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Testing the Standard Model and Beyond

Testing the Standard Model and Beyond. DOE Review 2004 • Progress Report. Shufang Su • U. of Arizona. Research and Collaborations. -. New candidate of dark matter (DM) : superWIMP J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) Model independent study of collider DM searches

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Testing the Standard Model and Beyond

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  1. Testing the Standard Model and Beyond DOE Review 2004 • Progress Report Shufang Su • U. of Arizona

  2. Research and Collaborations - • New candidate of dark matter (DM) : superWIMP J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) • Model independent study of collider DM searches J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) • Precision study of SUGRA, GMSB and AMSB S. Heinemeyer (CERN), G. Weiglein (IPPP, Durham) • Propagation of high energy stau M. H. Reno (U. IOWA), I. Sarcevic (UA) • Phenomenology of warped SUSY GUT model C.W. Chiang (NCU), T. Han (U. Wisconsin), L.T. Wang (Harvard) • MSSM contribution to precision observables M. Ramsey-Musolf (Caltech) DOE Review, 2004

  3. SuperWIMP Dark Matter J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) - WIMP  SWIMP + SM particle FRT hep-ph/0302215, 0306024 WIMP 104 s  t  108 s SM WIMP SWIMP (DM) Gravitino LSP  LKK graviton 106 DOE Review, 2004

  4. ~ SWIMP: G (LSP) WIMP: NLSP mG» mNLSP ~ NLSP  G + SM particles SWIMP and SUSY WIMP - • SUSY case ~ Ellis et. al., hep-ph/0312262; Wang and Yang, hep-ph/0405186. 104 s  t  108 s DOE Review, 2004

  5.  m · 80 » 300 GeV 200 GeV · m · 400 » 1500 GeV mG¸ 200 GeV ~ Viable Parameter Space - NLSP, EM,had=EM,had BEM,had YNLSP apply CMB and BBN constraints on (NLSP, EM/had )  viable parameter space DOE Review, 2004

  6. Collider Phenomenology Is the lightest SM superpartner sneutrino or neutralino? Does it decay into gravitino or not? - • SWIMP Dark Matter • no signals in direct / indirect dark matter searches • SUSY NLSP:rich collider phenomenology NLSP in SWIMP: long lifetime  stable inside the detector • Charged slepton highly ionizing track, almost background free Distinguish from stau NLSP and gravitino LSP in GMSB • sneutrino and neutralino NLSP missing energy signal: energetic jets/leptons + missing energy DOE Review, 2004

  7. Dark Matter (DM) relic density Annihilation cross section:  ( DM ! SM particle) Production cross section: Tevatron:  ( pp ! DM) LHC:  ( pp ! DM) LC:  ( e+e-! DM) - Model Independent Study of DM collider searches J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) - • Charged WIMP Two charged track, BG free Guaranteed detection DOE Review, 2004

  8. Dark Matter (DM) relic density Annihilation cross section:  ( DM ! SM particle) Production cross section: Tevatron:  ( pp ! DM) LHC:  ( pp ! DM) LC:  ( e+e-! DM) Production cross section: Tevatron:  ( pp ! DM+jet) LHC:  ( pp ! DM+jet) LC:  ( e+e-! DM+) - - Model Independent Study of DM collider searches J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) - • neutral WIMP DM: missing energy signal Much more difficult Irreducible background: +jet (or ) DOE Review, 2004

  9. Precision Study of SUGRA, GMSB and AMSB S. Heinemeyer (CERN), G. Weiglein (IPPP, Durham) - • Tevatron/LHC/LC could measure sin2 and mW precisely • SUGRA, GMSB and AMSB contribute differently to sin2 and mW GMSB SUGRA DOE Review, 2004

  10. Extra-Dim 4D SUSY SU(5) GUT MSSM SUSY Phenomenology of Warped SUSY GUT Model C.W. Chiang (NCU), T. Han (U. Wisconsin), L.T. Wang (Harvard) - Goldberger, Nomura and Smith, PRD67, 075021 (2003) Nomura and Smith, PRD 68, 075003 (2003) • How do we know it is warped SUSY GUT? • observe SUSY particle • observe GUT particle Rich particle spectra around TeV scale DOE Review, 2004

  11. A321,Axy 321 ~ q ~ / ~ lL lR! ET + l xy, stable, track Phenomenology of Warped SUSY GUT Model C.W. Chiang (NCU), T. Han (U. Wisconsin), L.T. Wang (Harvard) - DOE Review, 2004

  12. dominate Propagation of High Energy Stau M. H. Reno(U. IOWA), I. Sarcevic (UA) - • Long lifetime stau could be produced in high energy cosmic ray relatively small production cross section • It could be detected in current/future neutrino telescope effective detection volume enhanced by its longer traveling distance Albuquerque, Burdman, Chacko, PRL92, 221802 (2004) Important to understand the energy loss of stau when it penetrates the earth • Photonuclear effect • Pair production • Bremsstrahlung DOE Review, 2004

  13. MSSM Contribution to Precision Observables M. Ramsey-Musolf (Caltech) - • SUSY contributes to both high (Z-pole) and low (below Z-pole) precision observables • Oblique parameters for Z-pole observables are not good approximation when new physics is near EW scale. • Systematic study of MSSM contribution to Z-pole observables • Review paper on “Precision Supersymmetry” • Z-pole and collider studies • Neutral Current studies below the Z-pole • Charge current universality and weak decay • Flavor physics and CP violation • Higgs physics DOE Review, 2004

  14. Research and Collaborations - • New candidate of dark matter: superWIMP J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) • Model independent study of collider DM searches J. Feng, F. Takayama (UC Irvine) • Precision study of SUGRA, GMSB and AMSB S. Heinemeyer (CERN), G. Weiglein (IPPP, Durham) • Propagation of high energy stau M. H. reno (U. of IOWA), I. Sarcevic (UA) • Phenomenology of warped SUSY GUT model C.W. Chiang (NCU), T. Han (U. Wisconsin), L.T. Wang (Harvard) • MSSM contribution to precision observables M. Ramsey-Musolf (Caltech) DOE Review, 2004

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