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Grace Bible Church's mission is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. We fulfill the Great Commission by going, baptizing, and teaching, with the authority and power of Jesus. Join us in fulfilling our purpose and walking with Christ.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Great Commission: Overview Matthew 28:16-20 John concludes with Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Galilee - providing for His disciples Peter had been humbled, and Jesus restores him to ministry and reminds him, “You follow Me”
The Great Commission: Overview Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus both forgives and restores the humble - we must keep our eyes on Jesus
The Great Commission and Its Purpose Matthew 28:16-20 This commission is great because it is the preeminent command that defines the purpose of the Christian Jesus left heaven and became a man to “seek and to save that which was lost” - reconciling man to God
The Great Commission and Its Purpose Matthew 28:16-20 God’s “wonderful plan” for a Christian includes being hated and persecuted by the world which hates God The personal benefit of salvation to you is secondary to the glory of God receives for it - Eph. 1:5-6, 11-12 The Great Commission is not an option for the true Christian
The Great Commission and Its Purpose Matthew 28:16-20 Those who profess but do not confess are in reality Christless - they do not fulfill the Great Commission Those who remain untaught about how to walk with Christ also do not fulfill the Great Commission
Prerequisites for Fulfillingthe Great Commission Matthew 28:16-17
Prerequisite of Availability Matthew 28:16 After His resurrection, Jesus could have been in Galilee with the disciples for about two weeks Galilee was away from the opposition in Jerusalem & Jesus had many followers there
Prerequisite of Availability Matthew 28:16 The disciples have gone to the designated place to meet Jesus - to be used of God, you must be available They were ordinary men who made themselves available, and God used them to turn the world upside down
Prerequisite of Availability Matthew 28:16 A Christian is to be available to God to go where He wants you to go and do what He wants you to do You may not be capable, but God is able and He will enable if you make yourself available
Prerequisite of Worship Matthew 28:17 There were those in the crowd that had not yet seen the resurrected Jesus and so were doubtful Matthew is speaking truth. If he was promoting a hoax, he would not have referred to doubters
Prerequisite of Worship Matthew 28:17 We are to believe, but God is gracious to help you work through any doubts and become strong in faith Worship is the natural response of those that truly know Jesus and have placed their faith in Him
Prerequisite of Obedience Matthew 28:18 Jesus claims unlimited authority over all creation has been given to Him Jesus has authority to command, and failure to obey will result in chastening, forced obedience, or His wrath What Jesus states in Matthew 28:19-20 is a command, not a suggestion, and true Christians will obey it
Prerequisite of Obedience Matthew 28:18 Jesus gives one command - make disciples - carried out in three elements: going, baptizing, teaching The “therefore” bases the command in Jesus Himself who will enable you to do what He commands
Make Disciples Matthew 28:19-20 A disciple is someone who follows the teachings of another identifying with and imitating the teacher Acts 11:26 - a Christian is a disciple of Christ, the term meaning “a little Christ” Your ability to make others into disciples of Christ is dependent on being one yourself - 1 Corinthians 11:1
Make Disciples - Going Matthew 28:19 The first element of making a disciple of Christ is going - you go out to proclaim the gospel to others We are to make disciples of “all nations” ( e[qnoV / ethnos) - every ethnic group
Make Disciples - Going Matthew 28:19 You must leave your comfort zone to go to those who are different from you to tell them about Jesus You are only limited by your imagination, willingness & availability about where you can preach the gospel
Make Disciples - BaptizingMatthew 28:19 The second element of making a disciple is baptizing those who respond in faith to follow Christ Baptism is an act of obedience in identification with Christ in profession that you belong to the triune God
Make Disciples – TeachingMatthew 28:20 The third element of making a disciple is teaching them to walk in obedience to all of Jesus’ commands Even a new Christian can teach a less mature Christian what he has learned about walking with Jesus
Make Disciples – TeachingMatthew 28:20 The Great Commission is to the whole church & God want you to be an active participant in its fulfillment Jesus has the authority to command you, the power to equip you to do it, and He promises to be with you
Jesus is present and will do His part. Your part is to be: Available, Worshipful & Obedient to Him
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ