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Project Update. M. Hebert. Outline. Funding Status Status of Contracts for Industrial Studies, Muon Beamline Upcoming NSF RSVP Review Interface Definition work Preliminary Safety Reviews. Status of Construction Funding.
Project Update M. Hebert
Outline • Funding Status • Status of Contracts for Industrial Studies, Muon Beamline • Upcoming NSF RSVP Review • Interface Definition work • Preliminary Safety Reviews Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Status of Construction Funding • Despite concerted political efforts RSVP does not appear to be in the FY03 Congressional appropriations for the MREFC program, i.e. we are not mentioned in the VA-HUD committee reports from either the House or the Senate • We hope that we are in the NSF’s request to OMB for addition to the President’s FY04 budget to be released next February • In the meantime we are attempting to secure additional funding in two ways • The recently submitted new proposal for $3.1M (details follow) • Perhaps two “supplemental” funding requests for up to 20% of each of the two existing R&D grants. These funds could be available on a shorter time scale than the preceding, but we have been asked to hold off on applying until NSF gets its budget for this year. Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Submitted FY03 Request – 1 • Proton Beamline - $291k • Shielding design • A fraction of instrumentation & controls design • RF Modulated Magnet conceptual design, but no prototype • Production Target & Shield - $87k • Further stress analyses of radiation cooled target • Heat and Radiation Shield design • Target handling and mounting system design • Solenoids - $354k • Tolerance/robustness studies • Magnetic field verification design • PS and DS return yoke designs Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Submitted FY03 Request – 2 • Muon Beamline - $260k • Collimator, Beam Stop, Absorber, and Shield designs • Detector supports and installation procedure • Vacuum system design • The remaining support needed for stopped muon spectra measurements at TRIUMF • Straw Tracker - $840k • Funds for a prototype low mass manifold • Funds for readout electronics design and prototyping including a $200k subcontract to LBL for their efforts to reengineer the Elefant chip to current foundry technology • Full-time Mechanical engineering support • Seamless 3 m straw development at Osaka Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Submitted FY03 Request – 3 • Calorimeter - $490k • Funds for construction of an 8 x 8 prototype crystal array including photodetectors, cooling, calibration, and readout electronics • An electrical engineer for readout electronics development and a technician to assist in crystal and readout prototype construction • Beam testing of the prototype arrays • Data Acquisition and Online Computing - $241k • Support for BU’s Electronics Design Facility • Components, prototype boards, test equipment • Project Management - $315k • AGS Liaison Physicist and Liaison Engineer support • BNL MDMG and Contracting Officer support • Cost and Schedule software system, training • Internal reviews • Total = $3.10M including UCI indirects Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Status of the New Proposal • The proposal finally went in during the last week of October • There was some concern that new NSF rules, requiring detailed Statements of Work and NSF compliant budget pages for all proposed subcontracts, would hold processing of the proposal until we obtained that information • For the moment it appears that the proposal will be sent out for review without having all of that information in place, however I am in the process of getting PIs to put together SOWs and budgets now on the chance that it may yet be bounced back to us • We will have to prepare these things eventually so the effort is not wasted even if the proposal does not require this info for review • For all of these subawards we are using a standard form SOW that will be used throughout the project with minor revisions. Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Tasks Deferred for Later Funding – 1 • AGS Studies • Bunch Intensity Studies • Bunched Beam Extraction Studies at g= 8 • Note that with the loss of HEP base funding for the AGS, the costs of these studies to MECO, already estimated at $0.5M will go up, which partly motivates deferring them for now • Proton Beamline • Lambertson magnet designs – detailed conceptual designs exist already and will suffice as input for the shielding design efforts • Prototype module of RF magnet – lead time to reach this stage might have pushed it outside the one year window in any event • Beam instrumentation other than the target station area • Production Target • Fabrication & testing of W sample pieces for rad cooled target – we need a design on paper that is viable before we know what to test here • Design of the cooling and monitoring systems for the water-cooled option – the same statement applies here Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Tasks Deferred for Later Funding – 2 • Solenoids • Engineering Design of the Solenoids • This is estimated at $3M, nearly doubling the budget • It seems unlikely that we will have a negotiated contract in place in time to begin this effort before May of next year • Additional engineering staff support for the SSM – only imperative once we reach the Engineering Design stage • Muon Beamline • A portion of the detector installation studies • Project Management • Support for Cost and Schedule Manager – it would be great to get this individual on board and have them setup a robust cost & schedule system, but other priorities are clearly higher Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
A Possible Means of Funding Those Tasks • In addition to the proposal we can separately request supplemental funds on the two existing R&D grants. • In NSF parlance, “supplemental” means that these can be up to 20% of the original award and should be available on a shorter time scale as they require less review • For the moment we have been asked to hold off on applying for these funds at least until NSF knows what its budget for FY03 actually is Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Magnet Industrialization Subcontracts • Three subcontracts have been agreed to by both UCI and the individual subcontractors • Due to a change in NSF contracting rules, now ALL subcontracts are subject to NSF approval. NSF EPP acknowledged receipt of all of the information they required and I believe that they have forwarded all three contracts to the NSF grants people • I would expect to hear back next week that at all three are approved • We have had a preliminary meeting with GA to discuss their effort – Brad or Bill’s talk Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Muon Beamline Subcontract • Despite having been agreed to by both BNL and UCI, this $10k contract has been languishing for over one month in the DOE Field Office at BNL awaiting what I believe is essentially a rubber stamp approval. • One useful piece of news is that the entire MIT drawing package for the solenoids is now publicly available on the MECO web site, which should provide the details needed for the window design effort • We should decide what material we wish to use based upon physics concerns ASAP to make maximal use of the modest funding available for this design effort Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
NSF Review • There will be a two day NSF review of RSVP on January 20-21 at UCI • We have a vague agenda resembling the one from the last review, i.e. 3 to 3.5 hours of presentation from each experiment with the remaining time for committee work and closeout • The closest thing I have to a charge is the text of Alex’s email on the subject “…NSF is planning another cost, schedule and R&D review of RSVP in January 2003. Since there have been no real construction funds so far (hopefully, that will change in the not-too-distant future) the review will concentrate on R&D including any possible changes in your plans based on the R&D you've done so far.” • I am taking this, for now, to mean that we present details of the R&D work completed on the existing grants • This discussion apparently should include a revised project cost and schedule as well – I will verify this is the case shortly and then let people know what the plan and schedule for this will be Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Interface Definitions/Reference Design • Brad has requested that we compile the details of our understanding of the non-solenoids side of each interface with the magnets • I have agreed to try to put that together as part of the Reference Design that I frequently refer to, but still have not updated from version 1.0 • I expect to start that effort next week • As part of the larger Reference Design I will once again be canvassing people for those parameters that we are in general agreement on and those where a consensus has yet to be reached Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update
Preliminary Safety Reviews • In an effort to limit the number of costly surprises down the road, Mike Iarroci, Dave Philips, and Wuzheng Meng are in the process of organizing a two day series of presentations to a total of five Lab safety committees (Schedule TBD) • Cryogenic Safety Committee • Accelerator Safety Committee • Experimental Safety Committee • Radiation Safety Committee • ALARA Committee • The goal is to present the magnet design, and to a lesser extent the rest of MECO, to members of each of these committees to get written feedback on areas of concern and guidelines we must follow in order to meet their requirements • This information will be folded into the Technical Specifications for the magnets to form part of the RFP package Michael Hebert, UC Irvine Project Update