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Psychological Disorders. The Most common types of disorders. Today we will discuss the disorders that really change how a person behaves and their overall personality. Psychotic Disorders Personality Disorders Disassociative Disorders.
Psychological Disorders The Most common types of disorders
Today we will discuss the disorders that really change how a person behaves and their overall personality • Psychotic Disorders • Personality Disorders • Disassociative Disorders
Individuals diagnosed with these disorders suffer from impaired perception, thinking, and emotions. They are often misunderstood and are the stereotype of what we considered to be mentally ill. Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia • Affects about 1% of the general population. • Severely disturbed thinking, emotion, perception, and behavior. Impaired ability to communicate and function on a daily basis.
Types of Schizophrenia • Paranoid - auditory hallucinations or prominent delusional thoughts about persecution or conspiracy. Yet, show relatively normal cognitive functioning • Catatonic - involve disturbances in movement. dramatic reduction in activity, to the point that voluntary movement stops, as in catatonic stupor. activity can dramatically increase, a state known as catatonic excitement. • Disorganized – disorganization of thought processes, difficulty in daily life.
A disorder where a person experiences changes in their memory, identity, or personality! Dissociative Disorders
Types ofDissociative Disorders • Dissociative Amnesia – The inability to recall important personal events or information.Unlike other forms of amnesia, this is not caused by a medical trauma but by stress. • Dissociative Identity Disorder - A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. • Dissociative Fugue – Individuals this disorder suddenly and unexpectedly take physical leave of his/her surroundings and set off on a journey of some kind.Individuals experiencing a dissociative fugue have traveled over thousands of miles.
Personality Disorders • Psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning. • People suffering from this disorder do not think they have a problem b/c their personality does not bother them!
Paranoid Personality A disorder in which the individual has an extreme distrust of others and is constantly suspicious that the people around them have sinister motives. . Antisocial Personality Characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken advantage of. They tend to lie and steal Personality Disorders
Borderline Personality Characterized by mood swings and poor self-esteem. People with this disorder are prone to bouts of anger. Narcissistic Personality People with this disorder are extremely self-centered! They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recognize them as being superior Personality Disorders