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Adult faith Formation. Session 4: Adult Faith Formation Program Planning. Prayer We are Disciples. Who is it that discipled you into faith? This person is/these persons are at the heart of why you are faith-filled today.
Certificate in Pastoral Ministry Course: Adult Faith Formation Adult faith Formation Session 4: Adult Faith Formation Program Planning
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Who is it that discipled you into faith? This person is/these persons are at the heart of why you are faith-filled today. • Spend a quiet moment reflecting on who they were to you and thank God for their ministry, support and care. • Let us also pray about our own calling to ministry and service.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; are there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Reflection Show me, Lord, the disciple’s path In you, O Lord, I live and move and have my being; in you I place my trust. Do not let me be put to shame, or be ridiculed by those who have chosen other ways. No one who follows you need feel ashamed, Only those who are unfaithful for no reason.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Reflection verse 2 Show me, Lord, the disciple’s path, teach me your ways. Give me the courage to walk in your footsteps for they lead to salvation. Remember your goodness and faithful love, shown throughout the ages.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Reflection verse 3 Recall not the sins of my youth but in your goodness remember me in love. For you are just and upright, generous and kind, to those faithful to your covenant. You guide the humble and reach those in need, You lovingly guide your people in your ways.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Reflection verse 4 Lord, my eyes are set on you, for only you will free me from the dangers of life, In my times of loneliness and despair turn to me and lift me up, relieve the troubles of my heart and bring me out of what binds me in life. When I have been wounded by my own sin reach out to me with healing and forgiveness.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Reflection verse 5 Lord, in you I place my trust, as your disciple I turn to you. In the path ahead you are my light, my protection. For in each step I take, all my hope is in you. -Based on Psalm 25
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer How we make meaning Discovering Who we are and Whose We Are Buzz discovers he is a toy not a hero that will save the galaxy
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer How we make meaning Discovering Who we are and Whose We Are Buzz accepts he is a toy and helps Woody
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Shared Reflection What in your life has led you to a revelation about who and whose you are? How are you aligning your life and your energies to that identity? How are you engaged in transformative learning within the context of a community of faith?
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Prayer We are Disciples Closing Prayer Gracious God, we know that the heart of your being is a passionate concern for all your creation and all your creatures. We bless you for the life of Jesus of Nazareth and for the Spirit of his living presence among us, inspiring in our hearts a murmur of your passion. We bless you for calling us in this way to be your disciples, for seeing in each of us the possibility and potential to be your heart and passion for the world. May we listen attentively to your movement within us; may we grow more alert to where your call is leading us; and thus be true and faithful disciples. Amen.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Principles of adult learning • Autonomous and self- directed Adults use a hands-on problem-solving approach to learning • Life experiences and knowledge Adults have a lifetime of experience • Goal- oriented Adults need learning to connect with their goals for their faith, their career, their family and personal life. • Relevancy- oriented Adults need to know why they are learning; how the learning will affect them? • PracticalAdults want to apply new knowledge and skills immediately • Respect Adults need to be shown respect
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation 21st Century Learning Characteristics • Mobile Learning • Content & Technology • Micro-learning • Video & Visual Rich • Personalized Learning • Learner-centered Spaces • Learn by Doing • Learning is Social • Storytelling • Learning Styles • Multiple Intelligences • Multisensory • Small Group • Practice & Application The digital transformation is making possible new approaches to learning and faith formation.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Seasons of Adulthood
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Spiritual Religious Identities
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Exercise: • What if your pastor came to you and asked you to organize adult faith formation or some aspect of it for your parish? • Where would you begin? • What leadership model would you choose? • How would you organize for this mission?
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Language is the House of Being “Language is the house of Being.” -Martin Heidegger (Letters on Humanism) What does this mean? It means that language is more than a tool, ready-at-hand for our use. It means that we live in our language; we live the lives determined by it and we think insofar as we bring Being to language. According to an explanatory essay by Paul Livingston of Villanova University
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Responsibility for adult faith formation in a parish • Pastor • Parish Staff • Lay person assigned by the pastor • AFF team • Programs initiated by parish groups • Ad hoc committee • The entire parish
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Implications for choosing an organizational model for AFF • Choice of an organizational model/structure is key • Examine existing structures, resources and commitment to AFF before choosing a model/structure • AFF should not be seen as a series of isolated programs but as ongoing ministry of helping adults grow in faith through learning • Model that is chosen must fit within the context of parish life in order to facilitate communication and accountability
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation St. Theresa of Calcutta Parish Profile • Community of 3500 families; growing Hispanic community; parish is financially secure; has good facilities • A seasoned pastor who is committed to parishioner faith growth; delivers engaging homilies; generally liked by parishioners • A large professional parish staff (15 full-time and 6 part-time) that operate out of a Silo mentality (a number of staff run their ministry without a connection to other ministries or in regard to the needs of the total parish). • A well-developed Children’s Catechetical Program • A new youth minister with a well-established youth ministry program • A Catholic School is attached (has funding trouble) • RCIA program is robust; no other ongoing adult faith formation
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Holy Name Parish Profile • Community of 1000 families; mostly Hispanic community; parish is financially insecure; has old facilities in need of repair/remodel • A first-time pastor who is zealous for the faith; delivers challenging homilies; parishioners are generally unsure of him • A small professional parish staff (3 full-time and 3 part-time) that are responsible for many ministries • A Children’s Catechetical Program that has undergone virtually no change in 10 years • A part-time youth minister hired with little or no training to develop a youth ministry program for a large population of poor Hispanic youth • No Catholic school attached • RCIA program is minimal; Cursillo retreats offered; small faith sharing groups meet in homes; parishioner and community outreach and support are critical but parish is struggling to provide
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation St. Anthony of Padua Parish Profile • Community of 10,000 families; mostly Anglo but with a growing Hispanic community; parish is financially well to do; has newish facilities; connected in the larger community • A very seasoned pastor who is well liked by parishioners; delivers engaging homilies; committed to the parish being an evangelizing force in the community (being and bringing the Good News to others) • A large professional parish staff (25 full-time and 20 part-time) that are responsible for particular ministries of the Church. The pastor meets regularly with a senior leadership team. The senior leadership team meets with parish staff under their responsibility • A huge Children’s Catechetical Program in English and in Spanish • A strong youth ministry program • No Catholic school attached • RCIA program is year round; Alpha evangelization outreach is strong; small faith sharing groups meet in homes; parishioner and community outreach and support are growing
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Vision of Pastoral Ministry: Communion At the heart of the vision for pastoral ministry is that our God is fundamentally relational: A loving communion of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ‘At the heart of the divine act of creation is the divine desire to make room for created persons in the communion of the uncreated Persons of the Blessed Trinity through adoptive participation in Christ. (from Co-Workers in the Vineyard)
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation 10 Guides for developing aFF programming that reflects current research and practice in adult learning 1. Focus on the life tasks, needs, interests, and spiritual and faith journeys of each season of adulthood. 2. Target the spiritual and religious diversity of adults. 3. Offer a wide variety of programming to address the diversity of adults’ lives. 4. Use multiple environments for programming. 5. Enhance participation in programming by building on adult motivation and principles for effective adult learning.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation 10 Guides for developing aFF programming that reflects current research and practice in adult learning 6. Design online and digitally enabled strategies into all programming. 7. Develop programming around the essential eight faith-forming processes. 8. Incorporate intergenerational programming into adult faith formation. 9. Address the needs of families in each season of adulthood. 10. Design missional initiatives to reach the spiritual but not religious and the unaffiliated.
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Ten Principles of Servant Leadershipby Robert Greenleaf • Listening - listen receptively to what is being said (and not said) • Empathy- put yourself in the shoes of the other person • Healing – desire to be compassionate • Awareness– tune in to what is happening around you • Persuasive– build consensus. Convince vs. coerce compliance
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Ten Principles of Servant Leadershipby Robert Greenleaf • Conceptualize– conceive a desirable vision, then lead in that direction • Foresight– look into the future and anticipate the likely impact of current decisions • Stewardship– acknowledge and care for God’s gifts • Cultivate Followers– help followers grow beyond their current skill levels • Build Community – create a deeper desire for belonging, a bond that goes beyond a traditional organization
CPM – Adult Faith Formation Session 3: Organizing Adult Faith Formation Servant leadership invites us to Lead Like Jesus What followers look for in leaders: • Trust • Compassion • Stability • Hope