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Georgia Project for Assistive Technology (Georgia Department of Education) www.gpat.org. Twila McMullan East Cobb Middle School Summer 2010. I.D.E.A.
Georgia Project for Assistive Technology(Georgia Department of Education)www.gpat.org Twila McMullan East Cobb Middle School Summer 2010
I.D.E.A. • “The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates the school system’s responsibility to provide assistive technology (AT) devices and services to students with disabilities.” • Since the 2004 reauthorization, IDEA is now known as IDEIA (the second I stands for Improvement).
What is assistive technology (AT) • (based on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990) • “Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.” (includes hardware and software as well as stand-alone devices) • The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device.
Pencil grip Paper stabilizer Larger font Personal dry erase board Non-slip writing surface Tape recorder (for note taking) AlphaSmart Laptop (with spell/grammar check) Software such as Inspiration Speech(text to voice) software Scanner Touch screen keyboard Trackball Speech Recognition software Examples for WRITING:
Personal dry erase board (for practice) Tape recorder Handheld spell checker with audio output Portable word-processor with built-in spell check feature Examples for Spelling
Page “fluffers” to enlarge font size on computer screen Slant board Book holder Color overlays Speaking dictionary Reading pen Braille translation software Audio taped books (some available at local library) E-books Talking word-processing device Screen reading programs such as Natural Reader (text to voice)—free Examples for Reading
Modified paper (bold, larger lines, for ex) Talking calculator with large print display Adaptive measuring devices Electronic math worksheets (like MathPad) Examples for Math
Print or picture schedule Color coding Appointment book Tape recorder Electronic organizer PDA Speech prompt devices Study Skills Examples:
Personal amplification system Personal hearing aid Smart Board (for transferring teacher’s written notes to student computer for viewing and printing) Voice to text software Closed captioning Real time captioning for live lectures and class discussions Tape recorder Listening Examples
Speech enhancing device (amplifier, clarifier) Picture communication board Talking switches dedicated augmentative communication devices Sign language Examples for Oral Communication
Adaptive classroom equipment (ex: adaptive chair with seating modifications and supports) Adaptive table and desk Walker Crutches/cane Manual/power wheelchair laptray Seating, Positioning, and Mobility Examples:
Purpose • promoting independence and achievement of all students with disabilities • as needed (must be in IEP), provides AT devices and services • MAY be necessary to have certain assistive technology at the child’s house, as well as the school • (no cost to the parents)
Mission of GPAT • to improve student achievement, productivity, independence and inclusion by enhancing educator knowledge of assistive technology and increasing student access to appropriate assistive technology devices and services. • Each school system must have process to evaluate all students with IEP’s (checklists and forms) for assistive technology—not only the students with severe disabilities • (note: extra-curricular activities are also to be addressed)
The process… • During the IEP process, the student’s needs & goals are evaluated, and if needed, a device is selected (to remove the learning barrier)—a team decision (includes Cobb County’s AT team) • Once the device is obtained (purchased, loaned, or made), it may need to be modified for the specific child, • then training begins----student, teachers, parents • the device is installed, customized, implemented, evaluated, modified, and maintained/replace as needed
ALL IEP’s include “consideration” of assistive technology: • Example: • Does the student require assistive technology devices and services? __X__Yes ____No If yes, describe: Susie uses an auditory trainer to amplifying the teacher’s or speaker’s voice in all classroom activities (example: lecture and class discussion) other than one on one instruction with the teacher or a paraprofessional.
If assistive technology is required for the child to participate in district wide or Statewide testing, the need for technology should be documented in the appropriate section of the IEP and provided to the child. • includes the PSAT for the magnet/IB testing, CRCT’s, the 8th grade Writing Test, ITBS, Cogat, EOCT’s
Assistive Technology Consideration Checklist • Form (click) • Note: there are many forms that can be used (Cobb County has others)
Assistive Technology Consortium • to support Georgia school systems in building and expanding local capacity to provide assistive technology devices and services to students with disabilities • meet 5 times a year to discuss needs of the school, as well as hosting a summer institute • Georgia’s topic for last year was: Accessible Instructional Materials, Funding Assistive Technology, Team Building, and Transition & Assistive Technology.
Contact Information: • Gina GelinasProgram Manager1870 Twin Towers East205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SEAtlanta, GA 30334 (404) 463-5288 (404) 651-6457ggelinas@doe.k12.ga.us