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Concept, activities 2004/2005 and possibilities

Concept, activities 2004/2005 and possibilities. Raminta Stuikyte CEE-HRN, Harm Reduction Knowledge Hub. Knowledge Hubs’ initiative. Context: Increased financial resources for AIDS in countries (GF, WB,…) Knowledge hubs: regional mechanisms for regional and national capacity building

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Concept, activities 2004/2005 and possibilities

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  1. Concept, activities 2004/2005 and possibilities Raminta Stuikyte CEE-HRN, Harm Reduction Knowledge Hub

  2. Knowledge Hubs’ initiative • Context: Increased financial resources for AIDS in countries (GF, WB,…) • Knowledge hubs: regional mechanisms for regional and national capacity building • Eastern Europe, Central Asia • 2003-2005 • WHO-EURO / German agency GTZ Back up initiative

  3. Areas • Second generation surveillance • Behavioural surveillance • Surveillance of sexually transmitted infections • Biological/Sero-surveillance • Surveillance in hard to reach populations • HIV/AIDS treatment and care • ART for adults and adolescents (incl ART for pregnant women, TB/HIV) • ART for newborns and children • Palliative care • HIV/AIDS nursing • Psychosocial aspects of treatment and care • Prevention of mother to child transmission • Clinic administration and management • Special courses developed upon request • Harm reduction (HIV prevention among injecting drug users)

  4. Harm Reduction Knowledge Hub • Aim:to support the development of local and regional technical capacities to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV/AIDS preventive policies and approaches targeted at injecting drug users (IDUs) • Synergize existing various capacity building initiatives and • Establish quality standards for capacity building in the region

  5. Hub Consortium OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTEInternational Harm Reduction Development

  6. Activities TRAINING DELIVERY Continuation of training delivery Piloting training tools Certified trainings upon request Adopting/Developing training tools Translation/ certification Dissemination via web, CD TRAINING TOOLS Maintaining expert/trainers DB Training of trainers upon request TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NETWORKING, INFO DISSEM Networking Website

  7. Training tools (manuals) • Standard quality tools (using existing expertise, existing training tools) in English and Russian • Nine topics • Harm reduction principles and approaches • Project management and evaluation • HIV treatment for injecting drug users • Outreach and peer work • Needle and syringe programming • Substitution drug treatment • Harm reduction in prisons • Advocacy • Sex work • Template: manual on one topic (outreach and peer education) already developed by WHO

  8. Training manuals (cont’d) • Training template - manual • training plan (incl agenda, sessions description), and • tools (presentations, hand-outs, evaluation forms etc) • additional information (sources, articles) • Based on regional and international expertise • Using existing materials • Russian/English • For public use • Certification by the beginning of 2006

  9. Training manuals by topics • Harm reduction principles and approaches • Draft: Elena Kucheruk (Ukraine) • Review: Yury Sarankov (Ukraine), Seva Lee (Russia) • Project management and evaluation • Draft: Nataliya Kitsenko (Ukraine) • Review: Larissa Badrieva (Russia), Anya Sarang (Russia), Lali Khotenashvili (WHO) • Outreach and peer work • By WHO experts (lead expert Dave Burrows)

  10. Training manuals by topics • Needle and syringe programming • Draft: Anatolyi Volyk, Andrey Protopopov (Ukraine) • Review: Tatsiana Seamionava (Belarus), Andrey Khrapal, Nadia Pylypchuk (Ukraine) • Substitution drug treatment • Draft: Emilis Subata, Rita Kriksciukaityte (Lithuania) • Review: Leonid Vlasenko (Ukraine), Tychtynbek Asanov (Kyrgyzstan) • Advocacy • Draft: Sergei Kostin (Ukraine), Sacha Tsekhanovitch (Russia) • Review: Andrey Tolopilo (Ukraine), Dasha Ocheret (Russia)

  11. Training manuals by topics • Harm reduction in prisons • Draft: Raushan Abdildaeva (Kyrgyzstan) • Review: Dmitry Rechnov (Russia), Vadim Demchenko (Kazakhstan) • Sex work • Draft: Tatiana Vanenkova (Ukraine); last part Igor Vassilenko (Kazakhstan) • Review: Gulnara Kurmanova (Kyrgyzstan), Vera Dite (Kazakhstan), Irina Eramova (WHO) • HIV treatment for injecting drug users • Draft: Mauro Guarinieri (Italy), Konstantin Lezhentsev (Hungary/Ukraine), Dasha Ocheret (Russia) • Review: Dmitry Donchuk (Russia/Ukraine), Vera Kobzeva (Russia), Richard Steen (WHO), Martin Donoghoe (WHO)

  12. Trainings • Trainings earlier provided through joint CEE-HRN / IHRD program • Now trainings upon request • With Russian Harm Reduction Network – ARV4IDU Dec 2005, Training on DU community Aug2005 • Main target group: harm reduction service providers and advocates • 9 main training modules proposed • Training programs featured upon request

  13. Training offered through the Hub: scheme Service menu Content, methodology Negotiations / request from contractor Trainers Participants Logistics, host orgz Funding

  14. Technical assistance • Training of trainers; • Larger training in Jun 2005 in Kiev • Upon request training for trainers for Azerbaijan experts through the GF • Maintaining databases of experts and trainers • Following the requests – • suggesting experts • finding information materials and linkages to resources • assistance in planning trainings • specific requests: • Study visit on harm reduction and drug treatment of Malaysian delegation to Lithuania from WHO-WPRO (April 16-18, Vilnius, Lithuania) • Request for high level mission from Uzbekistan to good practice legislation country • Request to bring community expert to speak on methadone and community role in drug users’ rights (Irina Skriabina to Central Asian community conference in Bishkek)

  15. Networking/information dissemination • Using CEE-HRN networking tools • CEE-HRN listservs (ceehrn@yahoogroups.com, ceehrnrus@yahoogroups.com) and using its electronic services, etc • Website: • Reports from trainings • Existing tools from CEEHRN (incl substitution treatment guidelines, overview of substitution medication prices, library) • Training manuals to be published (after certification process)

  16. Challenges • Many training and capacity building initiatives, especially in the “GF countries” • There is no quality culture in harm reduction in the region (including for capacity building) • Many people are regarded to be expert trainers • Time to move for business driven approach in capacity building? • General small funding for harm reduction services and low appreciation of harm reduction • Low capacity of the Hub (very little funding and high tasks)

  17. Contacts • info@ceehrn.org • www.ceehrn.org

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