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SENIORS… Why is inspiration important? Why should Christians believe in and defend the inspiration of the Scriptures?. SENIORS… Thursday start-up In your Tribond pray over the theme in your life. “Fall into His story.”. THIS WEEK IN SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY.
SENIORS… Why is inspiration important? Why should Christians believe in and defend the inspiration of the Scriptures?
SENIORS… Thursday start-up In your Tribond pray over the theme in your life. “Fall into His story.”
THIS WEEK IN SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Books of the Bible quiz- Wed, Nov 27th Bibliology Project due- Fri, Dec 13th
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Inspiration: (Latin inspirare, “to breathe upon or into something”) God oversees the human authors of Scripture, using their own personalities and writing styles, to write what He intended without error in the original autographs
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by Godand profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE inspired by God qeopneustoj qeoj(theos) pneustoj(pneustos) “the breath of God” (Scripture is the only thing that is said to be “God-breathed”)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE 2 Peter 1:20-21 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE moved by the Holy Spirit feromenoi(pheromenoi) to carry, guide, or drive along (used of a ship being carried by the wind- Acts 27:17)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Verbal plenary inspiration: Verbal- The words of Scripture are inspired, not just the teachings (2 Sam. 23:2, 1 Cor. 2:13)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Verbal plenary inspiration: Plenary (“plenus” = full)- Everything in Scripture is inspired, not just the areas of “faith and practice” (Ps. 119:160, Matt. 5:17-18)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE Verbal plenary inspiration means all the words of Scripture are inspired by God
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Verbal, plenary inspiration: • allows for imperfect authors • allows for authors of Scripture to write non-inspired works • extends to subject areas outside theology
SENIORS… What are some possible ways a person could misrepresent or misunderstand the inspiration of Scripture?
SENIORS… Thursday start-up In your Tribond pray over the theme in your life. “Fall into His story.”
SENIORS… Thursday start-up In your Tribond pray over the theme in your life. “Fall into His story.”
THIS WEEK IN SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Books of the Bible quiz- Wed, Nov 27th Bibliology Project due- Fri, Dec 13th
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Inadequate theories of inspiration: • Natural- The authors were extremely gifted writers who used their natural abilities to write Scripture • (100% man)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Inadequate theories of inspiration: • Illumination- The Holy Spirit influenced the authors to write above their normal ability • (90% man, 10% God)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Inadequate theories of inspiration: • Partial- Scripture is inspired only in areas of “faith and practice” • Areas of history and science are irrelevant to God’s purpose • (50% man, 50% God)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Inadequate theories of inspiration: • Degree- All Scripture is inspired, but some passages are more inspired than others • (90 % God, 10% man)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Inadequate theories of inspiration: • Dictation- God simply used the hand of man to passively write His words (“whispered” into the author’s ears) • (100% God)
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE All Man Some of Man Some of God All God Natural Illumination Partial Degree Dictation
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE All Man Some of Man Some of God All God Natural Illumination Partial Degree Dictation 100% God 100% Man Verbal, Plenary
SENIORS… With your Tribonds… Review the five theories of inspiration discussed in class and why each is inadequate
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Biblical evidence: • Uniqueness of the text • The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written by 40+ authors, on 3 continents, in 3 languages, spanning 1,500 years
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Biblical evidence: It has been translated into more languages than any other document, book, or writing
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Biblical evidence: Because of its claim for divine inspiration, its message, and its unparalleled popularity, the Bible has also been attacked more than any other piece of literature
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Biblical evidence: Despite these attacks, the Bible remains the best-selling book of all time
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Biblical evidence: • Honesty in reporting events • The Bible records many failures of its heroes (it often shows them in their worst moments)
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION For example… Adam and Eve disobeyed, Noah got drunk, Abraham was a bigamist, Lot committed incest, Jacob deceived, Moses became angry, the Israelites whined (a lot), David murdered, and Solomon worshiped idols
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION For example… Abraham doubted, Sarah doubted, Nicodemus doubted, John the Baptist doubted, Thomas doubted, Peter denied, the apostles abandoned Christ in fear, Paul was persecuted, and John worshiped an angel
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION For example… In addition, the most faithful are seen as suffering the most (Job and Lazarus), while the wicked are seen as prospering (the rich man)
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Biblical evidence: The Bible records details that seem irrelevant and not likely to be fabricated John 20:1-8
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Biblical evidence: The Bible records teachings that are confusing or awkward
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Many key phrases or concepts are inherently ambiguous • Matthew 16:19 • 1 Corinthians 15:29
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Many doctrines seem to present a paradox, creating tremendous tension: the Trinity, Christ being both God and man, predestination and free will, etc…
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Nobody ever seems to fully understand what is going on • Only through progressive revelation does the reader even understand the fuller message of God’s plan
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Biblical evidence: • No real motive for fabrication • The apostles, as well as most early Christians, were persecuted for their beliefs- • the actual writing of these beliefs would have brought further rejection and possible death
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Extra-biblical evidence: • Preservation of the text • The Bible is the most well attested book in all of ancient history, with more manuscript copies in existence than any other work
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Extra-biblical evidence: • Archeological discoveries • When there has been doubt concerning events in the Bible, later archeological and historical finds have proved the Scriptures to be historically accurate
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Extra-biblical evidence: • Examples: • existence of the Hittites • crossing of the Red Sea • the date of the census in Luke • the reign of Quirinius
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Extra-biblical evidence: • Affirmation from non-biblical authors • 39 outside sources attest to more than 100 facts regarding the life and teachings of Jesus- many of these sources were historians who did not believe in Jesus Christ
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Extra-biblical evidence: • Lack of factual opposition • Since the entire Gospel was both spoken and written in close proximity to the events themselves, many people could have brought forth evidence demonstrating the accounts were not true
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION Extra-biblical evidence: However, no oneproduced anything that would lead historians to believe that the accounts were fabricated
SENIORS… With your Tribond… Review the evidence that points to the Bible being inspired by God- What is the strongest evidence? What is the weakest?
INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE • Questions: • What does it mean that the Bible is “inspired”? • How did inspiration occur? • What are the competing views of inspiration and how are they inadequate?
DEMONSTRATING INSPIRATION • Questions: • Is there any evidence for inspiration within Scripture (does it authenticate itself)? • Is there any evidence for inspiration outside of Scripture?