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States of Consciousness. Consciousness consists of all the sensations, perceptions, memories, and feelings you are aware of at any instant. Waking Consciousness Altered State of Consciousness
Consciousness consists of all the sensations, perceptions, memories, and feelings you are aware of at any instant. Waking Consciousness Altered State of Consciousness Other causes of ASC is sensory overload, monotonous stimulation, unusual physical conditions, and sensory deprivation.
Freud believed there to be four levels of consciousness • Nonconscious • Preconscious • Subconscious • Unconscious
Biological Rhythms Annual Cycles: seasonal variations (bears hibernation, seasonal affective disorder) 28 day cycles: menstrual cycle. 24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm 90 minute cycle: sleep cycles.
Daydreaming Becoming withdrawn from external environment. Submerged into a fantasy world. Why do we daydream? To make plans, worry, relieve boredom, personal fantasies, and evaluating activities
Sleep is an innate biological rhythm that cannot be sidestepped. A microsleep is a brief shift in brain activity to brain activities normally recorded during sleep.
Sleep Patterns: The normal range of sleep Short Sleepers- 8% of population Long Sleepers- 8% Majority need 7-to 8- hours-per-night
Stages of Sleep Two types of sleep were first labeled in 1953 by Eugene Asernisky. Reported that during sleep there were two distinct eye movements REM-awaken, reported dreams NREM-awaken, rarely reported dreams NREM stages of sleep are called stages 1,2,3, and 4. REM sleep is called dream or active sleep
The sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes. Complete around 5 cycles in an 8 hour sleep.
REM SLEEP • During dreaming, eye movement is the only part of body moving. • REM behavioral Disorder is when individual is not paralyzed during REM Sleep. • Sleepwalking occurs during NREM.
Is Sleep Necessary? Six subjects deprived of sleep for 205 hrs. went through delusions and hallucinations. No long term effects were evident. Why we need sleep Conserve energy, restore depleted resources, clear the mind
Sleep Disorders • Insomnia • Excessive Daytime Sleepiness • Narcolepsy • Sleep Apnea • Nightmare/Night terror • Sleepwalking • Restless leg • Bruxism
What do Dreams Mean? • Depends on who you ask. • Greeks (Aristotle) • Christians • Mohammed • Catholics (Inquisition) • Native Martin Luther • Americans
Our Culture on Dreams Dreams have been adopted as a synonym for “ideal” or “perfect”. • Dream Myths • Universal meanings • Dreams can’t predict illness. • All men’s dreams are sexual. • Remembering your dreams is always helpful
Why Do We dream? • Mental Reprogramming • Dealing with problems • Expression of unconscious • Manifest content • latent content • Why do we do this? (#3) • our dreams would be too upsetting or startling to get a good nights sleep.
Requires intense concentration! Zen Meditation- “breathing” Transcendental- “mantra” Goal is achieve a relaxed state or religious experience. Studies do show health benefits.
Hypnosis • 1st popularized my Anton Mesmer in the late 1700’s. • Relaxed state lacking ongoing “Stream of Consciousness” • Induction Procedure • Post hypnotic effect
Effects of Hypnosis • Superhuman acts of strength • Memory • Amnesia • Pain Relief • Age Regression • Sensory Changes