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There is a lot of hype and noise today around social media in terms of what presence you need. Do the number of” likes” you have on Facebook matter? How many followers do you have on Twitter? Should you be using Pinterest, Quora or other tools? Learn how these tools can help your business- nonprofit partnership strategy. This session will cover how to enable your strategy by using the most relevant social media tools to meet your business needs. It will focus on how to build a community, make connections, promote your story and CSR activities. This session also looks at how to integrate your online and offline activities to build a thriving connected community. <br>http://www.business4better.org/conference/breakout-sessions.php?session_id=14
h"p://infospce.ischool.syr.edu/author/chelseadebaise/ Key trends, challenges, opportuni4es, partnerships Ayelet Baron [ayeletb] Ins4gator, Speaker, Author, Coach
Kenya Na4onal Youth Summit About Me
… But people don’t change as fast Source: h"p://pandasthumb.org/archives/2006/09/fun-‐with-‐homini-‐1.html
Pre 1990: People are not connected 1990: Connec4ng people to informa4on 2000: Connec4ng people to people
The New Consumers are smarter, more empowered, and more demanding than previous genera4ons
92% trust recommenda4ons from friends and family above all other forms of adver4sing, up 18% since 2007 47% trust television, down 24% since 2009 70% trust online consumer reviews, up 15% since 2008 We trust strangers
We are the first genera4on to work in a truly networked world
#1 –“Common sense is not so common.” – Voltaire
Your business strategy and social tools: What are you leading with?
OH: “Are you connected with us on every social pla`orm?”
Relationships Authentic Mobile Agile Transparent h"p://switchandshiB.com/wp-‐content/uploads/2013/02/ connected700x300.jpg #3 – Social is two-‐way: The rela4onship is no longer linear
#4 –Set your own rules. Focus on abundance. Break down the silos.
#5 – Live your purpose and mission: effec4veness is the gap between words and ac4ons
OH at Wisdom 2.0: 25% of organiza4ons in the US have a medita4on room. é Mindfulness and meaning to deal with ê ê in trust
#6 – Greater transparency through shared experiences “Businesses are no longer the creator of a brand; it is now co-‐created by consumers through shared experiences and defined by the results of online searches and conversa4ons … social media has increased the power of the consumer.”
#7 – It’s ALL about rela4onships – how are your stories connec4ng?
#8 – Social media tools enable your strategy Commitment Curve: How people change behavior at work and life
#9 – We have yet to experience the power of communi4es: The new consumers feel disconnected and alienated. They seek a stronger sense of community and belonging. How does your tribe engage?
#10 – If you have a device and connec4vity, you have a voice. If you have a voice, you have a choice.
YOUTH “Knowledge is beder than food”
paulisakson.com Think small
Let’s Connect! Ayelet Baron http://ayeletbaron.com http://twitter.com/ayeletb http://slideshare.net/ayeletb http://linkedin/in/ayeletbaron ayelet27@gmail.com Contributor