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S.S. 1st Nine Week Study Guide page 2 Define AND use the following words in a sentence:

S.S. 1st Nine Week Study Guide page 2 Define AND use the following words in a sentence: 12. Cardinal directions – definition - four principle directions of north, south, east and west on a compass

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S.S. 1st Nine Week Study Guide page 2 Define AND use the following words in a sentence:

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  1. S.S. 1st Nine Week Study Guide page 2 • Define AND use the following words in a sentence: • 12. Cardinal directions – definition - four principle directions of north, south, east and west on a compass • Sentence - A compass rose should have the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west. • 13. Confirm – definition - to acknowledge with definite assurance. • Sentence - I had to confirm my identity at the check-in counter at the airport. • Coordinated – definition - to place or arrange in proper order or position • Sentence - It was a coordinated team effort that won us the basketball game. • 15. Deliberately – definition - carefully weighed or considered; intentional • Sentence - My mom hates when I deliberately disobey her. • 16. Exemplify – definition - to show or illustrate by example • Sentence - The brave men and women of our armed forces exemplify true bravery and patriotism. • 17. Globe – definition - a sphere on which is depicted a map of the earth. • Sentence - I have two globes in my classroom.

  2. 18. Geography - definition - the study of earth’s landforms and physical features Sentence – The geography of the mountain range is steep, dry and cold. 19. Fund – definition - a supply of money for some purpose Sentence - I always put a little money away for my son’s college fund. 20. Inscribe – definition - to write, print, mark or engrave with words or characters Sentence - I will have the winners name inscribed on the trophy. 21. Mutiny – definition - rebellion against an authority Sentence - The Captain of the ship must be willing to listen to his crew or he may face mutiny. Plunged – definition - to thrust forcibly or suddenly into something Sentence - The temperature plunged overnight just like the weatherman predicted. Region – definition - an indefinite part of the earth’s land or sea surface Sentence - Mississippi is in the southeast region of the United States. 24. Revolt – definition - to break away from or rise against authority by rebelling Sentence - The students revolted against the dress code policy set by the school board. 25. Unveiled – definition - to reveal or disclose by removing a covering Sentence - They will unveil the monument in Washington, D.C. today.

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