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Two-Factor ANOVA. Outline. Basic logic of a two-factor ANOVA Recognizing and interpreting main & interaction effects F-ratios How to compute & interpret a two-way ANOVA Assumptions Extension of Factorial ANOVA. Factorial Designs. Move beyond the one-way ANOVA to designs that have 2+ IVs
Outline • Basic logic of a two-factor ANOVA • Recognizing and interpreting main & interaction effects • F-ratios • How to compute & interpret a two-way ANOVA • Assumptions • Extension of Factorial ANOVA
Factorial Designs • Move beyond the one-way ANOVA to designs that have 2+ IVs • The variables can have unique effects or can combine with other variables to have a combined effect
Why Should We Use a Factorial Design? • We can examine the influence that each factor by itself has on a behaviour, as well as the influence that combining these factors has on the behaviour • Can be efficient and cost-effective
Interpretation of Factorial Designs Two Kinds of Information: • Main effect of an IV • Effect that one IV has independently of the effect of the other IV • Design with 2 IVs, there are 2 main effects (one for each IV): • Main Effect of Factor A (1st IV): Overall difference among the levels of A collapsing across the levels of B. • Main Effect of Factor B (2nd IV): Overall difference among the levels of B collapsing across the levels of A.
Interpretation of Factorial Designs Two Kinds of Information: • Interaction • Represent how independent variables work together to influence behavior • The relationship between one factor and the DV change with, or depends on, the level of the other factor that is present • The influence of changing one factor is NOT the same for each level of the other factor
Two-Way ANOVA F= variance between groups variance within groups • In a 2-way ANOVA, there are 3 F-ratios: • Main effect for Factor A • Main effect for Factor B • Interaction A x B
Guidelines for the Analysis of a Factorial Design • First determine whether the interaction between the independent variables is statistically significant. • If the interaction is statistically significant, identify the source of the interaction by examining the simple main effects • Main effects should be interpreted cautiously whenever an interaction is present in an experiment • Then examine whether the main effects of each independent variable are statistically significant.
Analysis of Main Effects • When a statistically significant main effect has only 2 levels, the nature of the relationship is determined in the same manner as for the independent samples t-test • When a main effect has 3 or more levels, the nature of the relationship is determined using a Tukey HSD test
Effect Size • Three different values of ŋ2 are computed • ŋ2 for Factor A = SSA_______ SStotal – SSB - SSAxB • ŋ2 for Factor B = SSB_______ SStotal – SSA - SSAxB • ŋ2 for Factor AxB = SSAxB______ SStotal – SSA - SSB
Assumptions • The observations within each sample must be independent • DV is measured on an interval or ratio scale • The populations from which the samples are selected have must have equal variances • The populations for which the samples are selected must be normally distributed
Calculating 2 Factor Between Subjects Design ANOVA by hand • Influence of a specific hormone on eating behaviour • IV (A): Gender • Males • Females • IV (B): Drug Dose • No drug • Small dose • Large dose • DV: Eating consumption over a 48-hour period
The Data …. Factor B – Amount of drug 1 6 1 1 1 7 7 11 4 6 3 1 1 6 4 Factor A - Gender 0 3 7 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 3
Homogeneity of variance = s2 largest = s2 smallest • Satisfied or violated???
Step 1: State the Hypotheses • Main Effect for Factor A • Main Effect for Factor B
Step 1: State the Hypotheses • Interaction between dosage & gender
Step 2: Compute df Double Check: dftotal= dfbetween + dfwithin
Step 3: Determine F-critical • Use the F distribution table F Critical (df effect, df within) • Using = .05
Step 4: Calculate SS SSTOTAL = 2 – G2 N
Step 4: Calculate SS SSBETWEEN Tx = T2 – G2 nN
Step 4: Calculate SS SSWITHIN TX = SS inside each treatment
SS for Factor A SS A = Trow2 – G2 nrowN
SS for Factor B SS B = TColumn2 – G2 nColumnN
Step 5: Calculate MS for Factor A MSA = SSA dfA
Step 5: Calculate MS for Factor B MSB = SSB dfB
Step 5: Calculate MS for Interaction MSAxB = SSAxB dfAxB
Step 5: Calculate MS Within Treatments MSwithin = SSwithin dfwithin
Extension of Factorial ANOVA • 1 factor is between subject & 1 factor is within subject • e.g.: pre-post-control design • All subjects are given a pre-test and a post-test • Participants divided into two groups • Experimental group vs. control group
2 x 3 mixed design Group Time Therapy Control Before After 3 mos. after Within-Subjects Between-Subjects