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Traffic Simulation Model Theory and Application Basics of Traffic Simulation

Traffic Simulation Model Theory and Application Basics of Traffic Simulation. Course Instructors: Mark Hallenbeck, Director, UW TRAC Tony Woody, P.E., CH2M HILL Offered By: UW TRANSPEED xxxxx, 2008. What is Transportation Analysis?.

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Traffic Simulation Model Theory and Application Basics of Traffic Simulation

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  1. Traffic Simulation Model Theory and ApplicationBasics of Traffic Simulation Course Instructors:Mark Hallenbeck, Director, UW TRACTony Woody, P.E., CH2M HILLOffered By:UW TRANSPEEDxxxxx, 2008

  2. What is Transportation Analysis? • Traffic Analysis Quantifies Results for Decision Making Purposes • Traffic Analysis Identifies Impacts to the Transportation System • Many Type of Analysis can be conducted • Long Range Planning • Mid-Range Planning • Operational Analysis

  3. What is Transportation Modeling? • “Analysis of Transportation Systems and Facilities using abstract networks that are based on mathematical and statistical functions and formulas.” • Purpose: To replicate “real-life” behavior as best as possible to help make decisions on design, operational, and demand management strategies. • Very Broad term – Can encompass all types of analysis • Traffic Forecasting  Can be Simple or Complex • Operational Analysis  Can be Simple or Complex

  4. Overview of Transportation Modeling • An Imperfect Science • Relies on Algorithms, Judgment, Field Data, and “Human Element” • Models Categorized by Scale: • Macro • Meso • Micro • Models Categorized by Purpose • Optimization Tools • Traffic Operational Performance (Stochastic, Deterministic) • Travel Forecasting Models

  5. Types of Analysis Tools • Sketch Planning Tools • Easy, Less Detailed • Travel Demand Modeling • Demand Modeling – Typically Long-Range and Broad in Scope • Operational Analysis • Deterministic Models (i.e. Synchro, HCM) • Simulation Models (i.e. VISSIM, CORSIM)

  6. Some Notes on Analysis Tools • Each Tool has its purpose • Each Project is different and may use all or some combination of the tools • Each Tool has differences: • Data Requirements • Complexity & Level of Detail Required • Size and Function • Training/Experience Required • Time/Resource Commitments • Different Outputs

  7. Travel Demand Models • What they are: • Macro Level Analysis • Node-Link • Applications of Travel Demand Models • Long-Range Impacts on System • Demand on Transportation Facilities

  8. Traffic Operational Models • What they are: • Detailed analysis of traffic flows and vehicles • Typically are Link-Node or Link-Connector structure • Applications of Operational Models • Quantify Facility Operations (Intersections, Freeways, Transit Systems) • Focused Analysis • Two Sub-Groups of Operational Models • Deterministic Models (Based on Equations) • Simulation Models (Based on Stochastic Processes)

  9. Traffic Operational Models: Deterministic • Equation and Empirical Data Based • Same Inputs = Same Outputs • Does not Require Multiple Runs • Isolated Analysis • Typically Quick to Build but Data Intensive • Common Models: HCM, Synchro, Sidra

  10. Traffic Operational Models:Stochastic Simulation • Stochastic Based (Distributions for Inputs) • System-Wide Analysis • Very Data Intensive • Complex Driver Behavior Characteristrics

  11. What Microscopic Traffic Simulation is: • Based on probability and stochastic processes • A System Wide Analysis over Time and Space • A model that includes Driver Behavior Characteristics • A tool that models individual vehicles • A tool that can have visual Representation w/3D • A tool that can be integrated with other types of models • Able to model complex signal control systems • A model that requires more work than your average model!

  12. What a Microscopic Traffic Simulation is not: • Not an Optimization Tool • Not an Demand Estimation Tool • Not an HCM based Analysis Tool • Not just an Visualization tool (not jut pretty pictures) • Not a deterministic Analysis Method (Like HCM, Synchro, Sidra)

  13. Signal Optimization & Assignment Models • Signal Optimization Models • Used to Optimize Splits, Phasing, Offsets, Cycle Lengths • Typical: Transyt-7F, Synchro, PASSER, Signal 2000, HCS + • Assignment Models/Methods • Simulation Dynamic Assignment • Travel Demand Modeling Assignment

  14. Software Packages vs. Types of Models • Often, Software incorporates many types of models into one • A variety of applications can be incorporates into one model • Oftentimes software vendors develop there own standards/algorithms • Important to understand the intricacies of the software programs and their relationship to the theory. (When to use, How to use, what are they considered, etc.)

  15. Popular Software Packages

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