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The Impact of Ads on Performance and Improving Perceived Performance

Explore the evolution of display advertising, challenges in ad monitoring, and innovative strategies for optimizing ad performance. Dive into ad handling libraries, client-side vs. server-side requests, and user-centered ad flows.

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The Impact of Ads on Performance and Improving Perceived Performance

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  1. The Impact of Ads on Performance and Improving Perceived Performance Julia Lee, Sr. Dir. of Engineering, Yahoo! Mail Yahoo!, Inc. October 2011

  2. Yahoo! Mail #1 in US 289MM unique users 1.9B pageviews/day Yahoo! Mail just went GA with new product 2x faster New ad implementation 13B ad impressions/day Fast facts My goal today • Tell you about our ads journey • Share some broad strategies to try

  3. Definitions Display Advertising – Not Search Advertising Ad creative – Markup, images, assets, JS/CSS to show the ad Ad decisioning time – Time to decide which ad to show the user Ad serving time – Time to download the ad assets over network Ad rendering time – Time to render the ad, including animation

  4. Timeline

  5. Text vs. Graphical Impact

  6. Overall latency breakdown 73% latency Due to ads 27% latency Application

  7. What changed? Display Advertising Landscape

  8. Ad Marketplace + Ecosystem (~2006) Demand (advertisers) Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Networks Ad Net Supply (publishers) Y! O&O Ad Server

  9. Ad Marketplace + Ecosystem (~2009) Demand (advertisers) Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Y! Network Ad Net Ad Net Ad Net Ad Net Ad Net Ad Networks Right Media DCLK Exchanges Y! O&O NPC Comcast eBay Supply (publishers) Ad Server

  10. It’s complicated Richer targeting: relevant is fast! Inventory forecast Pricing optimization Local Deals Coupons

  11. Ad call sequence Client Application Ad server Ad network Ad exchange Ad content hosting HTTP request Async ad call Server side Ad creative/tags Page content Ad request to ad network Ad creative/tags Ad request to 3rd party Ad creative/tags Client side Ad infinitum… Ad infinitum… Ad creative request Ad creative

  12. What next? Measure and monitor

  13. Monitoring ad positions Many different profiles/positions Campaigns change Latency transient What should alert threshold be? What triggered the alert?

  14. Vendor Ad Latency Monitoring X Axis: Vendors Y Axis: Avg P95 Time(in ms), sorted on Avg Median Time Time periods below are rolling windows (e.g. Year-to-Date = 2/24/09 through 2/23/10)

  15. Monitoring Challenges What is representative? Is it repeatable? What is actually slow? Decisioning? Serving? Network? Identifying ads == finding needle in a haystack Is this the right level of granularity? How to engage with a vendor?

  16. Global challenges Are ads locally decided? Are ads geo-targeted? What is the right user experience? Is the ad serving footprint global? Where is the bottleneck?

  17. Ad defensive strategies

  18. Sandbox ad content (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) in an IFrame Host IFrame on a cross-domain different from publisher Implement an API for richer functionality for use by publishers/vendors can use (rollovers, expanding) Use cross-domain messaging to communicate between application and ad Better security Better stability Faster performance Richer ad capabilities Allows metrics gathering More control Strategy #1: Ad handling library Benefits

  19. Strategy #2: Control server vs. client side ad requests Combine ad requests with other requests Leverage AJAX techniques Delay ad loading to avoid browser contention Strategy differs based on point in session User perception can vary with techniques

  20. Web1.0 Ad Flow Web Browser Application Server fetches application and ad content HTML processed Page rendered User may now interact with page • Application server fetches and inserts ad into main page • Synchronous/blocked loading • Direct DOM access • Cannot differentiate ad content from main content • Best perceived user experience for premium ads in prominent positions

  21. Web1.0/2.0 Client-side Ad Flow • Fetch ad after application has loaded • Fine grained ad-rotation in Web2.0/AJAX pages • Prioritizes user actions first • Requires extra roundtrip Web Browser Application Server fetches application content only HTML processed Page rendered User may now interact with page Client fetches and inserts ad content

  22. Web2.0 Ad Flow Web Browser • Client runtime ad strategy • AD content is simply data • AD content render occurs after initial page load/render • Prioritizes user actions first • Saves one roundtrip for client side ad fetch Application Server fetches application and ad content AD HTML transformed into data, emitted with page content Page HTML processed (ADs not rendered) Page rendered JS process AD DATA, and emits sandbox User may interact with page ADs rendered

  23. Strategy #3: Double buffering Requires ad handling library to hook into events Requires same ad position in same web2.0 “page view” to work Load first ad into iframe Load second ad into iframe underneath first iframe When second ad is loaded, destroy the first iframe Ad underneath gets shown, promote the second iframe z-index

  24. Strategy #4: Control client execution and ad rotation Think in terms of order of execution Complete all application rendering before fetching next ad Requires double buffering to mask browser execution

  25. Example – Message Read Flow Attempt #1 Mail Inbox *Old AD still visible until new one arrives Message Read Fetch Message Process Message Fetch AD Content Message Rendered Process AD Content AD Rendered

  26. Example – Message Read Flow Attempt #2 Mail Inbox *Old AD still visible until new one arrives Message Read Fetch Message Process Message Fetch AD Content Message Rendered Process AD Content AD Rendered

  27. Example – Message Read Flow Attempt #3 Mail Inbox *Old AD still visible until new one arrives Message Read Fetch Message Process Message Fetch AD Content Message Rendered Process AD Content AD Rendered

  28. Demo

  29. Summary Display advertising landscape is complex Measuring and monitoring ad performance is subtle Exercise defensive strategies to mitigate ad impact End user experience is qualitative

  30. Thank you! Questions?

  31. Appendix

  32. Web1.0 vs. Web2.0 Ad Impact With Ads With Ads 37% faster Without Ads 73% faster Without Ads

  33. Old ad flow No redirection Premium ads 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms 100 ms 2 ms Latency Total: ~464 ms 2 ms CDN Ad Server Application Server 50 ms 10 ms

  34. New ad flow • Multiple ad redirection • Highest bidder • Most relevance 300 ms 300 ms CDN 100 ms 50 ms 100 ms 100 ms 300 ms 300 ms 100 ms 300 ms Ad Exchange 2 2 ms 2 ms Ad Server Latency Total: ~2214 ms Application Server Ad Exchange 1 10 ms 150 ms

  35. Sandbox library resources • 2 ms or less of server time added to transform AD into DATA • Adds 2 client-side HTTP requests at most • 1 JavaScript file to build sandbox and receive calls from vendors • 1 HTML file for the sandbox • Typically makes 0 HTTP requests, as both JavaScript, and HTML files are cacheable • Typically less than 50 ms of run time, client side impact in browser, due to best practices in JavaScript

  36. AD HTML as DATA • Original AD HTML is transformed into new HTML • Is a “data-island” • Not executed / rendered by browser <SCRIPT type="text/plain" _pos="LREC" _en="ISO-8859-1"> <!-- Other meta-data attributes may be added --> "<IFRAME SRC=\"http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/N4912.153730.YAHOO.COM/B5177000.11; . . . \“ />” <!-- Original AD HTML above, JS safe string --> </SCRIPT>

  37. Metrics gathering • Ad library can be configured with a variety of “callback” functions DARLA_CONFIG = { /* . . . Other config options here . . . */ onStartPosRender: function() { /* Log the time of an AD starting render process */ }, onFinishPosRender: function() { /* Log when an AD has finished rendering */ } } • This level of detail was not available without library • Allows properties to decide what info is important

  38. Metrics gathering • Properties like Yahoo! Mail implement these callbacks to collect their own statistics • AD Request Time • AD Render Time • Other data relevant to rendering • Was JavaScript used • Were IFRAMEs used • Was the EAS used • etc • Or to track and report “bad” ADs • Such as an AD taking too long to be rendered • JavaScript Errors found in ADs

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