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Movie Jargon Dictionary

Movie Jargon Dictionary. By: Meghan Franks. Cameo ( kam - ee -oh). Noun A brief, non-speaking or walk-on role. Special single scene appearance by a famous actor. CGI- Computer Generated Imagery.

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Movie Jargon Dictionary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Movie Jargon Dictionary By: Meghan Franks

  2. Cameo (kam-ee-oh) • Noun A brief, non-speaking or walk-on role. Special single scene appearance by a famous actor.

  3. CGI-Computer Generated Imagery The use of 3D computer graphics and technology to create special effects and illusion of motion. Jurassic Park

  4. Package (pak-ij) • Noun A package is a way to get people to invest in the film by promising a great story, a big name actor, a big name director and screenwriter all as one deal.

  5. Claymation (kley-mey-shuhn) • Noun The animation of models constructed of clay, putty, or other moldable materials that are moved and filmed using stop-motion photography.

  6. Gaffer (gaf-er) • Noun The name given to the chief electrician on a movie set. He is responsible for various lighting hardware used on the set.

  7. Nickelodeon (nik-uh-loh-dee-uhn) • Noun An early motion picture theater where a film or a variety show could be seen. The name was derived from the 5 cent charge to patrons.

  8. Rating System • Noun MPAA film rating system, instituted in late 1968. A classification system for films based on age appropriateness in terms of content, offensiveness or violence.

  9. Gaffer (gaf-er) • Noun The name given to the chief electrician on a movie set. He is responsible for various lighting hardware used on the set.

  10. Sequel (see-kwuhl) • Noun A cinematic work that presents the continuation of characters, settings and events of a story from a previously made movie.

  11. Rough cut • Noun The first edition of a movie before music or effects are added. It provides and idea of what the finished film will look like.

  12. Soft Focus • Noun An image that is created using a special lens. It is used to blur surrounding areas of a film when the close up is on the actor or actress so the viewer focuses on them. Also, used when dreams are shown.

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