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Unit 2: Cultural Diffusion

Unit 2: Cultural Diffusion. What are some examples of periods of cultural diffusion?. The Renaissance. A time of “rebirth” and explosion of creativity that both drew from classical Greek, Roman, and Arabic culture and spread throughout Europe. The Reformation.

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Unit 2: Cultural Diffusion

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  1. Unit 2:Cultural Diffusion

  2. What are some examples of periods of cultural diffusion?

  3. The Renaissance • A time of “rebirth” and explosion of creativity that both drew from classical Greek, Roman, and Arabic culture and spread throughout Europe.

  4. The Reformation • A time of religious change the led to the development of many new sects of Christianity and the spread of new religious ideas throughout the western world

  5. The Gunpowder Dynasties • A series of Muslim dynasties in India, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe that developed conquered large areas and created cultures that combined Muslim identities with local beliefs

  6. Exploration • A period of discovery where European monarchs funded explorers missions to India, China, and the “new world”. This period led to the spread of various foods, diseases, and cultural items throughout the world.

  7. Essential Questions 1. What is culture? 2. How are cultures diffused? 3. To what extent is cultural diffusion beneficial and detrimental?

  8. What is “CULTURE”? • Culture : the learned behaviors, beliefs, patterns of interaction, and materials of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.

  9. Brainstorm • What are some similarities between cultures? • What are some differences between cultures?

  10. Cultural Similarities? • Do cultures develop similarities separately from one another? • Are the things cultures share in common with all human? • Do cultures somehow borrow from one another? • If cultures borrow, how can two cultures geographically far away from each other share things before modern times?

  11. Cultural Diffusion • A process in which one cultural trait, material object, idea, or behavior pattern is spread from one society to another. • Can be intentional or unintentional • Can have both positive and negative consequences

  12. Methods of Cultural Diffusion • 1. Direct Diffusion- direct contact between two cultures i.e trade, intermarriage, warfare. • 2. Forced Diffusion/Expansion Diffusion- one culture defeats another and forces its beliefs and customs on the conquered group. • 3. Indirect Diffusion - culture spread through middleman or another culture.

  13. Cultural Diffusion - Think, Pair, Share • On a piece of paper, answer the following questions in one paragraph • How can cultural diffusion happen intentionally and unintentionally? • What are some positive and negative consequences that can come from the spread of traits? • Think of some specifics!

  14. Livingston Culture • What is “Livingston” Culture? • For HW, you will fill out the graphic organizer detailing specific aspects of Livingston culture and examples

  15. The Renaissance

  16. The Renaissance:Why Italy? • Italy’s advantages • Urban Centers • Merchants and Bankers • Classical Heritage • World geographical location

  17. Urban Centers • Development of Rome, Florence, and Venice as intellectual and cultural centers

  18. Geographical Advantage of Italy

  19. Merchants and Bankers • Growing merchant class that leads to increased imports and exports of goods from different areas • The Medicis- a large banker, merchant family that provided patronage for many Renaissance artists

  20. Classical Heritage • Inspired by Greco-Roman ruins • Greco-Roman manuscripts preserved in monasteries

  21. Geographical Advantage of Italy

  22. Geography • Italy is located at the intersection of the middle east and western Europe • Sea access provides easier movement of good and ideas

  23. Geographical Advantage of Italy

  24. Renaissance Values • Humanism • Classicalism • Secularism

  25. Humanism • Focused on human potential and achievements

  26. Classicalism • Focus on the teachings of Greek and Roman cultures

  27. Secularism • Focus on the enjoyment of the worldly pleasures in life rather than a focus on religion and the after-life

  28. Important Renaissance People • Michelangelo - St Peter’s Basilica, Sistine Chapel, David • Leonardo Da Vinci - The Renaissance Man • Raphael - Artist • Petrarch - poet • Boccacio - writer • Castiglione - “The Courtier • Machiavelli - “The Prince” • Pope Julius II - “The Warrior Pope”, Patron of Arts

  29. Michelangelo

  30. Middle Ages Icons

  31. Michelangelo Sistine Chapel Tour

  32. Da Vinci

  33. Raphael

  34. Soleasi Nel Mio Cor She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine, A noble lady in a humble home, And now her time for heavenly bliss has come, 'Tis I am mortal proved, and she divine. The soul that all its blessings must resign, And love whose light no more on earth finds room, Might rend the rocks with pity for their doom, Yet none their sorrows can in words enshrine; They weep within my heart; and ears are deaf Save mine alone, and I am crushed with care, And naught remains to me save mournful breath. Assuredly but dust and shade we are, Assuredly desire is blind and brief, Assuredly its hope but ends in death. Petrarch

  35. Boccaccio

  36. Pope Julius II

  37. Geographical Advantage of Italy

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