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Town Twinning 1.1. Town-Twinning citizens’ meetings 1.2. Thematic Networking of Twinned Towns. Strasbourg 31/07/07. Strasbourg 05/06/07. Introduction
Town Twinning 1.1. Town-Twinning citizens’ meetings 1.2. Thematic Networking of Twinned Towns Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Introduction “A twinningis the comingtogether of twocommunitiesseeking, in this way, to take action with a Europeanperspective and with the aim of facingtheirproblems and developingbetweenthemselvescloser and closerties of friendship” Key principles: friendship, cooperation, mutual awareness about the peoples of Europe, expression of European unity and identity It represents a long-term commitment between the partners, not a short-term project partnership. It is based on a dual commitment and success depends on the active participation of the citizens. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Ten keys to successful Town Twinning Find the right partners Involve the citizens and the whole community Include a European dimension Define common objectives Create a support structure Work with schools and young people Address the major issues of our day Plan a sustainable development Look to the future and build the basis for new exchanges Develop a budget and look after the finances Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Benefits of successful Town Twinning • Provides a platform for internationalcooperation • Provides an exchange of experiences, knowledge and best practicesin diverse fields • Allowsfor the comparing of statistics, • Providesbetterunderstanding of European and global standards • Partners gain new managerialskills • A usefultool for localcommunities to explore a particulartopic or theme, share resources and interests or face common challenges • Townscan use the power of networks to discuss and share theirideasand interestsand transfer themintotheirownlocalenvironment Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Eligibility All the EU countries are eligible for the participation to the programme - aswellas the countrieswhich are members of the European Free Trade Area(EFTA) and those of the western Balkans, providedtheyhaveconcluded the necessaryagreement with the EuropeanCommission in thisregard (pleasesee the precise list in the programme guide). Ifyouneed more information or explanationsyou can contact the twinningcontactofficer of the relevantCEMR national association in your country. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Beneficiary countries • Member States of European Union • Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary • Croatia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania. • Potential participating countries (potentially could participate in the near future) • Participating countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), members of the European Economic Area (EEA): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway • EU candidate countries: Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Project Cycle • Calls for proposals/Programme guide • Project selection • Contracts/decisions • Start of the project • Follow up & Monitoring • Controls • Reports Assessments • Feedback to DG • Proposals for further improvements • Selection is based on an eligibility check and then an evaluation of the application to determine whether the applicant will receive the grant Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Actions and Measures Action 1 - Active citizens for Europe = activities involving citizens Measure 1. Town-Twinning = Involvement or promotion of direct exchanges between European citizens through their participation in town-twinning activities and development of networking and cooperation between twinned towns Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 1 - Town twinning • 1.1. Town-Twinning citizens’ meetings • = Meetingsbetweencitizens’ groups from twinnedtownsaimingatdeveloping long-lasting, informal and personal relations. • They should: • reinforceparticipant’scommittment to Europeanintegration • fostermutualunderstanding and friendshipbetweenpeople from the twinnedtowns • be an experience of activecivicparticipationatlocallevel. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Eligibility criteria - Town twinning citizens’ meetings Applicants = towns/municipalities or their twinning committees or other non profit organisations representing local authorities, established in a participating Country in which the meetings take place. NB: The same body can receive ONLY one grant per year Duration = max 21 days Budget: between 5.000 and 25.000 €; funding mechanism: flat rate Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Eligibility criteria - Town twinning citizens’ meetings Actions The meetings must: involve municipalities from at least 2 participants countries (1 EU member state) involve a minimum of 25 invited participants. "Invited participants" are international participants sent by the eligible partner/s. At least half of the participants should not be elected local government representatives or municipal officials. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Action 1 - Town twinning • 1. 2 Thematic Networking of Twinned Towns • = thematic conferences and workshops that encourage the development of a long lasting, dynamic and multifaceted cooperation between twinned towns (twinned in largusensu). • These events should: • have a defined target group for which the select theme is relevant and involve community members active in it. • Address the priority themes of the Programme • Serve as a basis for future initiatives and action between towns involved Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Applicants = an organisation with a legal status and established in a participating Country: • Towns/municipalities or their twinning committees or networks; • Other levels of local/regional authorities; • Federations/associations of local authorities • Non profit organisations representing local authorities • Project must involvemunicipalitiesfromat least 4 participating countries of which one is an EU Member State, it must involve a minimum of 30 invited participants sent by eligiblepartnersand have at least 3 events. • Grant: between 10 000 and 150 000 EUR • Maximum project duration is 24 months. • Maximum duration of eacheventis21 days. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
How do youformalise a Town Twinningagreement? • Partners must sign the TwinningContract • Partners must sign a TwinningOath • Agree on a TwinningWorkplan • Agree on a budget • Ifawarded the grant, applicantswillreceive a Grant Agreement from the Executive Agency, whichindicates the grantawarded and the financialconditions. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
KeyDeadlines 1.1. Town Twinningcitizens’ meeting 01/06/2013 12:00 noon (Brussels time) 01/09/2013 12:00 noon (Brussels time) 1.2. Thematic Networking of Twinning Towns 01/09/2013 12:00 noon (Brussels time) Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Potential problems facing projects Problem: A lack of awareness due to projectsthat are notrelevant to citizens’ lives or lowvisibility. Solution: include large scale of stakeholdersrelated to the target group, develop website and social media presence, design a Twin Town emblem and use it in allyourpublicitymaterials, a publicitycampaign, develop innovative projectswhichattractattention. Problem: projecthas no social impact because the collaboration with the twin towniseconomiconly. Solution: developprojects with cultural or social aspects, involve civil society organisations, promote public – private partnerships and include promotion of corporate social responsibilityamongst businesses. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Practical issues facing Town Twinning Problem: relationshipnotmaintaineddue to short termprojects and lack of interest from citizens. Solution: focus on sustainableprojects, plan medium and long termprojects and funding, increaseawareness and motivationamongcittizens. Problem: unsuitablematchesdue to no common featuresbetweentowns, disproportionaterelationship, onesidedrelationship; littleor no effort from one of the partners. Solution: identify common interests, find the right partner; ideally a town with similarpopulationsize, demographics, industryetc, common problemsolvingneeds. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Problem: corruption, eitherreal or perceptiongive due to stories in media, lack of tranparency etc. Solution: minimiseuselessspending, increasevisibility, involve citizens in allstages of projectsnot just governmentofficials. Problem: Cost due to lack of funding, lack of creativity in findingfunding and reluctance to spendmoney. Solution: look for alternative sources of funding, projectswhichclearly tackle social problems are a good use of funds, more resources and strategic planning in fund raising, a goodvisibilityplanfacilitatesattraction for private investment and sponsorships. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Problem: logistics due to distance, transportcosts and languagebarriers. Solution: make use of discount airlines, groupbookingsetc, twin with a townyoualreadyhavegoodtransportlinks with, identify a common workinglanguageifpossible, involve youthspeakingdifferentlanguages in twinningprojects. On occassion, there can also be personal barriers due to: lack of support from citizens, interculturalconflict, interestnotmaintained; there are various ways to combatalltheseissues. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
What are the mainerrorsthatlocalauthoritiesshouldavoidwhenapplying for EU support? The mainadministrativeerrormade by applicants (localauthorities) wasthe failure to submitproof of the VAT registrationnumberdeclared on theirlegalentityformwas a problem. Itisimportantbecauseallentitiesreceiving an EU subventionhave to havetheirformallegaldetailsvalidated by the EuropeanCommissionservices and thisincludes VAT registration. Whenitcomes to the content of theirprojectapplicationswewouldrecommendallapplicants to look closelyat the programme guide whichexplains the criteriaused to award grants and againstwhichapplications are evaluated. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Whatconstitutes a goodproject? • Using 1.1. Town-Twinningcitizens’ meetingsas an example: • Applicantsshouldpayattention to the objectives of the Programme, itsprioritythemes and the concept of citizens' meetings. • Goodprojectswillhave a clear and detailedpresentation of the meeting programme, explainingwhatwillhappen, what the role of the participantswill be and whattheywilllearn. • Encouragean activerole for the participantsincluding the local community. • Explainwhichkind of publicity and othervisibility the meeting willget. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Where can youfind more information on the Europe for CitizensProgramme and Town Twinning? • The DG Education and Culture and Executive agency’s website • Europe for CitizensProgramme Guide 2007-2013 • The Council of EuropeanMunicipalities and Regions (CEMR) website • www.twinning.org • Europe for CitizensPoints are currentlybeingestablished in countrieseligible to participate in the Europe for CitizensProgramme Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
EACEA ContactDetails EACEA - Unit P7 CitizenshipTown-twinning - Citizen's meetingsAvenue du Bourget, 1 (BOUR 01/04A)B-1140 Brussels - BelgiumEmail : eacea-p7@ec.europa.euFax:+32 2 296 23 89http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index_en.php Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07