (CDS) • German-American Chamber (GACC) • AIESEC (through UT) • Bosch Foundation • Congress-Bundestag Internship • Steuben-Schurz-Society

  4. Type 2: Create an internship 1) Define your interests and begin search • identify at least 20-30 potential firms/agencies/offices • refer to contacts when possible 2) Develop Lebenslauf 3) Write application letter(s) 4) Send out a lot of inquiries (e-mail)

  5. Step 1: Define your interests • Prior experience • Language/computer skills • Other professional skills/expertise/major(s) • Avocations and hobbies • Future career interests five-minute activity: Brainstorm about your “ideal” internship

  6. Step 1: Internet Search • Ideas: www.praktika.de/praktikumsliste.html www.studserv.de/praktika • Examples: www.bmw-welt.com/ www.worldcoffee.de/html/jobs.html www.strandhotel-ruegen.de/ www.kallinich-media.de/113.html

  7. Step 2: Der Lebenslauf kurz (1-2 Seiten), faktisch, übersichtlich • Persönliche Daten • Schulausbilding/Studium • Arbeitserfahrung/Berufspraxis • Nebenberufliche Tätigkeiten • Sonstiges

  8. Step 2: Recommendations • Steuben-Schurz-Society: www.usa-interns.org/Resume Recommendations for US Applicants 2006.pdf • iAgora - iWork: www.iagora.com/iwork/resumes/cv_germany.html

  9. Step 2: Draft your Lebenslauf ten-minute activity: 1) create template 2) begin inserting your information

  10. Step 3: Application letter • Introduce yourself and your qualifications • State interest in internship • Explain your interest in company/agency • Mention dates you are available • Describe how you can be reached

  11. Step 3: Recommendations • Suggestions and sample letter (Deutsch) www.iagora.com/iwork/resumes/letter_germany.html www.iagora.com/iwork/resumes/letter_model_germany.html • Sample job letters (English) www.job-interview.net/coverlettersamples.htm

  12. Step 3: Draft a letter ten-minute activity: 1) create format: salutations/closings 2) draft your introduction 3) begin inserting specific information

  13. Van Dusen Scholarship Supports “participation in departmental activities and organizations, research projects, internships, study abroad” Application form: www.utexas.edu/depts/german/main.html Include confirmation of internship with your application!

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