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Homework and Practice Chapter 8

Homework and Practice Chapter 8. Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners By Jane D. Hill and Kathleen M. Flynn. Why Homework?. Homework allows students to practice, review, and apply knowledge It is an effective way to extend learning beyond the school day.

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Homework and Practice Chapter 8

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  1. Homework and PracticeChapter 8 Classroom Instruction that Works with English Language Learners By Jane D. Hill and Kathleen M. Flynn

  2. Why Homework? • Homework allows students to practice, review, and apply knowledge • It is an effective way to extend learning beyond the school day

  3. General Homework Guidelines for ELLs • Provide students with concrete, nonlinguistic examples such as photographs, real objects, visual organizers, graphics, demonstrations, notes, or outlines • Give students opportunities to ask questions and discuss assignments orally • Provide native language support when possible (bilingual tutors, instructions, or materials)

  4. More Homework Guidelines for ELLs • Provide a method for peer support with homework • Give students modified or additional instructions • Teach students learning strategies and tips they can use at home

  5. How Much Homework? • Amount of homework should increase as the students progress from elementary to high school. • Tell students that homework is based on their level, and it should take “X” amount of time to complete (example)

  6. Parental Involvement • All parents can help by providing the place, time, and resources for their child to do homework • Special issue with ELL’s parents: many do not understand the language of the assignment • Encourage parents to use their native language when providing homework support and literacy development

  7. The Purpose of Homework • Make sure students know the purpose of the homework assignment: to practice/elaborate on information they have already learned, or to prepare to learn new information

  8. Feedback on Homework • Important for student learning processes • Does not always have to be feedback from the teacher • Peer feedback is also helpful

  9. Homework Policy • Inform students and parents about the purpose • Estimate amount of work students will receive and time they should spend • Discuss consequences for not completing homework • Suggest ways parents can help

  10. Adapting Homework Feedback to Different Language Levels • Level 1: a peer helping with word selection (vocab) • Level 2: classmates model correct grammar • Level 3: classmates model and explain how to expand or combine sentences or other processes • Level 4-5: share their ideas with other students, using academic English

  11. Other Tips for Adapting Homework • Level 1: find examples of items at home or draw pictures of items studied, draw and label parts of something, any other word selection/vocabulary activities • Level 2: also practice with words, but expand a bit to include adjectives, more elaboration on ideas • Level 3-5: Combine written explanations with graphics as appropriate

  12. Practice • All of the above recommendations also apply to classroom practice • English-dominant students need to practice a new skill at least 24 times to achieve 80% proficiency… • So ELLs will need even more focused practice to master the same skills

  13. Practice Tips • If students are learning a complex skill or process, design practice opportunities to focus on only one of the more difficult steps or aspects • Think-alouds will help ELLs to understand the conceptual basis for skills and processes

  14. ILPs (Individual Learning Plans) The ILP classroom accommodations that correlate to these strategies are: • Assign LEP level-appropriate assignments, homework, and assessments (modify length, allow extra time, alternate assignment, etc) • Provide assignment instructions and other important information in both written and oral formats • Assign a “buddy” to assist the student • Allow use of supplementary materials in the student’s native language when available

  15. For more information, please use Classroom Instruction That Works with English Language Learners, available in your school’s professional library. • If you have questions related to this presentation, please contact: Matt Walsh – Director of Curriculum and Professional Development MWalsh@brownsburg.k12.in.us Kelly Sumner – High School ENL teacher KSumner@brownsburg.k12.in.us Casey Sutton – Middle School ENL teacher CSutton@brownsburg.k12.in.us Adam Guthrie – Elementary School ENL teacher AGuthrie@brownsburg.k12.in.us Lauren Davis – Elementary School ENL assistant laurendavis@brownsburg.k12.in.us

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