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Dr. Venkata Ramana Rao B.P.T., P.G Dip.(Acu), C.I.E (Sweden) R S I Specialist

Stop pain, before I T stops you. R S I. Health Care. K E E P S E M P L O Y E E S H E A L T H Y & P R O D U C T I V E. Dr. Venkata Ramana Rao B.P.T., P.G Dip.(Acu), C.I.E (Sweden)

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Dr. Venkata Ramana Rao B.P.T., P.G Dip.(Acu), C.I.E (Sweden) R S I Specialist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stop pain, before I T stops you RS I Health Care K E E P S E M P L O Y E E S H E A L T H Y & P R O D U C T I V E Dr. Venkata Ramana Rao B.P.T., P.G Dip.(Acu), C.I.E (Sweden) R S I Specialist (Myotherapist & Ergonomist)

  2. Why This Subject?

  3. How many of you heard about R S I?

  4. Why you should be aware of R S I ?

  5. C o m p u t e r U s e r s a r e P r o n e t o d e v e l o p R S I

  6. Re p e t i t i v e St r a i n In j u r i e s

  7. O t h e r N a m e s for R S I • Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WHO) • Occupational Overused Syndrome (NZ) • Cumulative Trauma Disorder (USA) • Computer Related Injury (CRI)

  8. R S IF a c t s&F i g u r e s • OSHA estimate over 700,000 RSI’s occur every year • 15-25% of computer users throughout the world may have estimated R S I (Source - BBC) • 3 out of 5 office workers in Sweden have symptoms of R S I • Every day 6 people in UK leave their jobs due to an R S I (Source - TUC)

  9. D i d y o u k n o w ? • 75% of Indian Computer Users report pain/numbness • Over 30 young Indian IT/ITES Professionals have lost their jobs because of advanced R S I • 55% of Indian Computer Users got injured within a year of starting their first job

  10. W h y & H o w ?

  11. Repetition of job tasks Causes Too much Stress O n Muscles Tendons Nerves Other soft Tissues Leads to R S I

  12. T y p e s & C a u s e s ofR S I

  13. C a r p a l T u n n e l S y n d r o m e

  14. C a u s e s.. WristPosture

  15. Contact Stress

  16. B a c k P r o b l e m s

  17. C a u s e s.. • Poor Strength • Poor Postures • Poor Body Mechanics

  18. T h o r a c i c O u t l e t S y n d r o m e

  19. C a u s e s.. • Cradling Telephone • Awkward postures

  20. T e n d i n i t i s &T e n o s y n o v i t i s

  21. C a u s e s.. Extended Arm

  22. Poor Alignment

  23. N e c k Strain & Tension H e a d a c h e s

  24. C a u s e s.. NeckPosture

  25. R o o t C a u s e s of R S I • Poor body mechanics • Poor Work habits • Inappropriate Workstation Setup

  26. Pain & Discomfort Unusual sensations like Tingling, Burning, and Numbness. Decreased ROM / Flexibility Muscle weakness, loss of grip strength S y m p t o m s ofR S I

  27. S t a g e sofR S I

  28. S t a g e1 S t a g e2 S t a g e3

  29. S t a g e 3 • Pain and discomfort • Heaviness • Pins - needles sensation • Numbness • It even disturbs sleep • Muscle weakness

  30. W h a t n o t t oD o • Ignore or deny you have a problem • Take pain killers Cures the symptoms not the problem Long term effects • Join a gym or start weight training • Undergo vigorous oil massages • Take a vacation hoping the pain will go away with rest

  31. W h a t t o D o • Seek Professional Medical help • Meet Right Specialist for Right Solution

  32. T r e a t m e n t

  33. RX • Ergonomics • Myotherapy • Physiotherapy • Acupuncture

  34. Prevention is better than Cure

  35. How can you Prevent R S I?

  36. Proper Workstation Setup • Postural Training • Good Work habits

  37. Workstation

  38. Workstation

  39. P o s t u r a l T r a i n i n g • Neck Posture • Sitting Posture • Typing Posture • Use of Mouse Ideal

  40. W o r k H a b i t s • Take rest breaks • Practice good body mechanics • Exercise at work – Stretch !

  41. S t r e t c h e s

  42. Strengthening Exercises

  43. R S I may be worse than you think P r e v e n t it before it causes permanent D a m a g e

  44. www.rsihealthcare.org T h a n kY o u BP R S I Health Care

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