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International Telecommunication Union

International Telecommunication Union. EN-GENDERING ICT PROJECT in Asia and Pacific Region - International Telecommunication Union -. Engendering ICT Seminar Bangkok, Thailand March 25, 2004. Eun-Ju Kim Senior Advisor for the Asia & Pacific ITU At eun-ju.kim@itu.int. Agenda.

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International Telecommunication Union

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  1. International Telecommunication Union

  2. EN-GENDERING ICT PROJECTin Asia and Pacific Region- International Telecommunication Union - Engendering ICT Seminar Bangkok, Thailand March 25, 2004 Eun-Ju Kim Senior Advisor for the Asia & Pacific ITU At eun-ju.kim@itu.int

  3. Agenda En-gendering ITU Activities Major Outcomes From Partnerships on ICT and Gender International, Regional and National Partners En-gendered Outcome From the 1st WSIS Scope and Objective of Project Seek Cooperation & Support

  4. En-gendering ITU Activities • Co-organized the first Regional Workshop on Equal Access of Women in ICT held at Seoul, Korea, Oct.22-26 2001 • Participated in the Expert Group Meetingon ICT Policy from a Gender Perspective, organized by ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 18-19, 2001 • Co-organized Forum on ICT and Gender, Malaysia, Aug. 21-23, 2003 • Many more at the ITU Headquarters

  5. Major Outcomes From Partnerships on ICT and Gender • Close ‘partnership’ among various national, regional & international partners; • Raise awareness of various gender issues in ICT; • Build networks on gender and ICT; • Produce ‘Recommendations’ in 2001; • Produce ‘Declaration’ in 2003 submitted to the WSIS 2003, Geneva, on: e.g. • Confidence and Security in the Use of ICT • Education • SME Entrepreneurship • Rural and Disadvantaged Group • Adopted a Project to prepare for the WSIS 2004.

  6. Regional & International Partners ?

  7. More National Partners ! • - Telecom Organization of Thailand (TOT, Thailand), • - Sookmyung Women’s University (SMU, Korea), • - Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC, Pacific islands), • - Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC, India), • - PLANWEL (Pakistan), • - International Council of Women (ICW), • - National University of Samoa (NUS, Samoa), • - National Commission for Gender and Technology (NCGT, Indonesia) • - TV3 (Malaysia), • - Ministry of Post and Telecom (Cambodia), • - Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT, Uzbekistan), • - Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction (Laos) • - IFUW, NCWO/UiTM • - any many more to be welcomed !

  8. En-gendered Outcome From the 1st WSIS Despite the recommendations/declaration submitted ….. En-gendering element of the Declaration of Principles from the 1st WSIS was reflected at only ‘Capacity building’: e.g., “ ... Literacy and universal primary education are key factors for building a fully inclusive information society, paying particular attention to the special needs of girls and women. …”

  9. En-gendered Outcome From the 1st WSIS In case of Plans of Actions ….. E.g., 1. Work on removing the gender barriers to ICT education and training and promoting equal training opportunities in ICT-related fields for women and girls. … with the aim of increasing the number of women in ICT careers. 2. Encourage the development of best practices for e-workers and e-employers built, at the national level, on principles of fairness and gender equality … 3. Promote … programmes in science and technology that should target young girls to increase the number of women in ICT carriers.

  10. Considering • Adoption at the Forum on ICT & Gender • Limited en-gendered Principle declared by the 1st WSIS • As a good practice of Plan of Actions adopted by the 1st WSIS • Better preparation for the 2nd WSIS It is a time to implement the Project !

  11. Scope and Objective of Project “ICT opportunities for youth and gender in Asia-Pacific Region” .  1. Create networks and partnerships among ICT related institutes and organizations in Asia and the Pacific region;   2. Identify ICT-related projects, activities, researches and courses of the partners between 2004 and 2005; 3. Exchange and fund young graduates/staffs with gender equality among the various programs of partners to provide them with ICT-related job-skills and career-opportunities; 4. Organize a workshop/forum prior to the WSIS 2005; 5. Produce the Final Report with evaluation of the project; 6. Submit the Final Report to the 2nd WSIS in 2005.

  12. Seek Cooperation & Support To prepare better for the WSIS 2005 1. Be an active partner;   2. Share ICT-related projects, activities, researches and courses in 2004-5; 3. Cooperate to exchange and fund young graduates/staffs based on gender equality in your programs; 4. Co-organize a workshop/forum in the mid-2005; 5. Contribute to produce the Final Report – i.e., best practice ! in order to have the successful 2nd WSIS in 2005 with more specific en-gendered principles and action plans.

  13. Any Questions ? - Contact - Dr. Eun-Ju Kim Senior Adviser for the Asia & Pacific BDT/ITU eun-ju.kim@itu.int Thank you The End

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