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RE Identify the influence religion has on lives, cultures and communities including our own . Understanding Physical Development, Health and Well-being
RE • Identify the influence religion has on lives, cultures and communities including our own.. • Understanding Physical Development, Health and Well-being • We will be taking part in athletics, track and field activities with a focus on techniques and skills. Please remember that PE kits must be in school every day, including both indoor and outdoor shoes. • We will understand how emotions can affect our behaviour. • Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding • We will be exploring the events leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings in 1066. • We will investigate the Normans and trace their ancestry to the Vikings. • We will investigate the introduction of castles in Britain and a brief look at the Kings and Queens that followed in connection with our trip to Westminster Abbey. • Big Maths – daily focus on key number skills. • Times Tables – up to 12x12 • Number, place value and money up to 4 digit numbers. • Mental addition and subtraction of 3 and 4 digit numbers. • A range of different written addition and subtraction methods. • Shape and Measure: We will investigate the perimeter and area of shapes. Find lines of symmetry, as well as investigate co-ordinates and complete polygons. • Measure and data: We will investigate the 24hour clock Read, interpret and describe a time graph. Brilliant Britain: • Spanish • Speak and write simple everyday common phrases. Creative Curriculum Year 4 Summer 2 2014 • Literacy • Daily Reading Workshop • Spelling – Root words, prefixes and suffixes. • Handwriting – Daily practice, developing consistent letter formation. • Grammar – powerful verbs, first and third person, punctuating direct speech, conjunctions, commas and apostrophes. • Non Fiction – We will play computer games in our investigation into writing non-chronological reports. • Poetry: Reading, reciting and writing our own shape poems. • Fiction: Writing our own adventure stories which includes direct speech. • Big Writing – weekly independent writing challenge. • Scientific and Technological Understanding • We will be investigating the digestive system. • We will carry out an investigation into human and animal teeth. • We will investigate the similarities and differences between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. • We will investigate the food and energy chains of animals in different environments and look into classifying animals and plants. • Understanding the Arts • We will develop our shading skills and continue to explore hatching and cross hatching. • We will explore line tone and texture of pencils and use these to further develop our technique. • We will explore how to cross-stich and back-stitch. • We will continue to sing, play musical instruments and describe the effect of sounds on mood and feelings.
Dear Parents/Carers, • This term is entitled ‘1066’ where our historical investigations lead us to William, the duke of Normandy, and, as William I, the first Norman king of England. He defeated and killed the last Anglo-Saxon king of England at the Battle of Hastings. We will also explore the Bayeux tapestry and the introduction of castles in Britain. • In science we will be looking into the digestive system in humans and animals. We will investigate carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, their teeth and diet in connection with the environment they live in. We will also usethe techniques we have learnt in our art lessons to sketch a local environment of plants and animals, like the artists who travelled with Charles Darwin on the Beagle. • Please be aware that your child should spend a little time everyday on homework. Homework is handed out every Friday, in a homework book and is due on the following Thursday. • Please do have a look at the Year 4 page on the school website where you will find curriculum information, photos of class activities and homework details. • If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to me. • Kind regards. • Mr Angus