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STAND.UP Strengthening Twinning Agreements and Networking for Development. United in Partnership Europe for Citizens Programme Action 1 – Active Citizens for Europe Measure 2.2 – Support measures
STAND.UP Strengthening Twinning Agreements and Networking for Development. United in Partnership Europe for Citizens Programme Action 1 – Active Citizens for Europe Measure 2.2 – Support measures This measure aims at supporting the activities which may lead to the establishment of long-lasting partnerships and networks reaching a significant number of different stakeholders promoting active Europe citizenship, thus contributing to provide a better response to the programmes‟ objectives and maximizing the overall programme impact and effectiveness START DATE: 01/02/2011 END DATE: 31/01/2012. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
List of partners involved: - The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies - France - Local Democracy Agency Albania - NGO Horizon - Albania - Balkan Assist - Association for citizen activity support - Bulgaria - National Forum API - Bulgaria - Regional Association of Municipalities “Central Stara Planina” - Bulgaria - Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities - Local Democracy Agency Osijek - Croatia - Centre d’information, de documentation, d’études et de formati - France - Comité de Jumelage de Démouville - France - Maison de l'Europe de Caen Basse-Normandie - France - Active Creative and Reforming Organisation - Greece - Istitutio Pugliese di Ricerche Sociali - Italy - Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments - Association of the units of local self-government - Macedonia - Local Councils' Association - Malta - Union of Rural Communes of the Republic of Poland - Romanian Municipalities Associations Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
The project aims at strengthening CSO's involvement in the overall framework of EU twinning in order to create a better organized cooperation system between LAs & CSOs and a more present public-private partnership to fight against economic and social crisis, to promote mobility for democracy and ownership of European identity. The three pillars of the project: - economic innovative initiatives - local economic development - volunteering for democracy Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
General objectives - foster citizens’ participation and interaction with local and EU institutions through debates on vivid EU related topics in the field of twinning. - raise awareness on EU common values such as democracy and participation, and promotion of Active European citizenship and European identity. - promotion of a shared identity in the wider Europe by gathering together EU and pre accession countries - support the development of twinning agreements Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Specific objectives - strengthening existing twinning agreements or creating new ones in order to encourage the adoption of “town-twinning” as a tool for a long lasting cooperation, especially in the field of citizens' participation. - exchange of good practices between old, new and future EU members - finding creative and innovative ways in the promotion of citizen participation - promotion of European values such as democracy and citizen participation, tolerance and diversity. - promotion of volunteering in the framework of town-twinning. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Methodology - Conferences, seminars, specialized thematic workshops - Participatory methods: site visits, working groups, etc. - Exchange of best practices - Partnership and networking, promotion of communication channels - Production of information material and communication tools - Intercultural activities Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
IMPACT ON THE TARGET GROUPS • Nr participating individuals: directly involved 600; indirectly involved 5.000; • Nr organisations/institutions: 60 directly, about 100 indirectly; • Nr countries involved: 11 (4 old EU MS; 4 new ones and 3 pre-accession countries) • Nr of local activities: 17 • Nr of international events: 3 Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Activities 3 International activities: - Riga, April 2011:Fighting Poverty: from Innovative Ideas to Cooperation - Venice, September 2011: Mobility and Volunteering in town twinning:How to create a human ressources' exchnage methodology for LA and CSO - Malta, January 2012: Social integration of vulnerable groups and PromotingGenger equality through a good local governmental system Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Activities 17 local activities: Venue of the activities: Albania:Shkodra, Gjrokaster Bulgaria: Sofia, Plovdiv, Gabrovo, Varna Malta:Balzan Latvia:Riga Croatia: Osijek France:Demouville, Caen, Montreuil Greece: Kastoria Italy: Bari, Venice Poland: Poznan Romania: Bucharest Macedonia: Skopje Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
Main objectives of the local activities: - local debate on what could be done to increase the partnership between LA and CSO in this European twinning framework. - create a human resources’ exchange methodology for LA and CSO - promotion of the concept of town-twinning and identifying best creative and innovative practices to run and manage twinning activities - training session related to town twinning and the participation - facilitate the engagement of local authorities in town twinning activities - promoting the concept of town twinning - facilitation the establishment, revitalization and development of town twinning relationships - improving the quality of activities within existing twinning relationships - developing new skills among those who are responsible for twinning activities at a local level. Strasbourg 31/07/07 Strasbourg 05/06/07
For more information Please consult ALDA website www.alda-europe.eu or contact ALFONSO ALIBERTI Project Manager ALDA alfonso.aliberti@aldaintranet.org Strasbourg 31/07/07 Riga April 2011 Strasbourg 05/06/07