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Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Graduate Student Orientation. Words of inspiration…. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~ Aristotle Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~ Confucius
Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Graduate Student Orientation
Words of inspiration… • The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~Aristotle • Wherever you go, go with all your heart. ~Confucius • Of course there's a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors don't take much away, so knowledge sort of accumulates. ~A. Lawrence Lowell • The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. ~Newton D. Baker
Words of inspiration… You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~Dr. Seuss
Words of inspiration… You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
Dr. Christopher Janelle 132C Florida Gym 392-0584 x1270 cjanelle@hhp.ufl.edu Mrs. Tracy Townsend 100 Florida Gym 392-0584 x1275 tracyatownsend@hhp.ufl.edu Contact Information: APK Graduate Student Liaison: Ms. Torrie Higgins 132D Florida Gym thiggins@hhp.ufl.edu
Graduate Student Orientation slides available at: http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/apk/graduate/orientation.ppt
GENERAL INFORMATION • Your department mailbox is located in 100A FLG • Please keep your local mailing address current with the University Registrar’s office at 222 Criser Hall or through the web at: www.isis.ufl.edu • Set up your GatorLink account through the web at: www.gatorlink.ufl.edu
Who is My Advisor? • What is my Classification? • Your advisor…
A professor is someone who talks in someone else's sleep. ~W.H. Auden
Who is My Advisor? • What is my Classification? • Your advisor… • 7HH = MS student with < 30 hours • 8HH = MS student with > 30 hours / PhD student before candidacy • 9HH = PhD candidate • HH = Health and Human Performance (college) APK = Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (department)
CURRICULUM INFORMATION • The Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology offers two graduate degrees: • M.S. - Master of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (thesis/non-thesis) • Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy • Areas of concentration offered • Biobehavioral Science • Exercise Physiology • Areas of specialization offered • Athletic Training/Sports Medicine (M.S. & Ph.D.) • Biomechanics (M.S. & Ph.D.) • Exercise Physiology (M.S. & Ph.D.) • Motor Learning/Control (M.S. & Ph.D) • Exercise & Performance Psychology (M.S. & Ph.D.) • Clinical Exercise Physiology (M.S. only) • Human Performance (M.S. only)
Ph.D. PROGRAM INFORMATION • Requires 90 hours (30 can be transferred from another institution with committee’s approval; 36 from UF). • Minors consist of 12 hours outside APK. See Tracy for more info. • Qualifying exam (written and oral) are taken no earlier than 3 semesters into your program. Once you pass your qualifying exam, you will be admitted to candidacy. Options vary by EP and BBS concentrations. • Dissertation requires an oral defense. All committee members must be present at your defense. • After your first 30 hours of course work, you must complete 30 hours on the University of Florida campus. • All dissertations must be submitted electronically.
M.S. THESIS PROGRAM INFORMATION • Plan for thesis defense between the third and ninth week of classes during term of intended graduation. • Requires a minimum of 30 credit hours (24 credits of course work and 6 credits of thesis). • Must register for at least 3 credit hours of PET 6971 in your graduating semester (2 hours during the summer term). • All committee members must be present at your defense. • All theses must be submitted electronically.
M.S. NON-THESIS PROGRAM INFORMATION • Requires a minimum of 30 credit hours; however, your concentration may require additional credit hours • You and your advisor/committee will outline your plan of study. • Must register for at least 3 credit hours during your graduating semester (2 credit hours during the summer term); • Fall and Spring comprehensive exams (comps) are administered Monday and Tuesday of the 14th week of your final term. Summer comprehensive exams are arranged between you and your supervisory committee. • If you will be interning your final semester, with the approval of your advisor, you can take your comps the semester prior to your internship.
REGISTRATION • Register for a minimum of 3 credit hours each semester (2 in Summer). However, we encourage full-time student enrollment! • Those with assistantships must register for 9 hours in the Fall and Spring semesters (3-6 in Summer). • You must maintain a 3.0 GPA to keep your assistantship and continue in the graduate program. • All incomplete grades must be made up by the third week of the term following receipt of the "I" grade.
FLORIDA RESIDENCY • Students with out-of-state status must initiate the process to be classified as a Florida resident. • Failure to obtain residency by the following academic year may jeopardize your chances of obtaining future tuition waivers. • When you apply, give Tracy a copy of your application and supporting documents for your file.
GENERAL INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE Complete and return the General Information Questionnaire to 100 FLG by the 3rd week of classes.
SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE FORM Master’s students must complete and submit to Tracy by the end of 1st semester. A minimum of 2 faculty members for non-thesis option and 3 faculty members for thesis option must agree to serve (at least 2 from within our department). Doctoral students must submit by the last week of second semester and must have a minimum of 4 members, including one external member (from the minor department).
TRANSFER OF CREDIT FORM During 1st semester, complete the Transfer of Graduate Courses form if any previous hours are to be transferred into program. Return it to Tracy Townsend, for processing.
GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM CONTRACT (for independent study, supervised research, practicum and internships) Complete the Graduate Degree Program Contract form with committee’s assistance. Return form with appropriate signatures to Tracy Townsend, for filing as soon as possible.
PROGRAM OF STUDY, GRADES, AND CREDIT Complete the Program of Study, Grades, and Credits form with committee’s assistance. Return form with appropriate signatures to Tracy Townsend, 100 FLG.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATION Complete this form for comprehensive exams or thesis/ dissertation proposal and defense (at least ten working days in advance) and return to Tracy Townsend.
FINAL APPROVAL FOR RESEARCH PROPOSAL FOR THESIS/DISSERTATION: See Tracy, 100 FLG, before your proposal defense, to receive the this form. Upon signed approval by your committee return the form to Tracy.
THESIS/DISSERTATION STUDENTS: • Your Final Exam Form, Publishing Agreement, and Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Signature page will be available the morning of your defense. • Return signed forms to Tracy. Tracy will submit these forms electronically to ETD. • A pdf copy should be sent to Tracy after Final Submission has been made to ETD.
NON-THESIS STUDENTS: • One week after your comprehensive exams, obtain your Final Examination form from Tracy and circulate to your committee for signatures. Return the form to Tracy. She will submit the form electronically to Graduate School. • Complete the profile of position after graduation survey and program evaluation form and submit to Tracy, 100 FLG.
INTERNSHIP INFORMATION • All internships require the completion and submission of a departmental internship application packet. You are also required to show proof of liability insurance and CPR certification that is current throughout your entire internship. An application from the intern site cannot replace the APK intern application. • The application packet is due in 100 FLG, by the established deadline date, the semester prior to your internship. If you do not submit your application by this date, you will not be allowed to intern. • You can obtain an application packet from the web at: • http://hhp.ufl.edu/apk/acad/grad/InternshipApplication.php
FINAL TERM REMINDERS • Be enrolled for a minimum of 3 semester hours (2 hours summer term) during your final term. If you are a thesis student, these hours must be PET 6971. • File Degree Application with Registrar’s Office, S222 Criser, by the deadline date. • During pre-registration or first week of classes of final term, have a graduation check completed by the Graduate School to ensure compliance with GPA requirements for graduation, as well as hours required in major. • Work with Tracy to remove any remaining “I”, or “J” grades from records. • Follow the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) guidelines found at: http://gradschool.rgp.ufl.edu/etd/
The Top Ten Lies Told by Graduate Students -- taken from the Harvard Crimson 10. It doesn't bother me at all that my college roommate is making $80,000 a year on Wall Street. 9. I'd be delighted to proofread your book/chapter/article. 8. My work has a lot of practical importance. 7. I would never date an undergraduate. 6. Your latest article was so inspiring. 5. I turned down a lot of great job offers to come here. 4. I just have one more book to read and then I'll start writing. 3. The department is giving me so much support. 2. My job prospects look really good. 1. No really, I'll be out of here in only two more years.
KEEP IN TOUCH! We want to hear from you. Please keep us informed of your current address and employment information. Send an email to: APKalumni@hhp.ufl.edu
Graduate Student Orientation slides available at: http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/apk/graduate/orientation.ppt
The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions. ~Bishop Mandell Creighton The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder. ~Ralph W. Sockman