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Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum Design Principles

Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum Design Principles. Wallacestone Primary. Develops a common vision between children, parents and staff. School Handbook Parents’ forums / workshops HT coffee mornings / afternoon teas Parents on all SIP working groups Open afternoons Newsletters

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Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum Design Principles

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  1. Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum Design Principles Wallacestone Primary

  2. Develops a common vision between children, parents and staff • School Handbook • Parents’ forums / workshops • HT coffee mornings / afternoon teas • Parents on all SIP working groups • Open afternoons • Newsletters • Child initiated work • Home projects • AifL strategies: WALT; WILF • Parents attending assemblies • Soft start in primaries one and two • Sharing targets

  3. Develops a common vision between children, parents and staff (2) • Parents’ Council / PAWS • Pupil Council, ECO Group, SNAG etc • Homelink books / Chatterbox in nursery • 2 stars and a wish after events • questionnaires • Traffic lights • Parents’ evenings • Parent Helpers • Open door policy

  4. Works together with parents to improve learning • TAT’s, Learning Logs, Self Assessment jotters • Questionnaires • Open Afternoons • Parents’ nights • HT coffee mornings / afternoon teas • Open forums / workshops • Parent Council • Parent Helpers • Suggestion Box • World of Work week • Reports to parents

  5. Works together with parents to improve learning (2) • Open door policy • Jotters home regularly • Maths bags in nursery • Reading and homework • Parents on SIP working groups • 2 stars and a wish • Lending libraries • Assemblies – parents attending • Parents visits to nursery • Primary 1 book bags • Nursery curriculum focus newsletter • School newsletters

  6. Works together with parents to improve learning (3) • Nursery profiles • School website • “Worries” box • IEP review meetings • PAWS – fund raising for educational resources • Enterprise activities • Personal projects • Teachers’ phone calls and letters home • Personal projects

  7. Works in partnership with other agencies and its community • Parent experts • Focus weeks: world of work, health, international, eco • Council personnel with expertise used • SEN expertise – psychology service, SALT’s, OT’s, dental health service, school nurse and doctor, community police, • Harvest distribution

  8. Works in partnership with other agencies and its community (2) • Active Schools’ Co-ordinator • Falkirk Herald • Chaplain / People’s Puppets / churches in the community • PAWS • Top Sport • Charities / fund raising • Playgroups • Community visitors / specialists / skills • Library Services • Polmont Library • Forth Valley College

  9. Works in partnership with other agencies and its community (3) • Social work • EYO students and teaching students • People on work experience • Probationer support • I.L.C. • International visitors • School trips out • Visitors in • Falkirk Football Club

  10. Promotes well being and respect • Healthy eating promoted • School lunches • Travelling tuck • Nursery snack • Nursery outdoor play • Nursery top sport / tennis, golf • Nursery fruit to take home • Nursery toothbrush programme • Health week • School nurse

  11. Promotes well being and respect (2) • School Values promoted including “value assemblies” • Staff HWL 2nd level • ILC health day • Pupil council / ECO group • SNAG • Mini topics • School rules • Community dietician • PSD / Circle Time • Nursery Golden Tree • PE / Sports Day • Extra curricular clubs

  12. Promotes well being and respect (3) • Infant fruit 3 days a week • Prefect responsibilities • Peer mediators / play leaders / buddies • House points • Citizenship • Golden rules • Charity work • Harvest • Enterprise • Collaborative learning opportunities • Critical skills programme /thinking hats

  13. Promotes well being and respect (4) • Circle time • International education / Angus • Stories • Class helpers • Tidy up time

  14. Develops a culture of ambition and achievement • Enterprise • Galaxy of stars • Success assemblies • Good work • Smart board • Maths challenge • Star writer • Photograph/picture in “Special Book” • ICT in the curriculum display boards • News wall • Photographs • Extra curricular clubs leading to entry to competitions

  15. Promotes well being and respect (2) • Culture of praising children • Distributed leadership for staff and children • Golden tree in nursery • Chatterbox in nursery • Story-telling festival • Inter-school competitions • Entry to national and local competitions • House points • Display of pictures / work

  16. Promotes well being and respect (3) • School website • Class blogs • Eco school with two green flags • Pupil council • Classroom awards • Fruity Friday • Target setting • Formative assessment • World of work week • Poetry / Burns’ competition • Prize Giving / Awards Assembly • Leavers’ Assembly

  17. Promotes well being and respect (4) • General discussions working with parents • Staff development and review

  18. Challenge and enjoyment • Concert / performances • Range of interesting activities • Enterprise • Soft start • AifL: self and peer assessment • Positive and support environment • 7 up challenge • Clear targets • New outdoor classroom • Differentiation • Extend activities relevant to each child

  19. Challenge and enjoyment (2) • Critical skills challenges • Thinking Hats • High expectations • Culture of risk taking • Encouragement from staff • Earned rewards • Visitors to school • Mixing with peers and different social groups • Focus groups

  20. Challenge and enjoyment (3) • Planning with children • Active learning – ICT / value of play etc • Christmas parties • Golden time • Formative and summative assessment • Sports day • Extra curricular clubs • House awards • Maths challenge

  21. breadth • Plan for 8 areas of CfE • Evaluation • Range of resources • Cross curricular links • Observations • Assessments • Child initiated / adult initiated learning • Focus weeks – use different approaches and methods • Outside agencies • Link to the community

  22. Breadth (2) • Transition records – playgroups, nurseries, secondary • Use of ICT (across curriculum) • Parental support (homework) • Extra curricular club • Trips out / visitors in

  23. Coherence • Teamwork • Well planned / cross curricular lessons • Shared learning intentions / also the “why” – relevance to children • Building on previous knowledge • Appropriate homework – share with parents • Next steps and evaluations • Whole school planning • Share views and ideas

  24. Coherence (2) • Everyone “singing from same hymn sheet” • Staff share views and ideas • Transitions from each stage • Links with support for learning • Using the “shared area” to share resources • Induction for new staff • Planning with stage partners

  25. Personalisation and choice • Target setting • Child led learning • Critical skills programme learning • Independent learning • Individual learning styles • Extra curricular activities • New homework style • Early years learning profiles • Soft start • Active learning

  26. Personalisation and choice (2) • TAT’s, Learning Logs and Self Assessment jotters • Free play • Differentiation • Personal research topics • Prefect duties • Topic planning • Peer mediators • Buddies • Play leaders

  27. Personalisation and choice (3) • IEPs • Use of free time • Choice of order of work • Pupil council • School captains / ambassadors • House captains • Class reps on various pupil committees

  28. Depth • Cross curricular / multi-disciplinary working – linking learning • Planning / mind mapping with pupils – flexible planning • Take children’s ideas and explore further • Approaches to learning e.g. active learning • Staff life skills and experiences • Use of resources • Hands on experience

  29. Depth (2) • Staff training courses put to good use • Trips / visitors etc • Individual research • Re-visit learning / plenary • Nursery planning • Focus weeks • Sharing good practice • Sharing with parents and carers • Scaffolding • Very good pedagogy • Thinking Hats

  30. Relevance • Relating to real life contexts • Age and stage appropriate • Differentiation • Awareness of lifestyle issues • Making links / clarifying connections between the past, now and the future • Child initiated learning / planning topics together • Critical skills programme challenges • Thinking hats • Finding out prior learning

  31. Relevance (2) • Parental feedback / contribution • World of work • Link to the community / local and wider/national • Focus weeks: international, eco, world of work • ICT and other media resources • Homecoming week – Scottish links • Listing children’s interests for creative planning

  32. Progression • Planning – outcomes – next steps – plenary • Nursery – focus children • Evaluation (pupil and teacher) • Differentiation ensuring pace and challenge • Transition records and visits • National testing results • Curriculum for Excellence / 5-14 guidelines • Baseline / end of P 1 assessment

  33. Progression (2) • Self progression through target setting • TATs / self assessment / learning logs • Self/peer assessment / teacher assessment • Reporting and recording • Good use made of IEP’s and Group EP’s • Assessment is for Learning / formative assessment

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