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KOSMAK MACHINESPECIAL PIPE COUPLING DEVICES for CABLE BLOWING Therearetwodisadvantages of standart plasticpipecouplingdevicesforpeoplewho is blowingcable. One of them is couplingtwopipeseachothertakestoomuch time andtheotherone is you can not takeoutplasticpipecoupling device aftercableblowing inside thecoupling device.You can take it outonlybycutting it meansthatyou can use it onlyonce. Kösmak is designedandproducedsteelductcouplingdevicestosolvetheseproblems. Youwillworkmuchmoreefficientwiththesetools. KOSMAK MACHINE BUILDING INDUSTRY LTD.CO. Address=K.Körfez Sanayi Sitesi 201 Blok no=6/8 İzmit KOCAELİ Telefon=0090 262 335 24 00 Mail=info@kosmak.com Fax =0090 262 335 24 15 Web=www.kosmak.com
1) PIPE COUPLING DEVICE FROM OUTSIDE Thecoupling device which is in left is the standart coupling device but the device in therightside is desighnedandproducedforcableblowingindustryby KOSMAK MACHINE. Adventages of KosmakMachıne’ coupling device is written in thebelow. 1)Coupling is veryfasterthan standart couplersbyeasyclampingmechanism. 2)You can not takeout standart couplersaftercableblown inside thecoupler. You can onlytake it outbycutting.because it is not dividingbyhingemechanism.Cuttingcouplertakelots of time and of course it will be rubbishaftercutting. Kosmak’sdesigh can easilytakeoutwithoutcuttinganythingandyou can use it manytimes.
2)PIPE COUPLING DEVICE FROM INSIDE Iftheductsmontagedshort in manholeortheducttype is as on figure 3, youwill not haveplacetoclutchductfromoutsidesoyouneedtocutductstomontagewithstandart coupler. Thiscuttingjob has lot’sof disadvantagesforcableblowingpersons. 1)Wasting time. 2)Hard towork in duct. 3)Badimagebycutingducts Youneedtouse ,KosmakMachine’sductcoupling device from inside on figure1, tonot tocutducts. Thiscoupling device is montaging inside theductbyscrewingas in figure 5. Kosmak’sductcoupling device fromoutisde is usingfromtheback of thiscoupler as you can see on figure 6. Thepipewhichwevanttocouple is in theotherside of theductcoupling device fromoutside as you can see on figure 6-7. Takingoutcableafterblowing is easybecause it is devidingbyhingemechanismas you can see on figure 2 Figure1 Figure3 Figure2 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure6 Figure 7