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Recommendations. Fee Increases. Increase Parks & Recreation Department fee up to $523K (preschool rates, participant ID cards, sports fees, aquatic fees, and streamlining SafeKey fees ) Implement a Parks & Recreation Department comprehensive rate study with potential of up to $ 2M
Increase Parks & Recreation Department fee up to $523K (preschool rates, participant ID cards, sports fees, aquatic fees, and streamlining SafeKey fees) • Implement a Parks & Recreation Department comprehensive rate study with potential of up to $2M • Incorporate the following components: • Market rate comparison • Cost of service • Premium philosophy • Allow for subsidized discounts for the at-risk population • Full cost of recovery for private use • Maintain current access for public • Surcharge for operations and maintenance Fees Increases
Eliminate all Parks & Recreation Department punch passes - $115K • Eliminate the Parks & Recreation Department bread pick-up - $17K • Eliminate the Parks & Recreation Department Senior Transportation Program - $236K Service Cuts
Combine new police and fire facilities • Regionalize emergency services where appropriate • Explore public/private partnerships • Make the Parks & Recreation Department Meals-on-Wheels and Senior Meals programs means-tested and cut City contribution of $350K, if matching not necessary • When looking at non-core City services, utilize a cost-neutral budgeting philosophy such as Meals on Wheels and Senior Meals Explore Service Delivery Alternatives
Close or limit Parks & Recreation Department facility hours on low-use days • Explore the feasibility of delaying the build-out of the next five new parks; implement a pilot project that uses external resources to maintain two of the next five new parks • Look at areas to blend in-house staff and outside contractors; explore additional contract service opportunities throughout the City Explore Service Delivery Alternatives
Fully address the City’s structural deficit and deferred maintenance needs that increases the property tax rate in the short-term and long-term • Encourage the City Council to utilize its statutory authority to immediately increase the property tax rate to the allowable limit per the state Department of Taxation • Include the use of a ballot question on a future municipal ballot up to a maximum of 20-cents but not to exceed a total City rate of 91-cents • Begin to inform and educate residents of the City’s need for additional property tax Property Tax
Explore the creation of a Hazardous Materials Response Team to provide the Fire Department with equipment, training, and personnel to enhance response capabilities for emergencies at the Basic Management Industrial Complex and other hazardous materials incidents • Explore legislative proposals that address depreciation of assessed value, the property tax structure, and the residential construction tax Other