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Noise Management System in urban areas Life+2008 H.U.S.H. project

Torino, 26-27 september 2011. Noise Management System in urban areas Life+2008 H.U.S.H. project. Raffaella Bellomini - Vie En.Ro.Se. Ingegneria S.r.l., Florence, Italy Francesco Borchi – DMTI – University of Florence, Italy. The H.U.S.H. project

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Noise Management System in urban areas Life+2008 H.U.S.H. project

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  1. Torino, 26-27 september 2011 Noise Management System in urban areas Life+2008 H.U.S.H. project Raffaella Bellomini - Vie En.Ro.Se. Ingegneria S.r.l., Florence, Italy Francesco Borchi – DMTI – University of Florence, Italy

  2. The H.U.S.H. project (Harmonization of Urban noise reduction Strategies for Homogeneous action plans) moves from the evidence that harmonization of noise action planning methods is needed not only in Italy but also in all the European countries where a former Legislation about noise planning was present at the moment of END Directive adoption. The general objective is… harmonization of national noise management standards with European Directive 49/2002 to obtain homogeneous noise Action Plans Among specific objectives… to define a new system (procedures and database) for action planning and to test it in two pilot cases (both of them in the city of Florence)

  3. H armonization of U rban noise reduction S trategies for H omogeneous action plans Coordinating Beneficiary: Comune di Firenze Associated Beneficiaries: Vie En.Ro.Se. Ingegneria, Firenze Università di Firenze, DMTI – Dipartimento di Meccanica e Tecnologie Industriali ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency of Tuscany Region) ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)

  4. 2010 Coordinating Actions. Data Collection in the City of Florence. Proposal of Pilot Areas. (Action 1) COMUNE FIRENZE Data Collection of Databases used for Action Planning in IT and EU Cities (Action 2) UNIFI-DMTI Detection and Classification of Normative Conflicts between National and European Noise Laws (Action 3) ISPRA Detection and Classification of Normative Conflicts between Regional and National Noise Laws (Action 4) ARPAT Data Collection of Noise Reduction Measures for Urban Areas (Action 5) VIE EN.RO.SE. Dissemination (Action 19) COMUNE FIRENZE Monitoring (Action 20) COMUNE FIRENZE Project Management (Action 21) COMUNE FIRENZE Technical Project Management (Action 22) VIE EN.RO.SE. Methodological Solutions for Normative Conflicts (Action 6) ISPRA Analysis of Strategic Interventions (Action 11) ISPRA Feasibility Study of Methodological Solutions and System Design. Pilot Case Selection and Data Acquisition Criteria. (Action 7) UNIFI-DMTI Acquisition of Acoustic and Non-Acoustic Data in the Ante-Operam Scenario (Actions 8 and 10) ARPAT and COMUNE FIRENZE System Validation and Optimization in the Florence case Study (Action 16) UNIFI-DMTI Acoustic and Civil Design of Noise Reduction Measures (Action 9) VIE EN.RO.SE. 2011 In Progress Control (Action 13) VIE EN.RO.SE. Execution of Interventions (Action 12) COMUNE FIRENZE 2012 Acquisition of Acoustic and Non-Acoustic Data in the Post-Operam Scenario (actions 15 and 14) ARPAT and COMUNE FIRENZE Proposals for Revision of Regional Legislation (Action 18) ARPAT Proposal for Revision of Italian Legislation and END Directive. Definition of Guidelines. (Action 17) ISPRA

  5. Actions 1-7: resultsNormative and technical solutions are carried out referring to the following items:A – Hotspots A.1 – noise parameters and noise limits A.2 – noise limits in multisource scenarios A.3 – Hotspots criticality index definitionB – Quiet Areas B.1 – acoustic and non-acoustic parameters B.2 - noise limits and sub-areas definitionB.3 – Quiet Areas criticality index definitionC – Noise Management System for urban areas C.1 – definition of intervention areas C.2 – criticality index for intervention areas C.3 – designing step C.4 – priority index of intervention

  6. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence • The collection of subjective data has been directly used by designers, without reducing the level of originality and creativity of the children, taking care of selecting the most appropriate materials and solutions and taking into account the regulatory constraints for school buildings. The project for the garden of the school combines noise mitigation goals with the needs emerged in subjective survey. • At the end, this project involved: • - the building of a non intrusive barrier, for reducing noise in a visually pleasant way, well integrated with the space and, above all, enjoyed by the children during playtime; • - the provision of games with educational purposes; • a wooden mobile amphitheatre to give lesson in the garden. • The location of different functions is closely related to the noise climate sub-areas of the garden.

  7. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Selection of materials – integration of the barrier with games

  8. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Placement of OPEN THEATRE Selction of the best acoustic area

  9. LEGENDA HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence Selection of colours for the flooring

  10. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence WORK IN PROGRESS During the realization of the proposed interventions some problems arose: the first one is the presence of on other yard in the same areas for the adjustment of the heating in the school. The second problem is linked to the realization of a structure on the existent wall where it must be realized the noise barrier, due to the presence of unexpected underground piping. Another structural solution has been proposed by the Technical PM in accordance with Coordinating Beneficiary and Yard Supervisor. However such problems are solved in real-time, since the technical PM and the supervisor directly monitor major activities

  11. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence WORK IN PROGRESS

  12. HUSH PROJECT: Don Minzoni school in Florence WORK IN PROGRESS

  13. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence The area of Brozzi-Quaracchi includes the historical quarters of Brozzi and Quaracchi, in the north-west of Florence. The area is delimited by two major roads: Via Pratese and Via Pistoiese Road. This is an area with high density of population and presence of a community deeply rooted in its territory. Noise annoyance to the population, is mainly caused by the flow of vehicles crossing the area between the two main roads using local streets rather than the road system outside the quarter.

  14. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Traffic studies

  15. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence

  16. Zona 30 HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence

  17. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence area 2 area 1 Sensitive receivers area 3 3 5 Asilo “Il Gomitolo” 4 2 area 4 facoltà di Agraria area 5 Scuola Media Paolo Uccello 1

  18. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Green Acoustic Barrier – area verde n.1 via Pistoiese

  19. HUSH PROJECT: area Brozzi-Quaracchi in Florence Multisensorial Path

  20. First Announcement 24 January 2012 Salone de’ Dugento – Palazzo Vecchio Firenze Workshop A point on noise urban planning and quiet areas management: the experience of H.U.S.H. and QUADMAP projects

  21. Thanks for your attention Thanks also to European Commission that contributed to this project considering and co-financing it into the LIFE+2008 Financial Programme. www.hush-project.eu

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