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Key recommendations from ASIC3May.16-18.2006 focusing on continuous satellite data collection for Earth radiation budget and achieving calibration standards for climate variables. Crosscutting proposals emphasize SI traceability and joint intercalibration centers for improved accuracy. Broadband suggestions suggest refining Earth radiation budget measurements and enhancing instrument stability for climate sensitivity constraints.
ASIC3May 16-18 2006Broadband Breakout GroupRecommendationsBig 3CrosscuttingEarth Radiation Budget
ASIC3May 16-18 2006Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration for Climate ChangeRoughly 100 attendees, mostly NOAA, NASA, with some international from key programs (GCOS) or satellite calibration concepts
Big 3 Recommendations • Continuous Overlapped Satellite Altimeter Sea Level Data: key climate risk • Continuous Overlapped Broadband Earth Radiation Budget Data: key IPCC climate feedback and forcing uncertainty • Calibration Benchmark Mission: 0.2 to 100m. Spectrally resolved plus broadband. Crosscuts calibration of many climate variables.
Crosscutting Recommendations • Calibration Standards activity unified across GEO, GCOS, IEEE efforts • SI traceable is a goal, absolute accuracy and long term stability should both be designed into the system to assure success. SI may not be sufficient if sampling or analysis algorithms are inadequate. (e.g. perfect single surface pyranometer) or SI standard does not meet climate rqmt. • Joint Center for Satellite Intercalibration • Very useful for NOAA, Enhances connections of instrument calibration to NIST, NASA science team climate missions already doing this as part of science team activities. • Maintain responsibility in climate data record science teams • Two additional Climate Observing Principles : independent observations and independent scientific analysis. • Reprocessing of CDRs, including Level1b radiances to resolve errors is fundamental
Crosscutting Recommendations • Science team involvement in climate data records must be continual to reach climate accuracy. • Transition NASA science team approach to NOAA climate programs: responsibility for calibration, algorithms, and validation and reprocessing.
Broadband Recommendations • Earth Reflected and Emitted Broadband Fluxes • Do Earth Radiation Budget measurements on NPP (2009) to eliminate current 20% gap risk • To meet stability requirments, improve characterization of CERES FM-5 (silver mirror spectral char, MAM coatings, lamps/monitors) • Pre-launch round robin calibrations (e.g. GERB, CERES radiometric test model, CERBE?) with NIST • Put past broadband radiometers on common radiometric scale • Global Net Earth Radiation Error Budget and define current best consistency with ocean heat storage • Quantify accuracy of contamination/uv exposure of broadband instruments. • Reprocess broadband record from 1980 to 2000 consistently on common radiometric scale and analysis algorithms. • Work with GEWEX Radiative Flux Assessment to improve use of narrowband AVHRR/geostationary/AVHRR estimates of past radiation budget and constrain to broadband radiometry scale
Broadband Recommendations • Change SW, LW stability goal from 0.3 Wm-2 to 0.15 Wm-2 per decade. Purpose is to constrain climate sensitivity to +/- 25% (I.e. 1/4 of anthropogenic forcing of 0.6 Wm-2 per decade). Accuracy goal remains 1 Wm-2. • Extend studies of deep convection and lunar viewing for broadband indepenent consistency/stability checks.