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MUSIC MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. TEST YOUR MU-Q!. There are ______ lines and ______ spaces in the music staff?. There are FIVE lines and FOUR spaces in the music staff. The bottom line is line number ______. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. The bottom line is line number ONE.

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  2. There are ______ lines and ______ spaces in the music staff?

  3. There are FIVE lines and FOUR spaces in the music staff.

  4. The bottom line is line number ______

  5. 5 4 3 2 1 • The bottom line is line number ONE.

  6. The first space down from the top of the staff is space number________

  7. 4 3 2 1 • The first space down from the top of the staff is space number FOUR

  8. The treble clef & sign is also called the ____ clef sign.

  9. The treble clef sign & is also called the G clef sign.

  10. The bass clef sign?is also called the _____ clef sign.

  11. The bass clef sign ? is also called the F clef sign.

  12. The treble clef names the second line ___; the bass clef names the fourth line ______

  13. The treble clef names the second line G; the bass clef names the fourth line F. ? &

  14. The letters of the alphabet used in naming the notes are: A B C D E F G

  15. TREBLE CLEF & F E D & C B A G F E • The letter names of the treble clef lines and spaces are:

  16. BASS CLEF ? ? A G F E D C B A G • The letter names of the bass clef lines and spaces are:

  17. ALTO CLEF B B G F E D C B A G F • The letter names of the alto clef lines and spaces are:

  18. 3 • The stems go _______ for all notes below the third line of the staff: up h

  19. The stems go _______ for all notes above the third line of the staff: down E 3

  20. Stems pointing down are always attached to the _______ side of the note: left w |

  21. A _______ is the distance between two bar lines: measure | |

  22. A double bar means the _____ of that part of the music: end | |

  23. 2 3 4 4 4 4 • We call : etc. at the beginning of the music the _____ signatures. time

  24. We can tell the number of beats in each measure by the ______ number.

  25. We can tell the number of beats in each measure by the number. 2 3 4 4 4 4 TOP

  26. We can tell the kind of a note that gets one beat by the ______ number.

  27. We can tell the kind of a note that gets one beat by the number. 2 3 4 4 4 4 BOTTOM q q q

  28. 2 3 4 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a q equals ______.

  29. 2 3 4 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a q equals ______. ONE beat

  30. 2 3 4 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a h equals ______.

  31. 2 3 4 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a h equals ______. TWO beats

  32. 4 4 • In music using this meter,a w equals ______.

  33. 4 4 • In music using this meter,a w equals ______. FOUR beats

  34. A whole note w equals ___ half rests? r __

  35. 2 • A whole note w equals ___ half rests r r __ __

  36. A whole note w equals ___ quarter rests? g

  37. 4 • A whole note w equals ___ quarter rests g g g g

  38. A dot • after a note is equal to ___ the value of the note it follows

  39. A dot • after a note is equal to ___ the value of the note it follows 1/2

  40. 3 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a dotted half note h. equals ________.

  41. 3 4 4 4 • In music using these meters,a dotted half note h. equals ________. THREE beats

  42. 6 4 • In music using this meter,a dotted whole note w. equals ________.

  43. 6 4 • In music using this meter,a dotted whole note w. equals ________. SIX beats

  44. _ _ _ _ • Added lines above or below the staff are called ___________ leger lines

  45. _ Q _ & • In the treble clef the second leger line above the staff is ____ C

  46. _ Q _ ? • In the bass clef the second leger line above the staff is ____ E

  47. • • When two dots are placed before a double bar we call it a _______ repeat sign | |

  48. When you come to a repeat sign you go back to the last _______ sign or to the __________ .

  49. | | • • When you come to a repeat sign you go back to the last _________ or to the _______ . repeat sign beginning & OR

  50. Play the 1st ending - repeat - _______ the 1st ending and play the ________ ending.

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