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Organization of SFM TC

Organization of SFM TC. Kim Luu August 2006. Primary Objectives. “The primary purposes of the Committee are to:

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Organization of SFM TC

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  1. Organization of SFM TC Kim Luu August 2006

  2. Primary Objectives “The primary purposes of the Committee are to: • Organize two conferences per year, the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and the AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. (Individuals from the Space Flight Mechanics Committee are selected to organize these conferences.) • Nominate deserving AAS members for professional awards – Subcommittee for Selection of Recipients of Dirk Brouwer Award • Administer other awards – Subcommittee for Administration of the John V. Breakwell Student Travel Award • Provide advice to the AAS Board of Directors.”

  3. Select hotel Negotiate hotel contract Submit AIAA sponsorship form Develop conference program Set menus for catered events Develop and maintain conference budget Set registration, special event fees Run conference registration and administration Act as primarily liaison to hotel Duties of the GC

  4. Select hotel Negotiate hotel contract Submit AIAA sponsorship form Develop conference program Set menus for catered events Develop and maintain conference budget Set registration fees Run conference registration and administration Act as primary liaison to hotel Obtain proposals for future sites Select hotel Negotiate hotel contract Submit AIAA sponsorship form Assist in developing program and menus, upon request by GC Run conference registration and administration Conference Administration Subcommittee Conference GC duties Subcommittee duties

  5. Technical Administration Subcommittee • Maintain web-based conference administration and registration systems • Train conference and session chairs in use of tools • Review and maintain paper formatting standards and guidelines • Coordinate paper review for proceedings submissions

  6. Expectations All TC members shall be a member of a subcommittee, except those who have served as an AAS technical or general chair at an AAS-led conference at least once in their current tenure. • Conference Administration: 12 members • Technical Administration: 8 members • Brouwer Award: 1 member • Breakwell Award: 3 members

  7. Immediate Actions • Determine membership in new subcommittees • Define responsibilities • Conference Administration • Define interaction with General Chair • Winter 2009 site selection • Update conference planning manual • Technical Administration • Define interaction with Technical Chair and Session Chairs • Familiarize with conference administration S/W • Develop paper templates

  8. Subcommittee Membership • Exemptions are past GC and TC at AAS-led conferences during current term • Akella, Bishop, Coffey, Eller, Howell, Luu, Schumacher, Seago, Segerman, Vadali • Brouwer Award • Vadali • Breakwell Award • Longman, Schaub, Schumacher

  9. Members for New Subcommittees • Conference Administration: Luu • Technical Administration: Coffey, Kelso • Carpenter, Chan, Coverstone, Crumpton, Farquhar, Gurfil, Hoots, Lovell, Pelletier, Sandfry, Scheeres, Trask, Woodburn + 5 new members

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