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1.They should have impacted significantly on

Strategic management of technology in Japanese firms:literature review 教授 : 張菽萱 博士 學生 : 洪宜芬 學號 : 94312023. Identify the trends in such studies by employing the following four criteria for selecting suitable article and books. 1.They should have impacted significantly on

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1.They should have impacted significantly on

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  1. Strategic management of technology in Japanese firms:literature review教授: 張菽萱 博士學生: 洪宜芬學號: 94312023 1

  2. Identify the trends in such studies by employing the following four criteria for selecting suitable article and books 1.They should have impacted significantly on technology management practices or theories in Japan or in the word in the past 2. They should be able to impact technology management practices or theories in Japan or in the word in the future 3. They should have comparative management perspectives 4. They should be based on empirical data ,not on personal observation 2

  3. The paper is divided into five section 1.Technology strategy 2.Inter-firm technological relations 3.knowledge management 4.new product development 5.Japanese innovation system and policy 3

  4. Technology strategy General strategy Studies on de facto standards Global technology strategy Studies on small high-tech firms 4

  5. Business imitations among Japanese firms can be explained by(Asaba,1997,1998,2002): Information-based theories,where firms follow others that are perceived as having superior information Rivalry-based theories,where firms imitate others maintain competitive parity or limit Rivalry 5

  6. Studies on de facto standards 標準的(standard)概念 標準是對産品的規格等制定統一的基準,其目的是 爲了更加方便的營衛和管理人們的日常生活。作爲 標準的物件不僅是産品的規格,還包括材料,生産 工藝,服務,測量單位,語言,電腦軟件等任何都 可以成爲其物件。 de facto standard 業界標準 指未曾定位公認標準但是市場上認定其爲標準的標 準。 de jure standard 官方標準 指公共機關所定的標準。 6

  7. Global technology strategy The process of globalization of Japanese R&D is driven by four major reason (Iwata,1994): 1.To build a global image of the firm 2.To improve the idea generation capability 3.To attract the best talents from leading European and Us universities 4.To better understand current and future preferences of major international markets through on-site observation 7

  8. Global technology strategy Kurokawa 1.Subs’R&D strategies generally encouraged knowledge flows 2.Subs’R&D alliances promoted knowledge flows 3. R&D Subs with a high level of accumulated knowledge achieved high overall 8

  9. Global technology strategy Established more recently smaller-scaled R&D subs (kuemmerle,1996b) Tend to maintain stronger HQ control over their R&D subs by sending expatriates (Bartlett,1989;Gassmann,1999 ) Are Developing international network of basic research (Hayashi,1999) Tend to give priority to development and design for manufacturability,and the associated speed of new product introduction(Westney,1993) 9

  10. Studies on small high-tech firms Based on questionnaire surveys sent to small high-tech firms in the USA and Japan,Yamada et al. (2004) found that: 1.High-performance small firms tend to pursue prospective strategies both in the USA and Japan. 2.Japanese firms tend to focus on technological accumulation and cost advantages for their competitive advantages. 3.US firms tend to focus on niche markets for their competitive advantages. 10

  11. Studies on small high-tech firms Otc(over the counter) 櫃檯買賣中心;店頭市場,例如JASDAQ ܙ NASDAQܙ EASDAQ٠ Ipo(initial publish offer) 就是公司的股票首度在市場公開買賣 11

  12. Inter-firm technological relations Keiretsu and supplier management Technological alliance R&D consortia Spin-offs 12

  13. Inter-firm technological relations 13

  14. 14

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  16. Technological alliance Kurokawa(1992) Small Japanese firms have broader technological capabilities, while US firms have deeper and more focused technology.  Japanese firms utilize a variety of external technology acquisitions more frequently than US firms. 16

  17. Technological alliance Kurokawa(1995) Technological alliances may promote corporate growth, but may endanger corporate productivity. Alliance capabilities may be closely associated with entrepreneurial activities. 17

  18. R&D consortia Aldrich(1998) Japanese consortia focus on a narrower range of R&D activities than US consortia do.  Japanese consortia tend to avoid university-based R&D.  Japanese consortia depend heavily on government funds for their support.  US consortia depend mostly on member dues. 18

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  20. R&D consortia Sakakibara(1997) Government support of R&D consortia is modest and declining.  R&D consortia participants perceive sharing complementary knowledge to be the single most important objective of R&D consortia.  There is evidence that R&D consortia work as a complement of private R&D.  The perceived benefits of projects are rather intangible, such as researcher training and increased awareness of R&D in general.  The overall subjective evaluation of a typical project’s success is modest, and participants do not perceive R&D consortia to be critical to the establishment of their competitive position.

  21. 1

  22. Spin-offs 公司將其部分資源分出,另行成立一家新公司,再將新公司的股份按原有股東的持股比例,分派給各原有股東。 22

  23. knowledge management The concept of "Ba": 所謂Ba,字面上的意思如同英語的place,定義為知識創造的有機場所,是大家所共同享有之空間;藉以說明知識創造之過程及知識的轉化與演變‚且我們藉場所來提升個人或集體之知識。在各類創造知識的公司裡,個人或群體在彼此共同分享的場所內,交互影響之互動結果就會顯現價值創造」(value creation)。 23

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  25. New product development(NPD) 1.NPD processes 2.NPD tools 25

  26. NPD processes Design-in Continuous effort toward integration of product and process design Concurrent engineering Cross-functional team 26

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  29. NPD tools TQM(全面品質管理) QFD(品質機能展開) Taguchi method(田口方法) 田口品質工程追求以最低成本,製造最高品質的產品為目標。強調理 想機能,S/N比及S比的運用,既能縮小變異,又能調整中心值的落 點, 使得各行各業追求PPM的品質水準成為可能。同時強調再現性、 先行性與泛用性的穩健設計。使得產品品質水準一經改善後,就能在 日後的生產裡不斷重複的出現相同的好結果。 KJ method KJ法已經成為日本品管的七種管理工具之ㄧ。無論簡單的或複雜的問 題,都可以用KJ法來處理,使問題的內容或構造變得清晰而易於掌 握。 KJ法簡單地說,就是利用卡片做分類的方法。KJ法讓每一位參 加都 有表達自己想法和觀念的機會,而不是只有勇於發言的數人貢獻 他們的智慧。 29

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  31. Technological policy How to increase R&D productivity of Japanese firms? How to boost the Japanese economy by promoting government-industry-university linkages at the federal and regional levels?(see Fujisue, 2004) 31

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  33. 謝謝聆聽 33

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