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TAKING AND STUDYING CLASSROOM NOTES. Take effective classroom notes Study and remember your notes. 13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES . 1. Get down a complete and written record of each class. when in doubt, write it down
TAKING AND STUDYING CLASSROOM NOTES Take effective classroom notes Study and remember your notes
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 1. Get down a complete and written record of each class. • when in doubt, write it down • the more complete your notes, the more likely you are to master the material • writing too much, rather than too little, may mean the difference between passing and failing
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 2. Sit where the teacher can see you, preferably near the front of the room. • your position will help you stay tuned to what is happening in class • check your attitude: are you hiding to avoid being called on, or are you out of sight because you don’t really want to be there?
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 3. Read in advance. • by doing advance reading, you will be able to listen and take notes more easily and with greater understanding • this becomes even more important when the subject is a difficult one for you
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 4. Record notes like this: • Use 8½ x 11 paper • Keep notes from each course/subject in a separate loose-leaf notebook • Date each day’s notes • Take notes on only one side of the paper • Write legibly • Abbreviate recurring terms • Circle exam dates and enter a large “A” for assignment in the margin
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 5. Try to write down notes in outline form. • Main points • Secondary points • Supporting details • Subordinate details (such as examples)
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 6. Watch for signs of importance. Write down: • what your teacher writes on the board • definitions or lists • what the teacher emphasizes • repeated points • points emphasized by voice cues
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 7. Write down any examples the teacher provides • Mark these with “ex”
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 8. Record details that connect or explain main points. • Bridges between key ideas help you remember the relationship • Record explanations for formulas or numerical problems
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 9. Leave blank spaces for items or ideas you miss. • Ask another student or your teacher to fill in the gaps right after class • If you fall behind in taking notes, try to get down at least the main idea
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 10. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you become confused. • Others are likely to have the same questions • Teachers look favorably on students who show interest and curiosity
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 11. Keep taking notes during discussion. • Valuable ideas may come up that are not presented formally by the teacher
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 12. Keep taking notes at the end of the class. • Teachers may cram important points into the last minutes of class • Prepare to write rapidly • Resist fatigue and daydreaming
13 HINTS FOR TAKING CLASSROOM NOTES 13. Review your notes. • As soon as possible after class • Finish incomplete sentences/ideas • Write out abbreviations • Mark important ideas, lists, definitions • Improve the organization to accent main ideas and supporting points
STUDYING CLASS NOTES Review within 24 hours. • Forgetting begins immediately • A few minutes now gives you more learning for less time and effort
STUDYING CLASS NOTES Use the margin space. • Jot down key words or phrases that will help you recall the main ideas
STUDYING CLASS NOTES Turn the margin words into questions. • Test yourself on the material • Test on each new question and repeat the previous questions until you have them memorized
PRACTICE TAKING NOTES Lecture about listening. • What is the listening problem that many people have? • What are common talking and listening speeds? • What are 3 techniques to help you pay attention when someone else is talking? • What is the most important step you can take to become a better listener?