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Educating Gifted Students In Middle School, P. 6-7. Levels of Service model; Level 3 services ALM (Autonomous Learner Model): ALM is a year-long course where a group of high-potential students meet using a holistic gifted curriculum to literally learn how to learn independently. FLEX Classes
Levels of Service model; Level 3 services • ALM (Autonomous Learner Model): ALM is a year-long course where a group of high-potential students meet using a holistic gifted curriculum to literally learn how to learn independently. • FLEX Classes • Honors Courses Hopkins Autonomous Learner Model
Autonomous Learner Model Hopkins West High School
Hopkins, cont. • Gifted Education: Autonomous Learner Model (ALM) • Addresses the unique needs and interests of top-ability students and is offered by invitation only. • Offered over all three years in the junior high — 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. • Units of study include reading and analyzing high-level literature (examples: Fahrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, Into Thin Air, Frankenstein) including literary analysis papers, Socratic seminars on controversial topics or literary works, philosophy and psychology seminars, and creativity/imagination challenges. All ALM students conclude each year with a long-term (4-7 month), research-based, in-depth project on a topic of their choosing. That project is the culmination of their work and illustrates their interests and ability to complete a high-level project.
Unit One: Orientation/Understanding Brain Styles • What is ALM? (orientation and review of dimensions) • Brain styles (Right/Left, Abstract/Concrete, Random/Sequential, etc.) • What is intelligence? Unit Two: Enrichment/Seminar Studies • Novel Study: Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game • Socratic discussions: Violence, Personal reflection in Ender’s struggles • Bloom’s Taxonomy explorations • Socratic Discussion Skills: Why do intelligent students fear failure so much? Unit Three: Enrichment/Seminar Studies • Novel study: Everest Adventures (Into Thin Air, The Climb, Dark Summit) • Socratic discussions: Is basic human nature selfless or selfish? • Begin process/brainstorming work on 1st year Advanced Project: What is it? What are the expectations? Project proposals and timelines • Fun with Math investigations Unit Four: In Depth Study Dimension • Development and implementation of in depth study projects • Peer evaluation • Project Presentations to peers, teachers and community • Grimm’s Fairy Tales: What is a fairy tale? (Leading into summer reading.) ALM: First Year Highlights Hopkins West Junior High school
South Washington County Schools Clustering Model http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/Gifted/documents/LevelofServiceSecondary.pdf
South Washington County http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/Gifted/documents/MiddleSchool_GT_Brochure.pdf