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Russian-French collaboration in the development of layered nanostructures for THz technology. G.N. Izma ï lov , O.A. Klimenko, Yu. A. Mityagin, V.N. Murzin. Outline of Presentation.
Russian-French collaboration in the development of layered nanostructures for THz technology G.N. Izmaïlov, O.A. Klimenko, Yu. A. Mityagin,V.N. Murzin
Outline of Presentation The results of joint work with the Charles Coulomb Laboratory of University of Montpellier 2, France were the topic of my report "Russian-French cooperation in the development of layered nanostructures for THz technology ". First of all, I need to explain the feasibility of works, then talk about the physics of some phenomena that served as the subject of research; mention those involved in the development; present the results of research; make conclusions
Terahertz range • Where is THz radiation applicable • THz radiation finds applications in astronomy in the analysis of the chemical composition of stars and planets, in biology and medicine, in security, where it is necessary to determine the chemical composition of the material at a distance, without destroying it. • A very popular application is the control of product quality. The fact is that the presence of microcracks and microcavity distorts the interference pattern, even if they are concealed in the depth of material. • Also is required the development of telecommunications in the next five to seven years to move to the transfer of information to Terahertz frequencies • In general, such a large set of different applications provokes the development of devices that are adapted precisely at Terahertz frequency range.
Terahertzrange Terahertz radiation from the Sun THz astronomy
Terahertz range Detection of Hazardous Substances Telecommunication MDMA Aspirin Methamphetamine Art history & restoration Production quality control n= 0.3 – 10THz = 10 – 333 sm-1l= 30µm–1mm
Двумерная электронная плазма 3D плазма: 2D плазма:
2-D electronic plasma 3D plasma: ε2 ε1 2D plasma: k
2-D electronic plasma 3D plasma: ε2 ε1 2D plasma: k ε2 d ε1 k
2-Delectronicplasma 3D plasma: ε2 ε1 2D plasma: k ε2 d 2D in a magnetic field: ε1 k
2D electron plasma in the channel of FET transistor Vg Gate Source Drain Channel Typical dimensions of the transistor: Distance drain-source ~ 1 micron Gate length = 0.1 m Beam shutter 10 - 100 microns Pad size ~ 100 microns The emission wavelength 100 - 1000 m S D S D S D
2D electron plasma in the channel of FET transistor Vg Gate Source Drain Канал Typical dimensions of the transistor: Distance drain-source ~ 1 micron Gate length = 0.1 m Beam shutter 10 - 100 microns Pad size ~ 100 microns The emission wavelength 100 - 1000 m S D S D S D
Dyakonov-Shur model Boundary conditions: (assymetry!!) M. Dyakonov and M. Shur,Phys. Rev. Lett.71, 2465 (1993) M. Dyakonov and M. Shur, IEEETrans. El. Dev.43,380 (1996)
Dyakonov-Shur model Nonresonant detection Conditions : И С or И С Resonant detection Conditions : И С M. Dyakonov and M. Shur,Phys. Rev. Lett.71, 2465 (1993) M. Dyakonov and M. Shur, IEEETrans. El. Dev.43,380 (1996)
The detection of THz radiation by FET W. Knap et al. JAP, 91, 9346 (2002)
History of innovation In 2002y. W Knap (Montpellier, France) for the first time saw the Terahertz FET photoresponse - it is what was predicted in 1993 by Dyakonov and Shur (St. Petersburg, Russia) In the 2006y-9y papers, the resonance detection regime has been studied in more details. It was seen that the resonance peak becomes more pronounced with decreasing temperature, i.e. a decrease of the lenght of plasma waves. The peak position varies with the radiation frequency, as was predicted by Dyakonov-Shur theory. However, the experimentally obtained peak figure of merit is much lower than the calculated value. Key results were obtained in 2009y. The influence of a magnetic field on a photoresponse has been studied in 2009- 2011yy.
Terahertz reseaches Experiment Theory М. И. ДЬЯКОНОВ W. КNAP D. КОКIIYA М. Б. ЛИФШИЦ Н.В. ДЬЯКОНОВА F. ТЕPP
Terahertz radiation Emission and Detection Laboratory(Montpellier) • Facilities • Fourier spectrometer Brucker FX66S. frequency range 0,3-200 THz (10-6000 cm-1). • Cryostat with a superconducting magnet. The magnetic field up to 16 T, the temperature of the sample to 2-300 K. • Backward wave oscillator. • Molecular CH3OH laser pumped by CO2. The frequency of radiation 2.5 THz. • Si bolometer. Sensitivity 2x10-13 W/Hz0.5. Compatible with the Fourier spectrometer. • The quantum cascade laser. The frequency of radiation 3.76 THz . • Gunn diode. The frequency of radiation 0.3 THz
Publicationon the work O.A. Klimenko et al., Terahertz Response of InGaAs Field Effect Transistors in Quantizing Magnetic Fields// Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, V. 97, P. 0022111 W. Knap et al., Plasma excitations in field effect transistors for terahertz detection and emission // C.R.Physique, 2010, V. 11, Issues 7-8, P. 433-443 M. Sakowicz et al., Terahertz responsivity of field effect transistors versus their static channel conductivity and loading effects // J. Appl. Phys., 2011, V.110, P.054512 C. Drexler et al., Helicity sensitive terahertz radiation detection by field effect transistors // J. Appl. Phys., 2012, V.114, P.124504 O. A. Klimenko et al., Temperature enhancement of terahertz responsivity of plasma field effect transistors // J. Appl. Phys., 2012, V.112, P.014506 Grant of the President of the Russian Federation № 14.122.13-4848 МК for the support of young Russian scientists and leading scientific schools : «Study of the interaction of electromagnetic Terahertz radiation with two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs / GaAlAs and InAlAs / InGaAs HEMT structures with a view to develop a new type of fast matrix detectors».
The results ofthe collaboration • The relations between characteristics of the channel field-effect transistor with photo response are established, which are important for a more complete understanding of the processes in the channel, where the generation of THz radiation is occurred, and for the further development of the theory. Experimental confirmations of the theoretical conclusions were performed at various temperatures from room temperature to liquid helium. The theoretical description of the generation processes now includes the presence of a magnetic field cases. • Experimental studies of the photo response of FETs in a magnetic field, as directed by a more detailed study of the phenomenon, confirmed a new theoretical model. The detecting elements is obtained that can be used as a basis for the development of next-generation units of compact and changing the generating wavelength. • Prototypes of devices (laboratory samples) to work in the THz range are created. • As a result of research collaboration we note the strengthened scientific communications between different groups and different schools of the EU and Russia
Thanks Thanks for your attention
План доклада Высокочастотные свойства 2D электронной плазмы Детектирование ТГц излучения 2D электронной плазмой в канале полевого транзистора Связь нерезонансного фотоотклика и проводимости канала полевого транзистора Влияние магнитного поля на эффект детектирования ТГц излучения 2D электронной плазмой в канале полевого транзистора ВыводыРабота проводилась совместно с Лабораторией им. Шарля Кулона университета Монпелье 2, Франция.
Двумерная электронная плазма • Холловские структуры • Область канала полевого транзистора вне затвора • Область канала полевого транзистора под затвором В существующих транзисторах: n2D~1012см-2, d~10 нм,vdr~107см/с,s~108 см/с, fp ~1 ТГц
The detection of THz radiation by FET Ширина линии = 1/ ~ 3 µ = 36 000 см2/В·с ~ 13 Ширина резонанса больше, чем в теории A. El Fatimy et al. APL, 89, 131926 (2006)
D S The detection of THz radiation by FET Теория Дьяконова-Шура Многоканальные транзисторы L = 400 нм Wgr = 300 нм W = 200 нм w f = 0.54 TГц L Только продольные моды InGaAs/InAlAs HEMT Экспериментальная геометрия • W/L ~ 100 • шероховатости на границах D S W y L x S. Boubanga-Tombet et al. APL, 92, 212101, (2008) Все моды возможны A. Shchepetov et al. APL, 92, 242105, (2008)
Results. GaN HEMT эксперимент расчет The detection of THz radiation by FET
Detection in a magnetic field. Lifshitz-Dyakonov model Lorentz force Conductivity oscillation Boundary conditions: 27 M. B. Lifshits and M. I. Dyakonov,Phys. Rev. B 80, 121304(R) (2009)