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Happy Monday My Minions!

Today: 1. Test Questions Investigation in to dropping of the atomic bomb. Looking ahead: Review day Tuesday In class essay Thursday Multiple Choice test Friday Notebook Check Friday. . Happy Monday My Minions! . Dropping of the Atomic Bomb.

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  1. Today: 1. Test Questions Investigation in to dropping of the atomic bomb. Looking ahead: Review day Tuesday In class essay Thursday Multiple Choice test Friday Notebook Check Friday. Happy Monday My Minions!

  2. Dropping of the Atomic Bomb How should we remember the dropping of the atomic bomb? • Everyone read the first page. • In your group 2 people read Japanese Perspective and 2 people read U.S. perspective. • Share both sides • Select as a group and image to represent the dropping of the atomic bomb.

  3. Tuesday-Reviewsday Today: • Debrief atomic bomb activity • Review for Test • Outlines • Multiple Choice Review Looking Ahead: Essay Test – Block Day Multiple Choice – Friday Notebook Check – Friday Come to tutorial today for extra help on essay, multiple choice, study guides, or anything for the notebook check. Also available at tutorial, hugs and snacks

  4. A Totalitarian Regime is best defined as…. • A government that allows freedom for its citizen • A government that controls most or all aspects of its citizens' lives • A government with a classless society • A government based on democratic principles

  5. A key reason in Hitler’s rise to power was… • His commitment to democratic principles • Economic Issues • High unemployment • B and C

  6. Britain and France allowing Hitler to annex Austria in 1938 is an example of… • The Phoney War • An alliance • Appeasement • The Treaty of Versailles

  7. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany in all of the following ways except... • Forced Germany to be a democracy • Pay reparations • Blamed them for the war • Limited the size of their military

  8. Woodrow Wilson Supported the Treaty of Versailles because.. • He believed it delivered justice by punishing Germany • He believed France and Great Britain should control Germany’s old colonies • He hoped its creation of the League of Nations would prevent future conflicts • He believed it would help Great Britain and France pay back their debts to the U.S.

  9. As applied to Europe in the 1930s appeasement is… • Standing up to aggressors • Militarism • A solution to the Depression • Giving to an aggressor to avoid conflict

  10. The German Annexation of Austria is also known as… • The Anschluss • The Sichelschnitt • The Nazi-Austrian Pact • Geraustria

  11. In the early years of the Second World War the style of warfare used by the Germans would best be described as… • Panzer conflict • Air to Air Combat • Blitzkrieg • A and C

  12. In Blitzkrieg the role of the Panzers (tanks) was… • To surround the enemy • To break through the line at the weak point • To transport Infantry • To fire at the enemy from long range

  13. The British and French did not attack Germany in September 1939 after the attack on Poland because… • The fear of a revolution in Germany • Poland could defend itself • They were afraid of the Soviets • None of the above

  14. The Phoney War best describes… • The period of Allied inaction after declaring war on Germany • The Russian forces fighting in the Winter War • Mussolini’s attempt to take North Africa in 1940 • None of the above

  15. Norway was a vital target for both the Allies and the Germans because… • It secured Sweden’s Iron supply • It was a good place to attack Russia • It was close to the United States • Norwegian manpower would help the Nazis

  16. Soon after the German victory in Norway… • France surrendered • Stalin invaded Finland • Winston Churchill became Prime Minster of Great Britain • All of the above

  17. The Evacuation of 338,000 British and French Soldiers from France in May-June 1940 was known as… • The Miracle of Dynamo • The Miracle at Dunkirk • Operation Dynamic • Operation Yellow

  18. Vichy France was… • Headed by Charles De Gaulle • The unoccupied area of France from June 1940- July 1942 • Ultimately controlled by the Nazis • B and C

  19. Officially neutral, but supportive of the Allies best describes the position of… • The United States after 1942 • The United States from 1939-1941 • The Soviet Union from 1939-1941 • Italy from 1939-1940

  20. In March 1941 the US congress passed this bill that allowed President Roosevelt to give supplies to countries that he thought were vital to the Defense of Democracy. • Cash-Lend Act • Cash and Carry • Lend-Lease Act • Neutrality Act

  21. The Battle of the Atlantic was… • A battle that lasted the duration of the war • A battle over supplies bound for Great Britain • A series of naval battles off the coast of Sweden • A and B

  22. Operation Barbarossa was… • The German attack on Great Britain, June 1941 • The German attack on the Soviet Union, June 1941 • The German attack on the France, June 1942 • The German attack on Greece, April 1941

  23. Motivations for the German invasion of the Soviet Union included… • The desire for living space • The desire for natural resources • The desire to smash communism • All of the above

  24. As a result of Germany's success during Operation Barbarossa… • They were able to kill all commissars • They took Moscow in 6 weeks • They were able to defeat the Soviets and turn their attention to Great Britain • They went too far too fast and struggled to supply their troops

  25. The Nazis were stopped outside of Moscow for all of the following reasons except… • The Soviets had a superior air force • Winter was extremely harsh and came early • They were waiting for completed train tracks • Hitler’s indecision during Operation Barbarossa

  26. In their campaign of expansion Japan invaded… • Korea • The Philippines • China • All of the above

  27. The United States looked upon Japanese expansion … • With happiness • Unfavorably • Indifferently • With uncertainty

  28. Early In 1940 the Japanese Government would be considered… • Democratic • Totalitarian • Militaristic • B and C

  29. The Japanese moved closer to war with the US in 1940 by… • Signing a tripartite pact with the Axis powers • Bombing Pearl Harbor • Invading China • Invading the Philippines

  30. The attack on Pearl Harbor… • Occurred on December 7th, 1941 • Pulled the United States officially into the war • Had a degree of warning for the Americans • All of the above

  31. The Big Three of the Allies were… • The United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain • The United States, France, and Great Britain • The United States, the Soviet Union, and China • Germany, Italy, and Japan

  32. The original Allied demand for unconditional surrender occurred in 1943 at the… • Casablanca Conference • Tehran Conference • Yalta Conference • Potsdam Conference

  33. The Battle of El Alamein is significant because… • It was a major victory for the Allies on the Eastern Front • It meant the ultimate defeat of France in 1940 • It was a major turning point for the Allies in North Africa • It was where the British figured out how to combat Blitzkrieg

  34. Operation Torch can best be described as… • Allied invasion of Southern France • Allied invasion of North Africa • Allied invasion of Italy • Allied invasion of Iwo Jima

  35. Fighting during the Battle of Stalingrad is best described as… • Blitzkrieg • Naval Warfare • Strategic Bombing • Street Fighting

  36. In Stalingrad the Germans struggled because… • They couldn't use Blitzkrieg tactics • The Russians were better hand to hand combat and Street fighting • The Soviets had more supplies in Stalingrad • A and B

  37. The first Axis capital to fall to the Allies was… • Berlin • Rome • Tokyo • Paris

  38. Which of the Allies encircled and conquered Berlin in 1945? • The United States • The Soviet Union • Great Britain • France

  39. As the Allies closed in on victory in Europe, on April 30/May1 Hitler… • Moved his operations to Munich • Killed himself • Killed off all his head officers • Flew to South Africa

  40. Counterattacked Reasons for not using atomic weapons against Japan include… • Japan was already defeated and could no longer fight • Japan was attempting to negotiate through the USSR • The bombs were dropped to intimidate the Soviet Union, not to force Japan to surrender • All of the above

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