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Winnisquam Regional School District 4/16/14 STEM RECAP Gateway/MOS Lakes Region Cohort WRSD growing STEM Team… Shannon Kruger, Alex Saltmarsh, Brenda Lawrence, Stella Flack, Diane Tandy, Donna Anderson, Dr. Pamela Miller, David Lambert, Maria Pearson, Peter Howard. 2013-2014 WRSD STEM Highlights.
Winnisquam Regional School District4/16/14 STEM RECAPGateway/MOS Lakes Region CohortWRSD growing STEM Team…Shannon Kruger, Alex Saltmarsh, Brenda Lawrence, Stella Flack, Diane Tandy, Donna Anderson, Dr. Pamela Miller, David Lambert, Maria Pearson, Peter Howard
2013-2014 WRSD STEM Highlights • The majority of WRSD students, K-12 have now had exposure to STEM lessons. • All WRSD staff have had at least one STEM presentation and they have all had the opportunity to give input via a survey to identify what they know about STEM and what they need to bring it to their classroom. • “STEM Friday” is now a practice in several elementary classrooms. Stella Flack and Donna Anderson have led the way and serve as “go to” people at the elementary level. • As of 4/7/14, the majority of the goals in the WRSD STEM Action Plan have been met!
2013-2014 WRSD STEM Highlights Continued… • WRHS has continued to participate in the NH Bridge Building Competition. • Project based assessments are being combined with STEM in Math, Science, and Technology Education classes and examples can be found K-12. • Several WRMS staff members have gone to visit other schools to learn how they are incorporating STEM into their classes. • WRMS has now offered several STEM options through enrichment activities and expanded science and technology curriculum as a result of teacher collaboration and growing STEM team members. • STEM has the support of all district Administration and there is ongoing work regarding funding and leadership stipends.
A STEM photo was chosen for the cover of our District Annual Report – Great PR for STEM out in our three communities !
2013-2014 RECAPSTEM, CCSS, FOCUS Schools, Focus Monitoring Schools, New Administration and Interim Administration, Had no Teacher Contract, Less Time and More to do, Curriculum Shifts, No money budgeted for STEM activities, BUT…With strong support systems such as Gateway, we are getting it done for our students. THANK YOU NANCY and YVONNE!