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Advances in Cytometry. The Evolution of Cytometry : From Cytology to Cytomics. Cytology. Cytometry. Cytomics. From Cytometry to Cytomics : Better Technology for a Better Biology. Better Technology. Better Biology. More information. Better performance. Novel strategies.
TheEvolution of Cytometry: FromCytologytoCytomics Cytology Cytometry Cytomics
FromCytometrytoCytomics: BetterTechnologyfor a BetterBiology BetterTechnology BetterBiology More information Better performance Novel strategies Novel Instruments New applications Better data mining
Betteror Novel CytomicInstrumentation HydrodynamicFlowCytometry ConfocalMicroscopy AcousticFlowCytometry MassSpectrometry Cytometry Laser Scanning Cytometry Multispectral Image-in-flowCytometry HCA AutomatedBioimaging
Betterinstrument performance • Acceleratingtherate of cell data acquisition • Acceleratingtherate of specimenanalysis High-TroughputCytometry
Increasingcellacquisitionrate: Acousticfocusing in flowcytometry • Acoustic focusing cytometry uses ultrasound waves (over 2 MHz) to position cells into a single focused line along the central axis of a flow channel without high velocity or high volumetric sheath fluid. • The acoustic focusing actually concentrates the cells in the center of the fluid with sound energy. This means considerable flexibility in the sample concentration. The end result is more accurate and precise data. • Acoustic focusing separates the alignment of cells from the particle flow rate. This allows to increase or decrease flow without disrupting the focus of cells in the capillary.
Lanthanides as AdvantageousTagsforBiologicalMeasurements • As defined by IUPAC, rare earth elements or rare earth metals are a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. • Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties.
Lanthanides as AdvantageousTagsforBiologicalMeasurements • A time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-Ms) uses the differences in transit time through a drift region to separate ions of different masses. • The ions from the ion source are accelerated by an electric field pulse. • The accelerated particles then pass into a field-free drift tube that is about a meter in length. • In TOF-Ms all ions are accelerated to the same kinetic energy. • Their velocities are inversely proportional to the square roots of their masses. • The lighter ions arrive at the detector earlier than the heavier ions, of lower velocity.
TheMassFlowCytometer (CyTOF): A new multiparametricdimension Journal of Immunological Methods 361 (2010) 1–20
TheMassFlowCytometer (CyTOF): A new multiparametricdimension http://www.DVSsciences.com
TheMassFlowCytometer (CyTOF): A new multiparametricdimension
TheMassFlowCytometer (CyTOF): A new multiparametricdimension
TheMassFlowCytometer (CyTOF): A new multiparametricdimension
CustomLabelling of AntibodiesforMassCytometry MAXPAR® labeling reagent kits for 33 different metals are available from DVS Sciences Inc. for preparation of labeled antibodies or intracellular proteins. Kits are optimized and quality control tested for use with the CyTOF® instrument and are available in pack sizes sufficient to label 100ug or 1mg of antibody. Labeling methods are simple and convenient and require only 2.5 hours to complete. The labeling kits utilize a traditional approach of adding a metal tag using disulfide reduction (typically in the Fc region of the antibody) through a maleimide linker. Labeled antibodies are stable for approximately 6 months after preparation.
MassCytometry and FlowCytometryyield similar results Humancelllines Human AML cases Human normal PBMC
Combining phenotypic Maps with Activation Landscapes by CyTOF
A novel bioinformatic description of subpopulations in Hematopoesis
Cell signaling modulation across subpopulations in Hematopoesis
Gracias porvuestraatención… jose.e.oconnor@uv.es http://www.uv.es/~oconnor/MASTER_UPV_2012