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Plan For the Future

Overview of the Planning Process. Where do we want to go?Where are we now?How do we get there from here?. Planning Input/Background. 48 interviews9 focus groups4 Department Chair2 Research Advisory Group3 Minority (2 faculty, 1 staff)154 completed questionnaires66 Faculty (67% return)25 Sta

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Plan For the Future

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Plan For the Future

    2. Overview of the Planning Process Where do we want to go? Where are we now? How do we get there from here?

    3. Planning Input/Background 48 interviews 9 focus groups 4 Department Chair 2 Research Advisory Group 3 Minority (2 faculty, 1 staff) 154 completed questionnaires 66 Faculty (67% return) 25 Staff (25% return) 21 Students (21% return) 39 Community (15% return) 3 Unclassified Previous plans, reports

    4. Planning Committee Robert Cartee Beatrice Hahn, M.D. Tim Heaven, D.D.S. Dean Robert Holmes Dean Harold Jones Ada Long, Ph.D. Dean Linda Lucas Sue McKinnon Martin Nowak Juanita Titrud Selwyn Vickers, M.D. Sherrod Williams

    5. UAB Planning Process Retreat: Jan. 6-9 President’s Cabinet: Jan. 13 Academic Programs Council: Jan. 15 Dept. of Medicine Division Directors: Jan. 24 Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Feb. 4 Faculty Senate: Feb. 11

    6. UAB Planning Process Town Hall Meetings Feb. 11, 3:30-5 p.m., Alys Stephens Center, Jemison Hall Feb. 18, noon-1:30 p.m., Hill University Center Auditorium Feb. 20, 7-8:30 a.m., Spain Auditorium Community meetings Business leaders Community leaders Web site: ongoing feedback

    7. Five Goals Undergraduate education Graduate and professional education Research and scholarship Service to community and state Community/financial support

    8. Where do we want to go? Where are we now? How do we get there from here?

    9. We would do Birmingham a great disservice if we dreamed too little dreams. -Dr. Joseph Volker

    10. Where do we want to go? Vision The nation’s leading metropolitan research university— a first choice for education and health care. or A nationally and internationally recognized research university— a first choice for education and health care.

    11. Where do we want to go? Where are we now? How do we get there from here?

    12. Where are we now? Mission UAB is (a metropolitan) (Alabama’s leading) research university and academic health center that discovers, transmits and applies knowledge for the intellectual, cultural, social and economic benefit of Birmingham, the state and beyond.

    13. Where are we now? Values SWOT analysis Refer to Web site

    14. Where do we want to go? Where are we now? How do we get there from here?

    15. Goal 1: Undergraduate Education We will achieve a highly effective undergraduate educational experience to give students the best possible preparation for productive and meaningful careers and lives that benefit society.

    16. Goal 1: Undergraduate Education Objectives: Offer exceptional curricula that are relevant, current and comprehensive. Ensure high-quality instruction, advising and student services. Expand opportunities for study abroad, learning communities, internships, service-learning, research and honors experiences.

    17. Goal 1: Undergraduate Education Objectives (cont.): Recruit well-prepared students. Maintain diverse enrollment. Improve retention and graduation rates. Increase merit scholarships funds.

    18. UAB Scorecard Undergraduate Education

    19. UAB Scorecard Undergraduate Education

    20. Goal 2: Graduate and Professional Education We will ensure that graduate and professional programs are exceptional in preparing students to lead, teach, conduct research, and provide professional services.

    21. Goal 2: Graduate and Professional Education Objectives: Ensure curricula of superior academic quality. Target programs that UAB can uniquely offer (e.g., M.D./Ph.D. program). Strengthen recruitment of students who are well-qualified, intellectually curious and diverse. Increase scholarship, fellowship and stipend levels.

    22. UAB Scorecard Graduate and Professional Education

    23. Goal 3: Research and Scholarship We will expand and improve UAB’s research and scholarship capability to acquire and disseminate new knowledge that benefits society and that further positions UAB as a nationally and internationally recognized research university.

    24. Goal 3: Research and Scholarship Objectives: Improve research productivity Improve infrastructure support services. Determine priorities for strategic investments in programs. Develop benchmarks for schools, departments and faculty.

    25. UAB Scorecard Research and Scholarship

    26. UAB Scorecard Research and Scholarship

    27. UAB Scorecard Research and Scholarship

    28. Goal 4: Service to Community and State We will enhance our value and reputation in the state by working effectively with partners to help advance community and state goals in education, health, quality of life and economic development.

    29. Goal 4: Service to Community and State Objectives: Educate and train productive citizens to live and work in Alabama. Ensure excellence in patient care. Work with partners to close the gap in health and economic disparities.

    30. UAB Scorecard Service to Community and State

    31. Goal 5: Community/Financial Support Aggressively pursue and secure community and financial support.

    32. Goal 5: Community/Financial Support Objectives: Enhance support for educational, research, athletic and cultural programs. Increase financial support. Increase alumni engagement. Increase appropriations and special support from government at all levels.

    33. UAB Scorecard Community/Financial Support

    34. Enabling Activities To enable UAB to achieve its mission and strategic goals we will…

    35. Enabling Activity: Work Environment Create a positive, supportive and diverse work environment in which faculty and staff can excel.

    36. Enabling Activity: Work Environment Objectives: Enhance faculty and staff professional development. Secure funds and develop incentives to ensure competitive wages. Institute rigorous evaluation systems that measure performance and link these to promotion and merit salary increases. Improve recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities.

    37. UAB Scorecard Work Environment

    38. Enabling Activity: Management Structure Develop an organizational and management structure that reflects institutional goals and that effectively plans, budgets, serves and evaluates to ensure that resources are efficiently and strategically directed.

    39. Enabling Activity: Management Structure Objectives to accomplish goal: Maintain an appropriate and dynamic balance between medical/non-medical, graduate/professional and undergraduate education, and teaching and research endeavors. Develop an integrated and transparent budgeting system that links revenues to productivity and quality and assigns cost according to use of resources.

    40. Enabling Activity: Management Structure Objectives to accomplish goal (continued): Create investment pools with decision-making policies and procedures that ensure optimal investments to support entrepreneurship. Coordinate university, school and program planning and evaluations. Improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of administrative services.

    41. Possible Peer Institutions Univ. of South Florida Univ. of Illinois – Chicago Univ. of Minnesota – Twin Cities Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Wayne State Univ. Univ. of Louisville Temple Univ. Univ. of Washington UCLA Univ. of Pittsburgh Univ. of Cincinnati Ohio State Univ. Univ. of Utah Univ. of California-San Francisco* Univ. of Texas SW Med. Center at Dallas* Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County**

    42. Plan For the Future

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